Good point, I should have added a 'IMO' there. DLY is a cracking read, agreed.
Posts by Nick Fisher
43 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Feb 2007
Scientists discover Tatooine-style world 200 lightyears off
The Cube: Apple's daftest, strangest romance
Apple iMac 27in
Mac OS X Lion debuts in July as $29.99 upgrade
Not quite
It's a 4Gb download. Unpleasant, yes, but you can install on it all machines which use the same AppleStore ID. Make a disk image on a DVD (or memory stick) for future use.
(and given that Apple rely on the honesty of its users with regards to OS installs - no licence code or serial number shenanigans here - you could probably install it on as many machines in your household as you care to)
I'm puzzled why your XTools d/l failed. You can break/resume Apple Store downloads ad infinitum.
Apple Mac OS X: A decade of Ten
Amazon: 'iPad LCD tablets no threat to Kindle'
John Lewis pitches 80-quid colour e-book reader
Ten Essential... 500GB Portable Hard Drives
Ten free apps to install on every new Mac
Monolingual - use with caution
Monolingual is a great way to save some disk space, but beware, it can completely break your Office suite. After using Monolingual, Word 2008 became extremely unstable for me (crashing every few minutes), and the Auto Update procedure ceased to work.
A Time Machine backup saved the day, at the cost of several hours productivity.
Google mocks Steve Jobs with Chrome-Flash merger
BBC ices launch of free iPhone news app
Tories ask: Why BBC3, BBC4?
BSkyB yanks more cash from HP's hide
Scenic overlook bolted onto ISS
Steve Jobs dubs Google's 'don't be evil' motto 'bulls**t'
Apple's 'latest creation' debuts January 27
'Plutonium pinch' nips NASA
Hackintosher's new line: Linux and T-shirts
Tories oppose charges and speed cameras
Apple's move to kill Hackintosher suit denied
"If I want to buy OS X and install it on my hardware, with the understanding that I get ZERO support from Apple, why shouldn't I be able to?"
Apple aren't stopping you doing this. Go ahead. They don't care.
What they DO care about (and what many posters here don't seem to get) is selling non-Apple hardware with OS X installed on it (or bundled with it). That's a big no-no.
Apple banishes Macs to old folks home
Send old Shuttles to Mars, says Scotty ashes prang man
Stephen Baxter
As Jeff pointed out above, this was the plot device in Baxter's 'Titan' novel (an excellent read btw, far better than his later stuff). In the novel, a crew of 5 took around 6 years to reach Titan in a one-way trip in shuttle hardware, prior to descending onto the moon itself in Apollo CMs. As you might expect, bad things happen on the way.
(Read 'Voyage' for his alternate history manned Mars mission)
In the ditch with DAB radio
Apple update purges 21 security vulns from OS X
Apple tells Mac users: Get anti-virus
Elgato EyeTV DTT Mac digital TV tuner
Judge dismisses Hackintosh maker's anti-Apple lawsuit
Of course Apple sells 'the full OS' in a retail box. Every shrink-wrapped OS release that I can recall from System 7 upwards could be installed on systemless bona fide Apple hardware.
I replaced the HD in my MacBook over the weekend, installing 10.5 from scratch from a Leopard retail DVD. No target disk mode, no slurping from a Time Machine, nothing.
Thrust SSC team to build 1000 mph 'Bloodhound' car
Apple tops customer satisfaction poll as rivals' ratings slide
Makes sense
I bought my first Mac back in 1991, and I've been using them ever since.
How many hardware problems have I had with them? Er, none.
Days lost due to dodgy software/OS upgrades? Zero.
Viruses and malware? Zilch.
As with everything in life, you get what you pay for.
Apple, reassuringly expensive since 1976.
Terry Pratchett donates £500k to Alzheimer's charity
Not being cynical here, just realistic.
£500k certainly is a lot of money, but it doesn't buy many postdoc lab years.
(I work at the bench in biomedical research myself and know very well how quickly grants get drained away, and how small a percentage actually goes to fund wet science and salaries).
Cassini to surf Enceladus's icy plumes
Steve Jobs unveils plans to dominate RIM BlackBerry, Life, the Universe, and Everything
Toshiba Portégé R500 slimline laptop
Apple ships Air
Lovely little device - have three on order for the lab here. Perfect as 2nd machines and mobile presentation/modelling/data-logging systems.
I fail to understand why people are getting so steamed about the lack of an RJ45 connector. What's the problem, worried about naughty wireless h4c|<z0rz?