* Posts by sijpkes

12 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2019

Alphabet, Apple, Dell, Tesla, Microsoft exploit child labor to mine cobalt for batteries, human-rights warriors claim


Re: One-eyed selectivity

Of course the lawyers would get publicity by taking on such a case, this is the side benefit and motivation of taking on a case like this. Isn't that obvious? The point still stands that this will give media attention to the issue of the cobalt supply chain.

Microsoft boffin inadvertently highlights .NET image woes by running C# on Windows 3.11


'Facts' are historically situated

This would be good an well if we were all born equal and on the same footing. The 'facts' say otherwise, the reason white men are in the firing line is because we have held the cards for a millenia. This is not hate, this is just looking at facts. People that are looking at the bigger picture are seeing this trend and just because some white men can't handle losing a little bit of power and share it around doesn't define it as hate. This is just the new reality for us white guys. We need to get used to it. This is far from bigotry this the great equalizer happening right now. In risk of labouring the point, the observation in the article is that these guys were all 40ish white men (like me), if it had been 20 something Asiatic men and Asiatics had dominated the planet for the past 800 years then this would have also been a valid point, however, this has not been the case. All commentary needs to be placed in historical context. We should just take criticism of white men like men and have a thick enough skin to not see every criticism as racial 'hate'. I recognise that, of course, we are all individuals and have different life experiences and that many white guys have had a tough time in their lives. This particular obervation of white men does not diminish this, it simply observes that those that are in power are dominantly white (and men).

LastPass stores passwords so securely, not even its users can access them


Re: With great responsibility

Yep, if any Register readers didn't know what Lastpass was, they do now.


Re: Seems a bit cheap

Weird, I'm not subscribed and my LastPass free account is still very active, I use it every day. Could be a regional thing?


Re: thisisnotmypasswordbutitturnsoutitisaverylongstringoftext

A good obsfucation method is to use each nth key to the right/left/above/below the actual letter you want. i.e.. Fido123 becomes Gofp234 (if using right 1) you can vary this to whatever suits.

If using a notebook, use mnemonics combined with the above for added security. Humans have great brains, we can still use 'em to great benefit.

Biz forked out $115k to tout 'Time AI' crypto at Black Hat. Now it sues organizers because hackers heckled it


Re: Openly and fairly...

Seriously what did they expect?

Everyone's wearing their black hat at Black Hat. And they never submitted their paper to a peer reviewed journal.

They may have avoided some ridicule if they'd gone through the peer review process first.

They've spent $115k on something they could have got done for free through the right channels.

I couldn't possibly tell you the computer's ID over the phone, I've been on A Course™


Re: He should be proud that of that guy

Nah. Nor that the US produces the most of the world's military grade weapons.



Re: He should be proud that of that guy

It's fantastic for the company that Mike left, clearly did not have the people skills required for the help desk job. Jaded box heads on help desks are, luckily, becoming a thing of the past.

Memo man Damore is back – with lawyers: Now Google sued for 'punishing' white men


Re: I am confused

Thanks for this insightful post, @h4rm0ny. I think you're onto something here. This explains why so many women are in tech in India, where women are expected to stay indoors and not engage in traditional male work.

Honestly, coding full-time as a job is arduous and anyone who is even slightly people-minded (including myself) would prefer to do something more people focused some of the time.


Re: I am confused

Which "prominent sociobiologists"? Which aspect of Sociobiology do they study? This is like the climate change deniers who say that their work is supported by 1000s of "Scientists" who happen to all be Engineers, Chemists, Physicists many of whom are Evangelical Christians who WANT the world to end plus have no actual qualifications in Climate Science, Ecological Science etc.

Did he have any Social Scientists, Sociologists, Political Scientists, Historians, Feminist Theorists back up his claims?


Re: I am confused

This is true for many workplaces, but is it right? People's work impacts on the world, why shouldn't they discuss the world when they are at work?


Re: I am confused

Reverse discrimination is a myth. Discrimination doesn't work like a bloody reverse proxy because it has to do with people! People are not pushed down a pipe like data is, and they are not homogeneous, like data is (at a base level).

Discrimination occurs when one dominant group colonizes a particular field, as what has happened in the tech industry. There is no evidence that White and East Asian men make better programmers, they just start on a higher rung of the ladder because they have obtained a foothold in Western society. In India many women are computer scientists and engineers, and good ones too, who work on a limited budget.

This overly simplistic thinking is why engineers and coders should all do Humanities degrees so that they can understand that humans are NOT numbers that are all born equal. They start at different positions and are situated in class, in history. Their identities are socially constructed. The types of rules that Damore sees as discrimination are simply trying to lessen the dominant voice (which tend to be white dudes like him) and give voice, and some power, to those that are equally qualified (evidenced by the fact they got jobs at Google). Google knows that a diverse work force will produce better products that are more palatable to more consumers. It's a sound business approach (not that I agree with their most recent changes to the code of conduct etc.) On top of this Damore's claims are not backed by ANY actual evidence.

Please read some history or take a sociology course online, White privilege is real and it is being eroded and that is a *good* thing. It is one step closer to, hopefully, an engagement with each other as Humans, not as men, women, whites, blacks etc. Humanness is the one important thing we all share.

NB: I am White, middle aged and I identify as a Man and a Father and a family mane. I have both a Sociology degree and a Computer Science Degree. I say this only so that you may understand that there are ordinary white male coders who disagree with you and that I'm not from some minority that you may be fearful of.