* Posts by ITMA

1039 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Aug 2019

I've been fired, says engineer who claimed Google chatbot was sentient

ITMA Silver badge

For me 99% of the time it comes up with stuff with, at best, 50% relevancy.

Google has - in view - become much, much worse.

ITMA Silver badge


This from a fun article first publised in PCW magazine in December 1985:

5th Generation — Artificial Intelligence (Al)

6th Generation — Artificial Dishonesty (AD)

7th Generation — Artificial Stupidity (AS)

8th Generation — Artificial Libido (AL

9th Generation — Artificial Omniscience (AOS)

10th Generation — Artificial Omnipotence (AOP)

CityFibre loses appeal against Openreach discounts for ISPs

ITMA Silver badge

IBM have been doing this since the year dot (com).... LOL

Hospital IT melts in heatwave, leaving doctors without patient records

ITMA Silver badge

How is this the fault of "Legacy Systems"?

There is something I don't get.

Perhaps someone can enlighten me.

The aircon system in a data centre breaks down casuing temperatures to rise and - presumably - IT equipement to either start shutting down or failing.

So HOW is this the fault of "legacy IT systems"?

Unles one is counting the HVAC as a "legacy IT system".

The failure was the HVAC and, by extension - unless they run their own data centre, which I doubt (if anyone knows please do tell) - the mob who run the data centre for failing to either maintain the HVAC or have adequate backup HVAC provision.

Not the IT. The IT failing was a symptom caused by the HVAC not working.

Microsoft Teams outage widens to take out M365 services, admin center

ITMA Silver badge


In the flats where I live in the UK we lost the TV signal for the entire block for best part of a week a while back.


Some utter moron twat of a Sky "engineer" came to install a Sky Q upgrade for someone. He needed a 13A socket to plug his shiny new shit into - oh none free.

Rather than go to his van to get a short mains extension block out to create some more sockets (not great but it is all low current stuff) he just unplugged something else. His shiny new shitty Sky Q was working so he duly fucked off.

Leaving the entire communal terrestrial aerial distribution system fucked with no power until the landlord called in the company that maintained the system. Fixed in 10 miniutes, entirely avoidable and all because of some Sky "fuckwit" so-called "engineer".

Is Microsoft going back to the future on release cadences?

ITMA Silver badge

That is indeed interesting - appreciated.

ITMA Silver badge

"The server version, 2012 R2"

It is going a bit far to call Server 2012 R2 the "server version of Windows 8.1".

It is/was a proper Windows server to which some utterly braindead moron had inflicted the Metro interface. A pox on him thrice over...

Microsoft's metaverse is for training autonomous drones

ITMA Silver badge

Re: It would be interesting to know...

Let's hope they do better than this lot:




ITMA Silver badge

Microsoft's metaverse is for training autonomous drones

Or as they are otherwise known by people outside of Microsoft:

Microsoft's CUSTOMERS.....

IT departments often regret technology buying decisions

ITMA Silver badge

Re: I will never understand

Ah... The classic "It's 10p cheaper over at X". Except one has to spend £5 in fuel to get over to X to save the 10p

ITMA Silver badge

Re: The IT department is often the last to know

What those not in IT often fail to realise, or simply don't like when it is explained to them is this:

IT is NOT there to provide what they want. IT is there to provide the IT tools needed for them to do their job within a budget the business is willing to pay. That and what they want are, more often than not, two completely different things.

And then there are those (not in IT) who go and buy things like this off eBay (for £2,500) without doing even the most basic research. Even a few minutes on Google would have found this:


And yes the one they bought turned out to be virtually identical complete with virtually identical USB memory stick.

Oh and it really DOES STINK!

ITMA Silver badge

Re: The IT department is often the last to know

Not to mention those who have a "puter" at home so think they know all about IT, especially when IT disagree with what they want for sound technical or other reasons

Dev's code manages to topple Microsoft's mighty SharePoint

ITMA Silver badge

"Some days I really really really want to got to wherever the programmers are with a long stick and repeatedly hit them very very hard."

I'm sure you do.

How should I put it delicately?

There's a f**king queue - get in line.. LOL

Hive to pull the plug on smart home gadgets by 2025

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Reciva Radios

My router, main gigabit managed switch, three of my main PCs and three NAS boxes are all hooked up to a 1500VA APC Smart UPS with network management card.

And, yes, this is at home.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Net zero in home automation

Microsoft take careful note!!! Yes I DO mean Windows 11. (among other things).

Not that they ever do. Their Android RDP client is still fucked trying to connect to domain joined PCs. Just barfs with error 0x2407 and has done for months.

ITMA Silver badge

If the manufacturers care to release the information necessary - which usually they won't.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Reciva Radios

One simple explanation for DAB - to sell off the radio spectrum that the discontinuation of the "traditional radio" allowed to be "freed up" in a bidding war.


