* Posts by Bite my finger

48 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Aug 2019

Beardy biologist's withering takedown of creationism fetches $564,500 at auction

Bite my finger

No it doesn't. That link is missing.

California’s Attorney General joins the long list of people who have had it with Facebook

Bite my finger

Re: How do they get away with not complying with legal orders

Um, John?

"I mean, it's unfortunate that this means employees will be caught in the middle, and sometimes they'll be fired and it won't be possible to prove why, but how else is crime going to be eradicated from the face of the Earth?"

BTW, I did not say they would go to jail. You put that word in my mouth.

Bite my finger

Re: How do they get away with not complying with legal orders

Yes, it is "unfortunate" that innocent people will necessarily suffer as a result of your suggested remedy for the presence of the less-ethical among us. Sure hope YOU aren't among them. ;-/

Bite my finger

So if it looks just like "foreign policy" but it's not called that, everything's cool? Looks to me like you want Trump to join you in YOUR fantasy world.

Controversies aren't Boeing away for aircraft maker amid claims of faulty oxygen systems and wobbling wings

Bite my finger

So the next time an Airbus crashes, I get to trash European Enterprise, because y'know, people died?

Bite my finger

So amusing. I was reading thru all the Boeing-bashing, wondering how much of it is due to Euro-centrism, then lo and behold, someone actually ascribes an Airbus issue to Boeing. So I'm guessing it's quite a lot.

Python overtakes Java to become second-most popular language on GitHub after JavaScript

Bite my finger

Re: Javascript

I still prefer calling it "Javascript," but whatever.

Oh chute. Two out of three ain't bad, right? asks Boeing after soft-ish crew module landing

Bite my finger

Re: Boeing lunar lander

No sound stage is that large.

Bite my finger

Re: Redundancy

The Boeing managers say yes. The people in the capsule say "WTF?!!"

Bite my finger

I'll take eight.

Satya 'Karma' Nadella ignored our complaints over pay gap, thousands of Microsoft women say

Bite my finger

"In short, she argued that Microsoft knew that there a big and persistent problem with women being paid less than men for the same job – even when the women were found to have out-performed their male colleagues – but didn’t take steps to figure out why and fix it."

If what she alleges actually exists, then it's an open and shut case since there are clear laws against that. But instead we are told about the outcomes instead, which could have many other reasons for existing.

This is the same outcome-based thinking that says the fact that blacks in the US have a higher incarceration rate than whites "proves" the legal system is racist and rigged.

In a world of infosec rockstars, shutting down sexual harassment is hard work for victims

Bite my finger

Re: Not victim blaming, oh no.

And you aren't assuming the "victim" is ALWAYS in the right.

Cubans launching sonic attacks on US embassy? Not what we're hearing, say medical boffins

Bite my finger

Re: It didn't stop the Trump administration reimposing sanctions and a travel ban

For decades the Russians have been friends with the Left, but that's not "us." Now suddenly the Left is calling the Russians nogoodniks, obviously because Hillary and then the rest of the Democrats tried to connect Trump to them in a treasonous way.

It was easy for them to abandon their old friends now, since the Russians gave up communism a while back.

Bite my finger

Re: opportunity missed

Oh dear, looks like they got him with their brown note projector...

Bite my finger

Re: It didn't stop the Trump administration reimposing sanctions and a travel ban

I don't know. I'd take the mass hysteria over your conspiracy theory. You seem kinda biased and unreliable.

Bite my finger

Re: Tinnitus

Cicadas ARE a sonic weapon. A few hours of exposure to that sound in a jail-like enclosure might easily cause the more delicately balanced among us to succumb to thoughts of assault by hidden enemies. Even fears of Voodoo would not be unthinkable.

Bite my finger

Re: Mass hysteria. I'd say that this is what is happening in the Orange Goon's head

> "Also, didn't I read something recently about other scientists describing the symptoms as coming from some air borne common pathogen?"

I'd guess you threw in that ordinary question to come off less like the fanatic partisan hater you appear to be.

Astroboffins rethink black hole theory after spotting tiny example with its own star buddy

Bite my finger

> "...there is no reason why would the neutron start stop accreting when it turned into a black hole."

How about, "It ran out of accretable material."

Republican senators shoot down a triple whammy of proposed election security laws

Bite my finger


Yes I've wondered, and I have researched it too. Sure enough, the US is not as far left as Europe. And it's not just me that thinks so. Ph we have our festering pockets of liberalism, typically decaying cities run by Democrats.

If you want to blame me for the difference, I shant stop you. Don't agree tho.

