* Posts by ITMA

1039 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Aug 2019

C: Everyone's favourite programming language isn't a programming language

ITMA Silver badge

Re: So if C isn't a progrmaming language, what would you say is a programming language?

"I once interviewed a guy who had no clue what xor did. His Resume claimed that he had extensive experience writing compiler backends and codegen's."

That reminds me of an MCSE back in the early part of this millennium who asked us "non MCSEs" -

"Which one is the serial port?"

Didn't know what the serial port on a laptop looked like (back when most laptops had a 9 pin D-Sub serial port).

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Nothing new, kinda pathetic really

Bring back B(cpl)....

And who wrote this rubbish?

"C (1972) was the very first high-level language."




ITMA Silver badge

Re: Nothing new, kinda pathetic really

"The Last One - The last piece of software you'll ever need!"

Yeah.... Right....

I remember Microsoft saying something similar about Windows 10...

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Nothing new, kinda pathetic really

Who remembers a bit of software called The Last One?


Complaints mount after GitHub launches new algorithmic feed

ITMA Silver badge

Microsoft can't polish a turd - but they sure are skilled at turning good things into turds.

Are we springing into a Y2K-class nightmare?

ITMA Silver badge

Re: I run three clocks.

Hmmmm system clock, "econet master clock", "jiffy clock"..... TOD clock....

An error message from the resident Harris 800 "super-mini" at the British Gas ERS in Killingworth (back in the '80s):

"Hardware clock apparently broken".

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Hey, Microsoft!

What we need is a GPO for "turn off Microsoft Lame Brain Ideas"

ITMA Silver badge

Re: USA change its date format ...

Or in business speak - aggressive recruitment.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: USA change its date format ...

No no no no....

You are all wrong... WAX is the way to go.

The ORIGINAL rewritable, non-volatile storage media. THE choice of scribes....

Doesn't even need write wear leveling.

And if you are truly discerning, beeswax. Then you get the honey as well....

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Hey, Microsoft!

"Focused Inbox", "Predictive text"....... Need I say more.....

ITMA Silver badge

Re: USA change its date format ...

"But of course Americans 'prefer' to be different just for the sake of being obstinate"

Do they think they are French or something? LOL

ITMA Silver badge

Re: USA change its date format ...

Velum? You radical you.....

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Daylight Daylight Savings Time

Think of all the electrickery we'd save! :)

Machine-learning models more powerful, toxic than ever

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Machine-learning models more powerful, toxic than ever

Admit it - you looked at Acrobat in a funny way and THAT caused it to crash. Usually does....

Germany advises citizens to uninstall Kaspersky antivirus

ITMA Silver badge

Could be worse...

One could have installed Norton.... That IS a virus the amount of stuff it breaks and f*cks up....

ITMA Silver badge

What's new...

I uninstalled Kaspersky and kicked it out of my estate some years ago, after it morphed into unreliable, bug ridden bloatware.

Which was a shame as its facility to schedule WOL so that I could automatically wake up PCs in the middle of the night to do (time consuming) full scans was really useful. But then they broke it and never fixed it.

Not the only reason it was given the boot (more than one update that utterly crippled PCs) but certainly why it was handed its hat and coat.

New Windows 11 build boasts inbox updates and UI tweaks

ITMA Silver badge

Ok - so you want to throw out all active web pages and have everyone stick to static ones like back.... oh years ago....

ITMA Silver badge

Re: W11 is MS commiting suicide.

You don't have a downgrade to Windows 10 option in the licence?

ITMA Silver badge

Re: You can medicate insanity; you can educate ignorance. You can NOT fix "STUPID".

Not to mention software such as Mathematica, Zemax, most of AutoDesk's products.....

ITMA Silver badge

No point using a browser written by you then - following your philosophy it couldn't handle more than thing at a time.

Open two+ tabs and, following your methodology, only the currently selected one can do anything - no updates, no bugger all with any of the others.

That sounds like really, really shite software... And you criticise others...

ITMA Silver badge

Re: You can medicate insanity; you can educate ignorance. You can NOT fix "STUPID".

