Re: Good riddance
ADfly are still a thing among murkier audio software acquisition websites, I have heard.
24 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jul 2019
Does this mean I'm *more* or *less* likely to get any acknowledgement whatsoever of my emails asking why they've removed paid-for content from my library (Deathspell Omega's discography, innit)? Bandcamp nuked a TON of stuff a while back (just before the Epic takeover), and are ghosting even representatives of decent-sized indie netlabels.
FlowGPT have been running game jams along these lines for a while now. I've been trying to put together a prompt that makes GPT act as a D&D *player* that a user can act as DM with—it's hard to wrangle but the sodding thing goes off in some wild directions, sometimes. It's fun, because it's almost entirely unpredictable, and a good DM should be resilient to unpredictability.
Here's an early attempt. Ignore the first wall of text—it's the prompt:
I think EA hold the rights to mobile versions only—the Tetris Company can still release on consoles and PC. Puyo Puyo Tetris and Tetris 99 on Switch are pretty good (the latter is by Arika and is actually superb) and Tetris Effect, designed by Tetsuya Miziguchi of Rez fame, is an incredible piece of work on PC.
I really, really like Tetris.
"Motorists can buy shoes designed for driving. Gloves too."
Mmm, simracers can buy those, too. It takes a while to stop feeling like an idiot while lacing up your OMP boots before sitting in front of the computer, but for some reason it works.
Proper racing gloves are a must too, if you have a direct-drive wheel, because those things can mess your hands right up.
So, like, is this just an Android thing? Could I conceivably stick Retroarch on it and play Herzog Zwei on a fridge? That would be superb, for about five minutes, and then I'd get bored and depressed about spending three thousand pounds on a big, cold cupboard that can go on the internet for some reason.
Right, but whos going to yell 'stop that man—he's stealing my laptop, which as well as having a hefty financial value also contains many months of work which I haven't backed up, and several gigabytes of photos and video of my recently-born child which I also haven't backed up! I'd be terribly grateful if one of you could trip him up as he- oh, he's gone'
Just wouldn't be practical. And while I feel for this imaginary bloke I invented just now whose wife is probably going to kill him, I'm not risking my neck to protect his shiny tech toy. I like my neck.
My macbook is covered in anime waifu stickers, horrible black metal band logos and a couple of bits of PVA glue I smeared on there that look like dubious stains.
Means I look like even more of a chozzler in a coffee shop than I would with a pristine mac, but I like to think that crims would be too embarassed to nick my shrine to thingy out of Evangelion.
I assure you that bootlegged vinyl is still a thing, at least in the slightlier murkier black metal trading/distro circles. I've got a copy of Judas Iscariot's 'Distant In Solitary Night' which turned out to be an illicit reprint of the Sombre Records original.
Blake Judd of Nachtmystium's tale is a dismal one indeed, but catnip for those of us who love a bit of internet drama!
I create things that I think have value, I therefore ask that, if you want to consume or use them, you meet my expectation of that value. The value isn't just placed on my items and objects—it's also placed on the time, effort and expense I spent on creating them.
If you take these things, you think they have value, too. At least, they have enough value for you to _want_ them. If you can afford to meet my expectations, and choose not to in order to take these things for nothing, you're telling me that my time is worth less than nothing.
Now, I would much prefer to live in a Banksian universe of weirdly sinister anarchocommunism, where it doesn't _matter_ whether you pay or not because value has no meaning when everyone has access to infinite resources. As it is, I need heat, light, and food in order to carry on making the things that apparently have value. when you deny me the means to acquire those, while still telling me you consider my creations to have worth, I think you're a right twatty spacker.
'removal of tangibles' is the excuse of a weakling.