One word
3 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Sep 2007
Recently, I started evaluating Linux distros. I liked what I saw. You can be part of a Microsoft domain, have Office products that look like and function like MS Office and get a much better performance. OpenSuse is my favorite and it is free. Since I do not play computer games I really do not need Vista and I do not support the arrogant manner Microsoft is pushing their weight around (Steve Balmer). In the beginning there was no big Microsoft but a lot of consultants that made Microsoft what it is today. But gratitude is not a Microsoft feature anymore, rather than a monopoly of the arrogance that bakes political strategies into the product (DRM) instead of focusing a relational file system. They still think they can get away with it. Until they come to their senses, I use Linux.
Surprise! Steve Jobs is like any other person in the business for the money and for himself. The touch of power works like a love potion, I have been told. With so many things he pulled, I watch carefully. I got myself a T-Wing with a touch screen. Yes I can dial from the display and yes it may not look so stylishly rounded, clean and polished, but it works great. The i-mania goes back to hype not new technologies, but Jobs cashes in.