Ah you mean Microsoft's vision for the PC equivalent of so-called "smart" meters

ITMA Silver badge

"he liked to have 12-15 file explorer windows open"

I've a user (or two) who like to have so many browser tabs open that you can't even see the first letter of each tab title on a 27" full HD monitor, running at 1920 x 1080 with scaling (in Windows display settings) at 100%.

And they wonder why their PC doesn't seem "snappy".

Infosys, Wipro silent on their Russian operations

ITMA Silver badge

Customer services

Without their Russian clients, who else would find the "customer details" that "get lost" by their call centre operations?

Saving a loved one from a document disaster

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Who else remembers having to buy the high-quality fan-fold paper...

Are you talking DIN A4 or the "old" A4 in inches?

A4 8-1/4 x 11-3/4 in 210 x 297 mm

NOT quite the same and when generating printer drivers for WP 5.1 you had to make very slight adjustments between A4 (inches) and ISO/DIN A4 (in mm) if the software didn't use Form Feed to go from one page to the next when printing.

Throw away your Ethernet cables* because MediaTek says Wi-Fi 7 will replace them

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Wired speeds*

"The only advantage I see in WiFi is not tripping over a patch cable"

That is the ONLY problem WiFi solves, while bringing a shit load of new problems with it.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: 40Gbps sounds amazing, but...

I've yet to see WOL working well enough (or at all) to be even worth looking at over WiFi.

For remote estate management WOL is essential.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: shared medium

Or in enterprise environments a properly designed multi-level switching topology with proper distribution grade switches handling the backbones and endpoint switches for devices.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Does it go through brick walls?

"How well does it go through brick walls?"

Never mind brick walls - how about reinforced concrete?

WiFi often won't go through things you need it to to get to where you need it, while you can't stop it reaching everyone around you when you'd rather it didn't.

ITMA Silver badge

"Throw away your Ethernet cables* because MediaTek says Wi-Fi 7 will replace them"

Bullshit bullshit bullshit.

Don't get me wrong, WiFi has its uses. But fundamentally it still solves one, and ONLY one problem - NOT being able to use a cable.

In every other way it is nothing but problems compared to a cable.

How many WiFi channels do you need to get the same throughput as a good wired network with proper distribution type switching fabric?

Then there is security - doesn't matter how much encryption you use, with WiFi you are still broadcasting your data. Anyone can (potentially) listen to it and grab it.

At one of my sites one of my access points can see 40+ other WiFi NETWORKS!!!! None of which are ours.

The higher the data rate with radio, the more subsceptible it is to anything - building layout and construction, furniture, even people walking around. That is just the way radio is.

And it is awful lot of (complex) technology just to try and replace a length of copper.

The zero-password future can't come soon enough

ITMA Silver badge

"The downside is that you create a very juicy single point of failure..."

The "single point of failure" is giving your personal details (even if fake) to FaceSlap and/or Gaggle who then whore you (in the form of your data) out to anyone and eveyone - in exchange for pieces of silver.

Judas Iscariot would have been proud.

The "golden rule" of "free online products/services" is that if what is offered is free, it is because YOU are the product, to be harvested and sold.

ITMA Silver badge

The fundamental problem is this:


Loads of sites which need or nag you to create a login. Why??? I only want to buy one bloody thing from you.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: 2FA problem

Ever tried setting up multiple logins on PayPal so staff can be assigned their own logins with their own spending limits?

It is total and utter shite....

Apple seeks patent for 'innovation' resembling the ZX Spectrum, C64 and rPi 400

ITMA Silver badge

Re: ZX81

"And their attempt to claim 'maybe this has been done before, but we've added something new!' "

Of course they have added something new dear boy.... The've added the word APPLE...

ITMA Silver badge

Re: I'll see your Atari ST and raise you a Commodore PET

I've had several.

The (metal) case for the orignal 2001 (4K/8K) model was allegedly made by a Canadian BBQ manufacturer.

ITMA Silver badge

"His Jobbines"

That is probably more accurate than you may think since in certain parts of the world "jobbie" has a specific meaning:

"jobbie (plural jobbies) (In particular Scotland, slang) Faeces; a piece of excrement"

aka A TURD...


