You call that stress for a trading floor support market data feed issue lasting "several hours"?
When I did trading floor/dealer support for the London branch of an Italian merchant bank, the main "qualification" needed to do the job was the ability to get to the end of each day without:
a. Having a total nervous breakdown from the "customer attitude" and demands.
b. Having "lost it" with one or more of the traders and turned the area into a veritable blood soaked buchter's yard of dismemberred body parts and internal organs.
c. Having no access at all to firearms and other weapons including implements sharper than a spoon. The tempatation to come to work the next day and use them would be just too great.
Any technical issue which negatively affected dealers' ability to trade (and thus make money) you knew about in under 5 seconds from the very loud shouting/screaming/very foul language verbal abuse whch would be directed at IT.
Anything lasting several hours and they would have been swinging from the ceilings while chewing up their custom build "dealer desks" while threatening to lynch whoever in IT was on duty.
The cost of the market data feeds themselves were aboslutely eye watering. Not because they contained any "private" data.
Most of of the data was publicly available free. The free stuff was, however, typically 10-20 minutes old which for a trading floor was prehistoric. You even had different "levels" of data feed, the main differential between each level being how "up to date" it was. The closer to real time it became, the more digits you added on to the monthly cost of that feed.