Bite my finger


So, the Republicans do all the cheating, and the Democrats block Voter ID to help them cheat...?

Your logic seems to have a gaping hole in it. I'd get that looked at if I were you.

Bite my finger

Re: The slippery slope is in progress.

No, I think it's a reference to the Democrat Congress and the Democrat media machine. Co-equal too.

Bite my finger

Re: The slippery slope is in progress.

Bright orange? Haven't seen any politicians with that particular colour. Try power cycling your telly.

Bite my finger


Um, do the Welsh actually need mermaids and dragons? And separately or mixed?

Bite my finger

Re: (But we don't allow political adverts on TV).

It's easy to say "Turn it off," but we all know that's not going to be possible for many. Those poor SOB's have little else in life, if you can call that "living."

My "TV" is the view I get hiking across beautiful places found only out of doors. No ads out there!

Well, there is the occasional billboard, but I have plans for those... >:-)

Bite my finger


> "When did this become a partisan politic outlet, anyway - a very one sided one."

Actually the Reg is LESS partisan-left than it was a year ago, if you can believe it. Still pretty far left, but that's typical for anything coming from Britain or Europe. Part of the territory.

It was getting so ugly last year, that I guess the money people realized the politics was getting in the way of revenue. Would help if they sacked one or two of their contributors from San Francisco. Those folks make the Brits look like Margret Thatcher.

Bite my finger


I agree as well. The Democrat Party is dead set against the one thing that would really help with vote fiddling of all kinds: Voter ID.

The fact that they use the race card to oppose Voter ID, with no evidence that it harms anyone but cheaters, kinda indicates what they're up to.

Huawei with you! FCC's American Pai proposes rip-and-replace of scary Chinese comms kit

Bite my finger

Re: Shop Local

You forgot to make a case for your assertions.

Bite my finger

Re: Shop Local

China does buy a lot of US bonds, yes, but I fail to see why that should entitle them to be the preferred supplier for US Government purchases. There's an old saying that covers this:

When you owe a man ten dollars, It's your problem.

When you owe him ten million dollars, it's HIS problem.

Bite my finger

Okay, fine, but we don't really care what you do for fun.

FYI, we're now in the timeline where Facebook decides who is and isn't a politician on its 2bn-plus-person network

Bite my finger

Biased much?

"But those efforts have been met with disdain and mockery, particularly an attempt to justify the inclusion of right-wing bait-box Breitbart as a “trusted source” of news."

We get it Kieren, You consider all conservative thought to be illegitimate. Just so you know, we on the right consider the WAPO and the NYT to be Democrat house organs. Yet they are somehow treated as if they were unbiased, while news outlets that don't go along with the leftist mantra are "bait boxes."

Why does the Reg continue to publish this person's one-sided opinions?

Linux kernel is getting more reliable, says Linus Torvalds. Plus: What do you need to do to be him?

Bite my finger

Re: Global Operating Devices Chatter ...... on NEUKlearer HyperRadioProACTive IT

"And/Or is it Advanced IntelAIgent Systems Penetrations Testing with AI Trojans/Remote Access Titans?"

Any algorithm tasked with simulating human lack of sanity had better be pretty damned IntelAIgent.

Time to check who left their database open and leaked 7.5m customer records: Hi there, Adobe Creative Cloud!

Bite my finger

Re: Only amateurs use cloud editing software

> "...we are so seriously frickin doomed..."

You mean you didn't already know that?!

Bite my finger

What price Photoshop?

I kicked Adobe to the curb as soon as I got a belly full of their then-new pay-for-play system. Never been sorry since, and this data-breach story gives me a warm glow of smug satisfaction. Won't save me from all the other breaches tho, oy...

What's the scoop with Mars InSight's mired mole? It's digging again, thanks to trowel trickery

Bite my finger

It would be nice to see a pure science story involving another world without having some fanatic gratuitously inject Earthly partisan politics anyway.

Remember the Democratic National Committee email leak? Same hackers now targeting EU countries, say malware boffins

Bite my finger

Re: Narrative, tick

No, they are much more plausible than the DNC withholding the supposedly "hacked" computer from the FBI while hiring a private company to do that same "investigation." Sure enough, the well-paid-for verdict from Crowdstrike was that yes, it was those rascally Russians wut done it. Oh, and we must just take their word for it, since the Federal Bureau of Investigation was frozen out by the DNC.

Funny, that...

Tinfoil-hat search engine DuckDuckGo gifts more options, dark theme and other toys for the 0.43%

Bite my finger

Re: Go

I've tried DDG. Might be okay in some areas, but I've got work to do in IT and I search all day long. With DDG I get frustrated trying to reach the info I need. With google it's usually done in moments. This keeps happening.

