Re: One C, one R
Yes, 500-3500 Hz on POTS worked OK-ish for decades because you have redundancy in speech as well as (usually) context to help you resolve ambiguities. Add in background noise, and the redundancy degrades, and so does the resulting accuracy of interpretation. Hence the need for Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo.......
The range above 3500 Hz is useful for resolving direction, as well as being less prone to corruption by reverberation, and so helps separate out competing sources. As for the remaining range up to 20 kHz bit, true for music, dog whistles, and mosquito tones, but there is negligible energy above 11 kHz, in even high-quality recorded speech.
........ speaks a person too old to hear above 10 kHz these days.
A wadge of cotton wool over the microphone would serve as a reasonable low-pass filter for speech.