* Posts by Majack

9 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Aug 2019

Are we springing into a Y2K-class nightmare?


I love being proven right. :-p

Parts of the USA already don't observe daylight savings, Arizona for instance.

I would say the majority of the past 20 years of my engineering career has been to try and convince everyone to develop or store in UTC, and include an offset if local time needs to be recorded, and then only in the presentation logic do the conversion, potentially with a provided timezone if converting to a new local time. There is some business logic that are exceptions to this rule, generally around user specified scheduling, but its significantly safer, to use this approach.

Unfortunately I suspect many people don't see this problem, and considering how popular event sourcing has become, I do worry that off the shelf products have not thought this through, and will lead to Y2K2.

What many people don't know is timezone boundaries actually change over time, as hinted at by the registers reference to the tz-database. there are cases where a small town might find its timezone changes if it happens to be in the wrong place.

Bad things come in threes: Apache reveals another Log4J bug



Come on guys, why use the old version rewritten to look like the new version, when you can just use the new version. I say new, because we are talking about 10 years old now.

Ransomware-hit law firm secures High Court judgment against unknown criminals


Re: Sigh...

The were no ex-soviet union nations in the 1950s, maybe if you tied a history book to your knees, the weight will make it less likely that you will hit your own face.

UK gives military's frikkin' laser cannon project a second roll of the dice


Re: Not interested...

Ferrets dude, you can train a ferret, small, great at hiding and can dig.

Infosys follows flag-waving US hiring spree with quieter Canadian and Mexican hiring spree


Offshoring still doesn't work.

Location plays a much smaller role than time difference. If the person who needs the work and the people doing it, are not in regular contact, it just takes longer to get what is wanted. So unless you offshore the decision makers with the team, or better yet whole departments, you ain't going to make it work.

What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you


Not *

Talking about azure, Not Amazon.

About bing. Not Google

Surface, Not apple

Xbox, Not Sony

Windows, Not Linux

Edge, Not Netscape (for the oldies)

Mssql, Not Oracle

Phone, Not Blackberry

Microsoft these days is all about aping their competitors, despiratley trying to out pace them to be the leader in that sector.

Of course office suite might be more difficult, maybe just calling them Microsoft in relation to those products is deserved.

What's worse than an annoying internet filter? How about one with a pre-auth remote-command execution hole and there's no patch?


PHP says it all

I saw those 3 letters, noded sagely, then decided to sure my hubris in the comments section.

Linus Torvalds ponders: Is Linux 5.6 going well because it's bug-free, or thanks to that other bug?


Re: Where did that 'logo' come from

Sorry, not quite sure which one you prefer!?

UK parliament sends snippy letter to Zuck and his poodle Clegg as it seems Facebook has been lying again


Skunk Anansi

Basically man joins company, others in company have done bad things, therefore man bad?