I really dislike Google, but their tech results are far better. Sorry DDG.

Some assembly required as Dream Chaser mini-shuttle's empty husk arrives in Colorado

Bite my finger

Not necessarily. I imagine the Grays might like a means of ingress that doesn't involve hillbillies with shotguns.

Remember the millions of fake net neutrality comments? They weren't as kosher as the FCC made out

Bite my finger

Re: why is it always

The Electronic Frontier Foundation was caught gaming the system in favor of NN. And that was just the ones that got caught. I mean, there wasn't really any Buzzfeed investigation of the EFF or any other leftwing lobbyists at the time.

Holy smokes! Ex-IT admin gets two years prison for trashing Army chaplains' servers

Bite my finger

Re: Where is god when you need him?

> "Shouldn't the chaplains have just appealed for divine help to fix everything?"

God doesn't work that way, at least not these days.

Chef roasted for tech contract with family-separating US immigration, forks up attempt to quash protest

Bite my finger

Re: @Bronek Flaming idiot, social justice warrior and political hack

So according to you, if the US doesn't want open borders and many millions of global unfortunates flooding in, we must go to all the "bad" countries and sort them out. Um, let's say we did that, how long before you start vilifying us for our warlike ways?

Exploding super-prang asteroid to pepper Earth, trigger deadly ice age – no, wait, it happened 466 million years ago

Bite my finger

Re: Third interstellar visitor?

It's poetic licentiousness.

World's largest heap of untreated nuclear waste needs more bots to cart around irradiated crap

Bite my finger

Re: Wow

Crap doesn't pile up in deserts. A, there's not that many animals, and B, the crap has significant value in such a restricted environment. Thus organisms have evolved to, ahem, 'exploit' said crap.

Oops: Rockets lighting their tails is a good thing – but not three-plus hours before lift-off

Bite my finger

All steel construction

> "...we found a fire around the hole at the deck of the mobile launcher..."

It sounds like something apart from the rocket caught on fire somehow. Yet it's to be assumed that the launcher's exposed parts will feature nothing flammable which could burn during a launch. That leaves either a straight up engine fire within the mobile launcher itself, or some sort of fuel leak associated with the rocket above.

Let's hope it was only a burning diesel engine and not some unruly fuel lines.

Full of beans? Sadly not as fellow cracks open tin at dinner to find just one

Bite my finger

Re: density

> "You can't know until you've opened the can..."

So the beans don't really exist until they are observed? Tell that to the people in the lift!

Bite my finger

I suspect that human bean was baked.

Rebel Galaxy Outlaw: Well, lookie here! For once a space game that doesn't promise the universe

Bite my finger

That sinking feeling

<em>"Oh, and the summer heat wreaking havoc on my CPU? The heatsink was broken. We're water-cooled now, baby!"</em>

How does one "break" a heat sink? Aren't they basically aluminum blocks with fins on? A hammer blow could do it, but that would wreck the CPU it's attached to.

Come clean Richard. I'm guessing you installed a bigger heat sink and forgot the conduction paste. Or perhaps some debris got in between. If so, you're lucky your CPU isn't a fried chip now. ;-)

Eighty-year-old US 'web scam man' on the run after pocketing $250,000 in Dem 'donations'

Bite my finger

Re: Re:A word from Big John

Hey, I had to delete my 12 year old account and make a new one to do this. That kinda shoots you down, don't it?

Bite my finger

Re: A word from Big John

No, I just decided to delete my registration here. I got tired of being silently censored by the staff here for my political beliefs. The ElReg editors in their wisdom placed me on their "must vet" list (secretly) which had the effect of holding up my posts while allowing my detractors to freely harass me.

After leaving I found I could read what goes on here with much more aplomb and a lot less disgust. Still slanted tho.

This organization is sick. They don't even see that what they've done is totally wrong and indefensible. I got that impression directly from one of the editors, who didn't even bother denying what they had done to me. BTW, I only signed up again a moment ago, just because I happened to see my name mentioned by my old antagonists. ;-/

I won't be posting under this name after this, because the same censorship would occur again. I wouldn't mind so much if they made it clear to everyone what they were doing to conservatives. It's the sneaky underhanded treatment that ticks me off. And since they were reading all my posts before allowing them on the site, I couldn't expose them for what they are. This is why we conservatives keep saying we're being suppressed by leftists. It's happening.

So enjoy your little protected bubble, guys. ;-/