I love being proven right. :-p
Parts of the USA already don't observe daylight savings, Arizona for instance.
I would say the majority of the past 20 years of my engineering career has been to try and convince everyone to develop or store in UTC, and include an offset if local time needs to be recorded, and then only in the presentation logic do the conversion, potentially with a provided timezone if converting to a new local time. There is some business logic that are exceptions to this rule, generally around user specified scheduling, but its significantly safer, to use this approach.
Unfortunately I suspect many people don't see this problem, and considering how popular event sourcing has become, I do worry that off the shelf products have not thought this through, and will lead to Y2K2.
What many people don't know is timezone boundaries actually change over time, as hinted at by the registers reference to the tz-database. there are cases where a small town might find its timezone changes if it happens to be in the wrong place.