* Posts by Anonymousse Coward

2 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jul 2019

Apollo 11 @ 50: The long shadow of the flag

Anonymousse Coward

Re: Future Headline

Look, I don't like the guy either but don't conjure up scary bed time stories that would lead our country into all out civil war. If this bozo tried to do anything like that I'm reasonably sure that it wouldn't end well for him.

Absurd statement aside, what is even the point of your post?

Incognito mode won't stop smut sites sharing your pervy preferences with Facebook, Google and, er, Oracle

Anonymousse Coward

Re: Incognito mode isn't incognito

The funny thing is that you think that posting as a user name is somehow different than posting as AC. Back in the good ole days of the internet we all used screen names that allowed us some semblance of hiding our real identities. Along comes Facebook and now everyone realizes that hiding your identity is pointless for 99.9% of the world because no one else knows who you are and/or doesn't care anyway.

There are always going to be cases of people using information against other people in ways that are not the nicest but it still doesn't matter. As society transforms and our population continues to grow the idea of needing to remain anonymous has less value because there actually almost no way to remain anonymous beyond the fact that we're all anonymous because we no longer care who anyone else is.