Anyone know if the mail client supports exchange hosted on bpos?
Does it support tethering?
130 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Feb 2007
The MagSafe predates the MBP... I've had a variety of its incarnations over the years and never had a single problem. The advice is fairly obvious: don't let your cat chew it, and don't leave it switched on permanently / unnecessarily. This is fairly solid advice for any electrical device.
Apple computers are far more advanced than generic PCs; it seems the same is not necessarily true of their users.
guaranteed there's some smug little git sitting in Cupertino chuckling heartily to himself knowing full well that adding this to the firmware would have iPhoneTards everywhere literally creaming themselves at the very prospect.
instead of "third-gen apple iphone in development?" this should have been titled "men like blowjobs?" for true Digg-style "this from the state the bleeding obvious" department.
The point is UAC was turned off through script silently, so what's to stop some badware doing the same? You'd never know, whereas that's the exact opposite intention of UAC.
Anything with "an exception list" will always be vulnerable and this is the main problem with all Windows OS - even doing the 8 different versions of the same OS - it just causes problems.
(Cue flamebait) Which is why I love OSX.
I like it. As a result of quick ixquick of me, I found out that I signed the US declaration of independence. Never knew that.
Still, shit name for it though. "I'm just gonna ixquick that" doesn't have the same ring. I can't imagine Obama saying "I use the ixquick all the time".
Although it looks good, I just don't see it catching on.
I don't mind the wiki - it's useful for a quick reference. A lot of the tech / physics stuff is usually (in my experience) completely wrong, or so badly written that it's not helpful. It is worrying to think so many people will take it as being the gospel, helping to spread the misinformation.
But $6m dollars a year to run it? Really? Admittedly I didn't read their full break down (apparently I have to donate online in order to receive it or something) but does it really cost that much? How much of that is Jimbo's salary?
And frankly, I think most people have gotten so used to seeing adverts (and the likes of AdBlock Plus are so effective) that I wouldn't mind a few ads if it stops the "please help us!" messages that permanently plaster the site.
... may I offer my utmost contrafibularities to El Reg for their continued diversification of the English vernacular.
Twatdangle indeed. (In fact, through typo, I just verbed it - "to twatdangle" - "Good day honey? No, I got twatdangled by that twunt in marketing."
Chesticles is an "epic win".
Bearing in mind that Gmail is essentially a webmail service, that you are likely to check from a web cafe or work 'puter which is probably locked down, how useful is this if you have to install something?
I find it almost as pointless as Microsoft's message on MSN Webmessenger that says "Install Windows Live! Messenger now!" - don't they realise that if I could do that then I would and I have to use webmessnger out of necessity, not out of choice!?
Does anyone have a slot-loading disc drive that would actually accept a CD being hammered in to it the way Lucas North did? All the ones I've ever had (including the one in my car, and the ones on my various Macs) would have a right fit if I did that.
(I was also amused to see an Archos 605 the previous week being used to scan for mobile phones. Unless of course that's a (paid-for) plugin that Archos haven't released to the general public.)
My immediate reaction is "what a load of cobblers!" but I suppose in reality it wouldn't be so hard, considering that pretty much everything is run by a handful of top level entities... switch them off and I guess things would go pop for a while.
I'd like to know, however, which trigger happy civil servant has his hand hovering over the big red button, though. And whether or not there'd be an Independence Day / Armageddon launch procedure with the word coming from Gordon Brown... bunch of SAS storm in to the "Internet control building", clutching metal briefcases, request the use of some poor soul's "station", all that double key must be turned at the same time nonsense...
I agree... can someone refresh my memory why Google got flak for not indexing certain controversial things? We/you/one may not agree with a certain country's policies, but they are their policies and it's for the wider political community to decide how to deal with them, not Google's.
In my mind, it's akin to going on holiday to Mexico and insisting on speaking English and eating fish & chips. If you don't like the culture/policies/whatever of a certain country... don't go there!?
Well, OK, I'll wait to be corrected. Every other Samsung phone I've owned, as well as the iPhone, doesn't let you set a custom message alert... and I mean doing it out of the box, not having to jailbreak it or the equivalent, whereas Nokia and Sony Ericsson (in my experience) have allowed it for as many phones as I've had from them...
Yeh there is - buy a Mac. And I'm not being flippant, when I was considering making the switch a few years back I just bought a Mac Mini (£350 ish at the time) reckoning I could experiment with OSx and if I didn't like it just Linux it or similar.
(Turns out I loved OSx and I've been a complete convert ever since.)
I can understand people doing this sort of stuff, as an experiment more than anything else, and 10 years ago I might have done it myself, but I dunno, nowadays I'm less interested in hacking about with stuff, I just want my stuff to work... and you defo get that with Mac, so I don't mind paying slightly through the nose for it.
(IYAM Apple has the right business model in only supporting approved hardware that they know will work properly, which is arguably the biggest problem Windows/Vista had - trying to support billions of different components, each requiring drivers etc. etc.)
