* Posts by sparklyboots

3 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Nov 2019

In a world of infosec rockstars, shutting down sexual harassment is hard work for victims


Re: Not victim blaming, oh no.

See I don't get this. Why would anyone lie about this? What's their motivation? They're gonna trash their reputation if they're found to be lying. This is just willful blindness and victim blaming. Yes it's happened, like 0000.5% of the time.

I've been harassed. In my 20's I worked in a computer room, had to call the on call VP in to make a decision about a solaris machine, per protocol.

He said "oh now everything seems fine, you fixed it" and slapped me on the butt, so hard it hurt the next day. Not like a pat, like assault.

My first thought was "UGH, now I HAVE to do something, wtf why did you do that dude!?" Whatever HIS problem was, was now my problem, that's the most annoying part. Plus that sh*t hurt.

It was found that 4 women complained about him before then when company policy was 3 strikes your out, but he was a VP. They investigated.

All my AMAZING male coworkers (and female, they said he said stuff to them) spoke up too when they investigated internally. He was heard yelling when he got fired "Do you know who I AM?!" . He had 4 daughters... weird.

tl;dr: Women don't *ask* for it. I dressed in jeans and tshirts, fyi. lol (like that should even be a question but just saying)


Tech lady here, thankfully most men are absolutely wonderful.


Re: I wanted to say

At least you care, that's more than most. The best anyone can do is to say something when they see it happening, for good men and women to protect others. :)