Obvious headline
"Shen ignores Benson and hedges his bets on netbooks"
Although of course some over-zealous corporate content filters might end up blocking it.
64 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Feb 2007
"It's well worth getting, but if you take the plunge now, keep your fingers crossed that the N80 won't get here too soon."
Why? Would this phone suddenly stop working if its successor were to be released? I think Vista vs. XP thoroughly disproves this line of argument :-)
Nothing like spreading a bit of FUD in the press to strengthen your hand when renegotiating your contracts with a key infrastructure supplier, is there? Or, from a more sinister angle, perhaps they're hoping to depress the stock price so they can pick themselves up a bargain.
Are these figures corrected for the sync speed a customer gets? If they're a long way from the exchange and can only sync at 1M, it's not exactly the ISPs fault if they're not getting 1M, is it? A fairer test would be, what percentage of the sync speed is the customer getting [minus 13% for ATM overheads].
Regarding the NAS box, most of them run Linux anyway, so you could install slimserver on there and away you go. In fact, a NAS box is probably the ideal place for slimserver if you don't already have a Pea Sea on 24 hours a day. To be honest, given that the slimserver software will run almost everywhere [UNIX clones and Windows], uPnP is moot.
Given that the task of calculating who owes what to whom at the end of the day will be worked out by a computer, surely it can't be beyond the wit of Ofcom + the industry to allow for more than one charging model? Keep the 07 range as it is now - caller pays - and add a new number range for callee pays [say, 04]. That way everybody's happy. The GSM spec even allows for 2 lines per SIM [Orange Line 2 being an example of this], so you could even have both if you wanted :-)
What a lot of the wailing and gnashing of teeth seems to have missed out on here is that there's no reason why either system needs to be exclusive of the other. As one person has already pointed out, Orange offer a geo number, albeit only in a couple of area codes and not from one's bundled minutes. Let's have both systems, and let the market decide which is best.
FOAF works for a large public sector IT contractor. He is convinced that the July 7th bombing was some kind of inside job, because he searched the comprehensive government database system he's tasked with maintaining and couldn't find any of the named suspects.
re: Going around in circles?
re: DMT
I used this to tweak the SNR on my BeBox and got an extra meg downstream; SNR is now ~4.5dB, and the current session has been up for three weeks. Can't say fairer than that.
re: need the tech. not the speed
SDSL is going end of life shortly. ADSL2+ gives faster upstream than SDSL anyway!
Sometimes the jokes just write themselves, don't they?
But seriously, it's not like the billions of pounds [or whatever number they've pulled out of their fundament this week] that hasn't been given to the cartel that the BSA represents has just evaporated into thin air, is it? If it was spent on software from the BSA members then the chances are that 90% of it will have disappeared overseas to the American companies that bankroll the BSA.
So, what exactly does the UK have to lose by pirating software?
From TFA:
'''Becta's current emphasis is on replacing "islands of good practice" in individual schools and authorities with a more integrated approach.'''
Interesting; if it's good practice, why replace it? Presumably 'islands' of good practice have arisen in spite of top-down 'integrated' approaches; what are they going to do differently this time?
PS Why no Government Incompetence icon, you insensitive clods? I suggest a wad of £20s on fire, or perhaps an enveloped with two CDs in that has grown a pair of legs.
It's not every day a company claims its products to be exempt from the laws of physics, is it?
"The snag with 5GHz is reduced range, but Netgear claimed its new metamaterial antennae ... more than compensate, effectively eliminating the limitation"
Perhaps in the next version they could "eliminate the limitation" of needing an external power source, by the use of metapixiedust to keep the thing running?
PS Where's the icon for "just cut and pasted a press release without adding any value to it"?
"Underscoring how far Google's platform ... has to go, ... was the fact that that ... Open Mobile Alliance ... lacks backing from ... Nokia, Verizon and Microsoft"
On the contrary, I think that lack of backing from Nokia, Verizon and Microsoft is one of the many things Android has going for it. Can you imagine what a handset designed by that unholy trinity would be like?
You would have thought that surely after 7-odd years, this phone could have been bettered, but no. I don't know if that's because this is such a great phone, or because mobiles are now designed by 12 year olds for 12 year olds; I suspect a mixture of both.
Any time anyone at work sees my phone, laughs and asks me why I'm not using the Motorola they gave me, all I have to say is "two weeks on standby". After that, it's me that walks away laughing. Long live the 6310i. I almost wish some Chinese manufacturer would start making counterfeits, maybe then Nokia would recognise the demand.
I have to take issue with "And a creaky old infrastructure that's asked to deliver ever-more data without significant upgrades in the last mile.". I've got Be broadband and I get 13Mbps pretty much whenever I want it. I download the entire internet every day, and Be don't take me to task for it. In my experience Be are the best ISP I've been with, for the lowest price I've ever paid for broadband.
If you do business "without a firm understanding" of what the GPL means, you don't deserve to be in business. I'm neither a lawyer or a developer; yet I know exactly what the GPL means. For a business build around GPL code, not having a firm understanding is inexcusable.