Re: An app or 2?
Seriously? I think I had three.
1032 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Sep 2007
Of course last quarter was down, it was a two year old product. But I'm regularly going to the largest mall in the US, the Apple store is packed, the Watch table is mobbed, and I see people packing the shopping crowds and a LOT of them are wearing Apple watches.
Seriously, old products don't sell. We know that. And the original Apple watch was a very unfinished product. I own one and and even I admit it didn't really get good till Watch OS 3.
We ordered our Apple watch 2s last week, and all Apple can tell us is we will have them before Christmas. They are constantly out of stock of the Sport model and they sell as fast as they hit the store, they are nearly constantly out of the 42mm models, and usually only the higher end models are in stock. and I like the ceramic one sure, but I'm not paying laptop prices for it.
@ Yamas You lot have been saying that since day one. We like our Apple stuff because its well made and reliable, and it has incredible customer service.
The Fanboys are the ones defending Window's stream of epic fails as proof of its innate superiority, and angry geeks telling us this year is the year of the Linux desktop, FOR REAL this time!
The people buying things that are badly made, (Microsoft) (Delll) or the ones pushing the things the general public does not care about at all, even if it IS functional (Linux), and telling us "Stop liking your Apple stuff dammit!! We TOLD you! Its trendy garbage! STOP LIKING IT! WAHHH!" These people are the real fanboys.
They can buy kit that falls apart, and software that is incredibly unfit for use, and then pat each other on the back and go, All least its not (cr)Apple! Those sheep! They need to use what we all use so they can be individuals too! And pat themselves on the back for their largely imaginary sense of superiority and entitlement. This should fix my recent trend of thumbs up.
These people are living proof that Stockholm Syndrome is not limited to kidnap victims.
The only thing keeping me from the newest 3DS is my lack of $200 I can spare right now. They have great games, but $40 for a handheld game is just too much in a market where simple games are $1 to $2, and big content us usually $10.
That and the fact you just can't charge the same $40 for downloaded games when the same games cost $40 in their hardware cartridge versions. There is no impetus to spend as much for a game that is only there as long as Nintendo feels like providing it.
I have three Macs, an iPhone, and an iPad and I was done with it in less than an hour. A lot of the music I want just is not THERE! The first five albums I wanted, music I listened to every day. Nowhere, not a chance.
As well as the fact that its classifications are incredibly vague. I was hoping for a way sort by genre, I wanted a select for prog rock, and a select for 70's music. That is all. But what do I get? In the setup, I get rock, and classic rock. Because Gene Vincent and Devo are apparently the same thing. Come on! Satellite radio did a better job! This is just insulting.
RUMOR is the new iPods are going to come with smaller capacity to encourage streaming. If that happens with the iPhone. This is one Apple stalwart who is going Android. Now that some higher end Android phones have OSX support its starting to look like an attractive alternative. As much as I've mocked Android phones for needing anti-virus, I'd rather have that than be locked into a media store I can't escape.
"It's a description by someone who doesn't know (or can't be bothered to know [cough]Quentin Tarantion[/cough]) that there was a difference between the German people as a whole and the Nazi Party and its sympathisers."
Sadly my grandfather was an officer in WWII and "I" had to explain it to him.
The fact that my iPhone does not suffer from the platform fragmentation that is the curse of Android is a big bonus. My used phones at the end of their contract sell for top $$$. And my phone does not need an antivirus. Seriously? Anti virus on your phone? People do that?
I could care less about fashion, It works well, and holds its value. As to locked down, my Android powered Nvidia Shield had to be root kitted and have its boot-loader unlocked to be made useful. If that isn't locked down, I'd like to know what its.
@ZenCoder I agree completely, thankfully the local coffee chain does that for me. They roast their coffee in house and grind it every day. Once I had their cold press, there was no going back.
I understand the convenience of the pod coffee, the better doctors have it in their waiting rooms. But I get a growler of top quality cold press every week, so I'm not the market for one of these cofeematics. Now if i could just figure out how to get a Goblin Teasmade working on American wall current.........
Again, said Tea Party cretins don't understand that without the constitution allowing for taxation for a real Navy, (as opposed to a navy consisting of largely commissioned commercial vessels) and a standing Army, the war of 1812 would have gone far differently, and not at all happily for us.
They are furiously angry that 3% of our budget is going to social aid. (Not including Social security which is paid by its beneficiaries) Yet they are blithely unconcerned with the fact that over 50% of the US budget goes to the Military and its support, a number not matched even by Russia or China.
They don't REALLY hate taxation as they don't seem to mind a bloated military industrial complex.
They hate gays, poor people, anybody darker than light tan, the disabled, and the elderly. And most of all anyone who is NOT an evangelical Christian.
But the tide is turning on them, people are finally starting to see them for what they really are. its why they are going so rabid just now. The latest polls show the "Tea Party" is finally more disliked in the US than atheists. And I have to admit, this makes me smile.
@ largefile Microsoft hating? Are you kidding? This place is full of Microsoft Fannbois. Its practically Redomond Love In. Try being an Apple fan here. Seriously, you guys can dish it out, but never can you take it.
Microsoft is moving forward alright, into the places Apple AND Android have been for years.