Oh FFS... fine, I should have been more explicit. Normal implementation of solar panel technology incorporates the a) solar panel and b) something to store the electric in. Like I said - I didn't want to state the bleeding obvious, whereas you poor saps seem to need it spelled out in every last detail. If you actually thought that Sharp would consider building a TV that required it to be sunny, then it's time you stepped away from the 'puter and went outside for a while.
So Google buys a billion of them and bombards you with adverts everywhere you go. Well, I guess that's already pretty much true.
Having said that, I hate Bluetwats, so I might buy a beacon and record a message to that effect for anyone who walks past my house.
Kudos for trying to develop stuff for disabled people but this idea is far too sketchy for my liking (the commercial angle is too blatant). In fact, I don't see the point of the bluetooth beacon thingy. Lots of new phones nowadays have GPS on board, why not just have the same data georeferenced and as you wander about, you get told when there is some nearby info for you.
(Hmm. Wait. I didn't say that. I might go off and design that. Where's the lightbulb icon when you need it?)
... this being a direct example of the way in which consumers are constantly ripped off by the big manufacturers. My rough calculations indicate the cost per unit is 3.30, Game were paying around 11 for them, and would have sold them for (depending on spec) about 15. That's a 450% ish markup.
Full marks for the Ghostbuster's reference, but why does El Reg insist on being so bloody cynical about absolutely everything?
I'm no physisisisisicist working on (possibly literally) ground-breaking new research (as tediously reminded to me on a daily basis as I drift in to my job) but it's nonetheless quite exciting what these bearded chaps are up to.
Or maybe it's just the thought that they might implode the very fabric of our existence and put me out of my misery.
Well done that man. Went down quicker than a sack of shit. Or Amir Khan.
RE: Fist-happy Liam - if you watch closely, he only gets his macho act on after the security guards have secured the unidentified assailant and then does his "Yeh yeh yeh, I'm gonna twat you mate eh, yeh?" routine when there's actually little chance of him getting a punch in. If he was truly hard he wouldn't have nutted the bloke of the stage before security arrived.
Whatever the ration / % of downtime, it doesn't appear to factor in loss of business / earnings.
@AC re: Linux. I suggest you check your sarcasm detector, seems like it's on the fritz.
As for Fasthosts, I've never used them for hosting but I do use UKREG (a Fasthosts company) for all my domains, and they've been flawless.
Presumably Bush & Co. could laugh off that whole pesky WMD mess because they'd played too much Desert Strike?
@Alan - you make an interesting point, because I must admit, I do get a perverse amount of pleasure in sitting on the roof of a building with a sniper rifle and picking of random people and trying to evade the cops for as long as poss. I like to indulge the fantasy BUT the distinction is that it's a fantasy and I know it, and when I go outside with the real people, I leave the sniper rifle at home*. Although do I have to sometimes remind myself that I can't drive on the wrongside of the road and randomly crash in to people and just scarper.
I'm perfectly well adjusted in real life and to me, the game is just some fun. I'm with all the people who thinks it bloody ridiculous to ban games 'cos one nutjob couldn't handle the fun (because you don't see all the millions of people who managed to buy GTA4 and NOT go on a rampage in the news) but I would be interested to see a proper psychological assessment of the effect of these games on people 'cos I think some people won't be able to maintain their grasp on the boundary with reality. But then I also think those sorts of people aren't going to blame it on the game, because they probably wouldn't realise.
But for anyone considering it, please, before finding out whether stealing cars or ramraiding lines of harry krishnas is really as easy, please find out whether jumping off a building or getting run over by a rubbish truck really results in waking up in hospital apparently injury-less.
I figure El Reg will have to take on extra staff just to cover the volume of people queueing up to laugh at Apple lusers.
But I agree with Matt above (great name btw) that if you're really that much of a fuckwit to follow a link from an email prompting you to enter billing details AND don't notice that the URL is totally bogus, then you're a moron.
I'm an Apple user and my life is far less stress free after making the switch a couple of years ago, but that's not to say I just tossed away all common sense when I became Stevie's latest bitch.
I was all set - indeed waiting - for the new iPhone to become available where I am, mainly due to the perceived simplicity of having just one more Apple toy that would play nicely with my other Apple toys (he says, writing this on a MBP.)
But this stinks. My phone, I bought it, let me do with it what I will.
You reckon your average iPod-sporting Basshunter-alistening audion00b is really going to care about dynamic range compression? Bearing in mind most people nab their music from <insert P2P client of choice> where you'll be lucky to get 128kb*, it seems a little harsh to single out Apple as the real culprit.
(Mine's the one with the iPod shuffle clipped to the lapel.)
* Let the flames begin.
"No single form of energy generation is without enviromental impact on some level, but using Wave Power especially in locations where we are already trying to limit waves would be about as negligible as possible, and regardless of where we do it a damn sight more enviromentally friendly than digging up thousands of tonnes of coal and throwing it in fires."
You're the idiot. I don't know why you're even commenting, let alone berating someone else, who actually raised sensible questions that must be answered. You've obviously never heard of the term "Environmental Impact Assessment".
Next time why not post only if you actually have something to contribute, even if it's just a willy joke or questionable Paris Hilton angle, which is preferable to spouting off on a subject you clearly have no clue about. Go get your coat.