* Posts by Clinker

5 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Oct 2019

'Business folk often don't understand what developers do...' Twilio boss on the chasm that holds companies back


Re: However I wonder why...

I think this familiar design for designers pattern has much simpler underpinnings. It's the default pattern that comes from how we're taught, how specifications are written and how all of us try to simplify the real world with abstraction.

The only consistent cure is to keep the customer in the design conversation at every stage of product planning, implementation and rollout. That is easy to say and, without a Bezos, is difficult to accomplish. And why? Because it's complicated!

Starlink's latent China crisis could spark a whole new world of warcraft


Wonderful Writing

"It's not just the countryside where you find hedges."

This line made my morning! Thanks!

The sooner AI stops trying to mimic human intelligence, the better – as there isn't any


A wonderful Friday article! Thank you Mr Dabbs!

QUIC! IETF sets November deadline for last comments on TCP-killer spawned by Google and Cloudflare


Simply Fewer RTT's for Browsing

The problem of slow-to-load web pages became acute when everyone began using https (TLS encryption) for the majority of web pages. Negotiation of TCP, then key exchange for TLS meant 4-5 Round Trip Times (RTTs) before any web-page data was downloaded. The same transaction using QUIC requires only one RTT*.

There are many other changes from TCP, some have been mentioned above. Perhaps one of the most significant changes is that the QUIC protocol runs from user-space, unlike TCP which belongs to the kernel (root). This also reduces the time it takes to put pixels on the screen by reducing memory transactions.

QUIC improves life for Google, obviously; but this is perhaps one of the cases where what's good for Google is good for us too! ;-)

*Zero RTT is possible with reuse of previously used TLS keys, thus removing key-negotiation; see TLS 1.3; there can be man-in-the-middle risks.

We're free in 3... 2... 1! Amazon unhooks its last Oracle database, nothing breaks and life goes on

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Re: Is Amazon Unstoppable?

Thanks for the link. Readers beware, it's a looong read.