ITMA Silver badge

Ok so can you access it any other way than the "Blink" app and associated account on your phone?

Preferably that does't depend upon an account on anything outside of your home network.

If not, you are still stuffed if they close down the account back end.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Hands up all those who did NOT see this coming

That latter part "If, however, the subscription is an ongoing payment by you for the service then it's a somewhat better chance..." depends on the manufacturer (or whoever they may have subscontrated the subscription bit out to if they've done that) playing ball.

Do you know of any who have "played ball" or have the just said "Tough. It is proprietary - sod off".

ITMA Silver badge

Re: and got a Foscam on Amazon

"I said I’d try elsewhere and got a Foscam on Amazon."

They (Foscam) are going the same way.

Instead of updating the firmware in their NVRs and cameras to support other browsers than IE, they pushed their own subsctiption service or "Foscam VMS" - God that is utterly, utterly SHITE!!!!

Foscam VMS is one of the most dreadfully shite bits of software ever. Plus Foscam keep using dodgy ssl certificates for their cameras and NVR with no option to install your own - when they aren't being "revoked".

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Hives

HIVEs = a bad rash.

Quite appropriate.

Now I wonder how many hackers (black hat or state organised) are wondering how many homes they can do a "Steel Works" on:


ITMA Silver badge

Hands up all those who did NOT see this coming

Well, what a surprise... NOT.

Simple solution - NEVER buy so called "home automation" or "security" products which rely on a subscription/or account on the manufacturer's (or anyone else's) systems just to bloody work.

They WILL dump you in the shit and not give a damn about the now useless hardware you are left with.

I love the Linux desktop, but that doesn't mean I don't see its problems all too well

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Computing smarts in the cloud

It just means nobody else can decrypt your data.

But then NEITHER CAN YOU if the person/organisation which has physical control of the hardware your precious data is on CAN'T or WON'T let you get at it.

And that is the point.

If your business depends on being able to access that data you are, not to put too fine a point on it, fucked.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Do they really?

"Bullshit. I run several interlocked businesses using Linux. It's actually easier, and takes less of my time, than doing similar in Windows."

You sound like one of those:

"I can solve it with Linux, now what is the problem?" type of guys.

That essentially sums up your response. Knowing absolutely nothing about our business, needs or problems, you claim you can "solve it" with Linux.

Here's a hyothetical to illustrate the "lack of thought" in your comment.

Purely hypothetically we say "we have a problem" and you come back with your "I can solve it with Linux, now what is the problem?".

We then (hypothetically) reply "The problem is, you are alive and we want you dead. Fix it for us please".

Can you?

I'd never trust any so-called IT professional that claims they can solve a problem, particularly using Linux (or anything else) without even the slightest understanding of the client's situation and problems.

Lenovo issues firmware updates after UEFI vulnerabilities disclosed

ITMA Silver badge

Re: For any who don't already know...

Except their Service Bridge and Lenovo Updater keep flagging a BIOS update on our X131e "door wedges" yet NONE of the methods for downloading and installing the BIOS update work.

They all FAIL and have done for MONTHS.

Smart thermostat swarms are straining the US grid

ITMA Silver badge

Re: So a "smart" thermostat

Probably get sued by a certain games company for copyright/trademark infringement

ITMA Silver badge

Re: "why not rev up ready for it"

Aluminium phone cables have far more problems than that.

Ask any BT Openreach engineer. BT tried this out a number of years ago and current BT engineers see them as "a bloody nightmare".

Like that utterly shite CCA network cabling (allegedly Cat5e/Cat6) - CCA, Copper Clad Aluminum. Look at it the wrong way and it breaks.

I have had cabling companies try to install that - because it is cheaper - and didn't like being told to rip it all out and replace it with pure copper.

Global PC market falls at fastest rate in 9 years

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Garbage

"Trackpad that if works..."

If wish they would just STOP turning tapping on by default. I absolutely hate that!

Yes it is fine for those that get on with it. For the rest like me, it is bloody dangerous. Randomly selecting, dragging and dropping God knows what to God knows where because their shitty "gestures" crap can't tell the difference between me lifting my finger and placing it back down to continue moving the mouse, and tapping.


Choosing a non-Windows OS on Lenovo Secured-core PCs is trickier than it should be

ITMA Silver badge

How does Microsoft go about helping its customers?

Well a good start is TAKE YOUR F**CKING BOOT OFF THEIR NECKS... Let them do what THEY want with THEIR property (computers).

Microsoft rolls back default macro blocks in Office without telling anyone

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Typical Borkzilla

"Oh, a new idea ! Let's implement without thinking about its impact !"

Focussed f***ing Inbox!!!!

FBI and MI5 bosses: China cheats and steals at massive scale

ITMA Silver badge

Re: S IP mple gix

The fundamental issue with patents is, and has always been, the strength of them depends on your ability to defend them.

This comes down to one simple fact, especially when the USA is involved - how deep are your pockets.

