* Posts by tobs

5 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Oct 2019

The GNOME Project is closing all its mailing lists


"gamification which newer generations, in general, appreciate"

I never got it. To me these kind of elements always scan as some kind of dopamine triggering trick to keep people engaged for the sake of feeding ads/buying attention, etc.

Likes on Facebook, points on stack overflow, pokes on bebo... All the same waffle.

Engineers on the brink of extinction threaten entire tech ecosystems


Past EE grad here

I graduated from electronics engineering in Ireland around a decade ago. Possibly a function of the industry here specifically, but the jobs available to me as a masters graduate paid barely enough to cover rent, and usually had zero benefits (any that did have benefits, they were minimal at best).

The type of jobs this piece imagines are the ones that every EE hopes for but only a small handful are ever hired for, there just aren't that many positions available.

It's not all about money, but working what's effectively a dead end job for sweet FA is not an attractive proposition in any industry.

Lightweight VS Code is only getting heftier with addition of official web server extension


Re: Lightweight?

The C/C++ extension is not great.

I appreciate that people have put hard work into it... But it feels like it's just a half-hearted port of something from another IDE that already had its own bugs. The community for the extensions doesn't exactly move very fast either, so fixing things is hard.

On config side though, every IDE does things differently. Provided you're using an JDE at all, there's always some config to be done. At least having it as JSON means it's easy to parse and store.

I don't understand a lot of the comments here comparing to Eclipse ... My experience of Eclipse is of start up times in the range of several minutes. VSCode is ready to go in a second or two.

It's happened: AWS signs Memorandum of Understanding for fluffy white services with UK.gov


Re: The cloud server locations will be in the EU to meet GDPR, right?

Does it even matter if it's located in EU or UK? As a US service, I'm sure the US intermigence services will still hoover up the data with ease and retrospective FISA orders.

Just let us have Huawei and get on with 5G, UK mobe networks tell MPs


Telco-speak translation

> "Britain should hold its nose on the thorny Huawei security issue and instead concentrate on the large number of varying (but invariably positive) economic growth predictions for countries with mature 5G deployments."

Translation: Huawei are cheaper which will allow telcos to ream customers even more than currently, while not caring one iota about how that cheapness is achieved.

> "the "small" size of the British 5G market meant the UK would have limited ability to "counter adversarial dominance in global standard setting bodies and fora". This, it claimed, would see British telcos being left "unable, or unwilling, to refuse deployment in UK markets and infrastructure" of equipment that doesn’t meet British security standards."

But adding one more multi-national, dominant company to the mix will somehow make all the difference and everything will suddenly be unicorns and rainbows for the telcos...