After a less than sucessful attempt at unaided flight I smashed three vertabrae and got signed off for 6 months. This has demonstrated a number if things
1) The Dell Precision built in keyboard is awful.
2) Unaided humans fly about as well as bricks
3) A UHF marine antenna cannot support the wieght of an average middle aged human male
I cannot afford to not work for that long, but I can arrange for manual things to be someone elses issue. You don't realise how much you use core muscles sitting down until you try and do it with a proper spinal injury so I decided that in the interests of being able to walk on Saturdy I'll go for a 4 day week and take weds off. Surprisingly this is actually a really good compromise. I am definiately finding the time I am in the office more productive that pre injury because there's no middle of the week "why am I doing this?" and I'm fresh for the four days I am there and way more focused. I think a perm 3 day weekend would slowly turn Monday into a hellish waste of time, most IT people know Monday morning is all the stuipid built up over the weekend being vented and the chanced of a Monday being useful in any customer facing role is slim.
Traditionally if I *had* to go on site I'd use Thursday for this but I really am debating moving it to Weds and making it a "if no on site then day off" arrangement. I know a LOT of retail shops in smaller shopping areas generally do a Thursday off to retain a 5 day weekend.