ITMA Silver badge

Re: Acorn electron, Sinclair QL, various pre-built Raspberry Pies...

"buy more patented shiny"

That reminds me of the "in industry name" for embossed security holograms (credit cards etc) - shiny shit. LOL

ITMA Silver badge

They can try..... LOL

I wouldn't bet on their chances...

ITMA Silver badge

"..and Steve's most astonishing invention - the colour black."

I think the Martin Marietta Corp might have a word or two to say about that.


And those of a monotheistic religious persuasion might also wish to quarrel with Steve Jobs about it:

Book of Genesis

1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Darkness=black ergo prior art.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Acorn electron, Sinclair QL, various pre-built Raspberry Pies...

If this is a serious application, then I think Apple need new patent lawyers as the ones they currently must be utterly crap.

How to keep a support contract: Make the user think they solved the problem

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Dissect mispronunciation.

"I have over 20 years experience in proofreading and publishing, and there are many instances of the truth being corrupted by illiterate busybodies for various nefarious (or even innocent) reasons"

Like the word "hologram".

The "Tupac Hologram" - NO IT IS NOT!

The election campaign of Narendra Modi by "hologram" - NO IT BLOODY WASN'T!!!!

Just because something appears 3D does NOT, repeat NOT make it a hologram.

And as it happens neither the Narendra Modi "hologram" nor Tupac "hologram" even did that (appear 3D). People standing to the left of each of those see EXACTLY the same view as people in the centre and people off the far right. IF they were holograms they should see different views. BUT THEY DO NOT.

Likewise, projecting an image that appears to hang or "float" in mid-air does NOT make it a hologram.

Of course most know why they try to label such images as "holograms". It makes them sound (and thus sell) far better than if they called them what they actually are - plain old 3D or video versions of ye old "Pepper's Ghost" illusion.

Ukraine seeks volunteers to defend networks as Russian troops menace Kyiv

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Sink 'em

Very true.

But I can have a good guess what US subs are doing right now - and it won't be just cruising around like nothing was going on.

And between the US and Russia - I know who I'd bet on to know where the other side's subs are. Even the ones not sitting in ports rotting.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: No help required!

And Putin has now made his threat of nuclear retaliation overtly.

If Putin for one second thinks there will be anything left alive in what is now called Russia if he makes good on that threat, I think he is seriously mentally ill.

There won't be.

The utterly insance tragedy of this man's delusion is that there is likely to be not much left alive anywhere else on this planet either.

Dobby needs to go.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: No help required!

Putin probably thinks he is demonstrating that he is the "strong iron man of Russia".

Sorry mate - you just look like a Soviet era dinosaur with archaic Soviet era dinosaur thinking.

And as for that thinly veiled threat of nuclear retaliation if anyone "interferes" - What you think MAD has gone way?

Think again matey....


Substitute "Putin" for "Snow"

I wonder if the Russian people really understand where this dinosaur is taking them.

Canonical puts out last update to Ubuntu 20.04 before 22.04

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Compare cars and computers

Henry? What happened to Oliver? LOL

A guy I used to know way back swore blind by old type Landies and said he "didn't trust any vehicle I couldn't fix with some screw drivers, spanners, a lump hammer and a blow torch".

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Compare cars and computers

You must have an old car....

Your app deleted all my files. And my wallpaper too!

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Concepts are hard to understand

And for everything else use Anusol.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Concepts are hard to understand

Especially as Mickysoft keep trying to force people to save things where Mickysoft say to - increasingly some Mickysoft online crap line OneDrive

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Concepts are hard to understand

I know users who have yet to grasp the concept that you can create folders and subfolders to store and organise emails in....

European Union takes China to WTO over smartphone patents

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Appears Apple don't give a shit about their phones being ripped off

We have an IP lawyer at work....

I'll get him on the case....

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Appears Apple don't give a shit about their phones being ripped off

"If you put a rounded corner on a phone and Apple has done the same"

Define "Rounded"...

Since making a truly "square" corner is very, very, very hard it comes to "how rounded"?