The deeper your pockets (or someone else's pockets who is willing to help), the better the lawyers you can afford to keep the other side in court and/or buried in legal stuff until they run out of money.

Pentester says he broke into datacenter via hidden route running behind toilets

ITMA Silver badge

There was some gold rush era hotel in the US which boasted of it's massive walk in vault with a huge steel vault door.

Only problem - the floor of the walk in vault was very, very thin and laid over bare earth. In a town full of miners.

Go figure....

ITMA Silver badge

Re: You could always smuggle a USB stick out...

That would make your flash memory a "jobby stick".

ITMA Silver badge

Re: I've heard of a including a backdoor for system access...

Or you've had too much falling down water and your aim is severly impaired LOL.

Then it is a wet wall, wet floor, wet shoes and.... Well, start with the excuse that the "splashback" from the basins was horrendous.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: I've heard of a including a backdoor for system access...

Quite common in installations with BTW (back to wall) toilets and the (concealed) cistern hidden behind the rear wall of the cubicle.

You either need to have "maintenance" hatches in every cubicle, which can potentially be opened by unauthorised people to give access to nice hideaways for illicit materia/itemsl, bombs etc.

Or you have a maintenance "gang way" running behind all of the cubicles giving access to all the otherwise inaccessible cisterns, water and sewage services. And electrical control gear for those "no contact" proximity flush things.

The problem here seems to be that someone forgot about the security of the maintenance areas.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: False floors too

I have that in the flats where I live.

The delay between the holding magnets de-energising (fail safe rather than fail secure) when the door release is pressed and the magnets re-energising can be a little too long at times.

Result - the door can "bounce" off the door jam and the closer then doesn't close it back to within "grab" range of the magnets when they re-energise. Thus the door remains "unlocked".

Calls for bans on Chinese CCTV makers Hikvision, Dahua expand

ITMA Silver badge

But expensive in comparison.

I've known Axis since they did Twinax and Coax print servers for connecting parallel port page printers to IBM mainframes a long time ago.

Their network horn speakers are not bad - by why oh why do they not have "Logout" in their web UI????

ITMA Silver badge

Re: All Chinese CCTV systems connect back to China


Links to evidence of what they claim.... that would be enough.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Where do you draw the line


This "call", if enacted, would have as much effect on the use the Chinese state puts such technology to as an empty 500ml plastic bottle on a road has at stopping a 40 tonne truck. Absolutelty bugger all.

These politicians are doing it "to be seen be doing something" even though in practical terms it is utterly useless - pure political image.

And what have they done about the use of facial recognition and biometrics in this county? Strangely quiet on that one.. Especially when it comes to doing something in the one country they CAN do something. And they have done bugger all.

Strange that.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: All Chinese CCTV systems connect back to China

Same could be said of the USA... the overturning of Roe vs Wade for example.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: All Chinese CCTV systems connect back to China

Exactly the same logic...

Ban something not because of what it is but because of one particular use some power in another country chooses to put it to.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: All Chinese CCTV systems connect back to China

Then why not call for a ban on Toyota and Nissan pickup trucks, so beloved by middle eastern and African warlords as mobile gun platforms?

But they aren't, are they.

Unless it was in the news and I missed it...

ITMA Silver badge

Re: Don't even need to involve politics

"Hikvision cameras are a dumpster of bad software that nobody should be shipping"

You've never seen Foscam then..... LOL

ITMA Silver badge

Re: All Chinese CCTV systems connect back to China

The harsh reality is that it is THEIR country, not ours.

Things here in the UK are sufficiently falling apart that UK MPs should be concentrating on the issues here in the UK.

If UK MPs have the time to do this, then their are NOT doing their job here which, BTW, happens to be the one they are being paid to do.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: meh...

What ever one thinks of Hikvision's products, compared to a lot of crap that comes from China but still gets sold/imported to the UK, at least they are not downright electrically dangerous (as lot of said crap is).

So why are they targetting Hikvision but doing bugger all about all this other stuff? Quite a lot of which are fire hazards or potentially lethal.

ITMA Silver badge

Re: I've got zero faith in anything gov.uk says anymore...

"Eh? It's not gov.uk though is it, it's opposition parties & back benchers"

Doesn't matter which side of "The House" they sit on. They are there to run the UK for the good of the UK people, Not to look out for the interests or rights of citizens of some other country.

(Red) Ken Livingstone was (in)famous for that BITD.

FedEx signals 'zero mainframe, zero datacenter' operations by 2024

ITMA Silver badge

Re: This from the company...

"I wouldn't have been surprised if it recorded to a micro-cassette."

Don't fool yourself - it is wax cylinder ....

ITMA Silver badge

Re: This from the company...

UPS - the Useless Parcels Service.

FexEx - Fed up with their Excuses.

Yodel - sorry but I'm not prepared to use the sort of language needed to describe that dreadful company,