No one could have predicted this!
Well, no one who believes the "AI" hype, anyway.
7 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Sep 2019
Yes, you can memory map the Optane DIMM storage into memory. In fact that's the only way to get direct access without time penalties.
The good news is that both Linux and Windows do this very well. Even if you are running a Hyper-V Linux virtual machine you get direct access to the underlying storage.
First of all, a lot of people here are confusing the Optane SSD, which of course has an SSD interface, with Optane DIMMs, which were the truly revolutionary advance.
The SSD was very fast for an SSD, around 5-10 microseconds per access, but obviously that is several orders of magnitude slower than RAM and can be accessed only in pages of 4k.
The Optane DIMM was a different animal entirely, even though the underlying medium was the same phase-change storage in both cases.
Optane DIMMs have read access times on the order of 150 nanoseconds, not too much slower than DRAM if we are talking about enormous amounts of data where the page tables have to be traversed to figure out the physical address.
The use case I'm referring to is a gigantic hash table. I'm currently working on building a trillion record hash table occupying 8 TB of Optane DIMM storage, with the ability to read millions of random records a second, all on one machine. Of course it is also persistent, so you can build it once and process it with whatever programs you want later.
This isn't possible with any other commercial technology.
C++ is not to blame for the fact that a lot of people are unable to write good C++ programs. It is certainly possible to do so, and it can provide performance that is unavailable in "safe" programming languages.
So if you aren't a very good programmer, maybe you should use another language... or learn to be a better programmer. But blaming C++ isn't going to help.