* Posts by Forex

9 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Jun 2019

Top-tier IT talent doesn't stick around in 'mid-market' organizations


Seems like some significant shortcomings in mid-market management.

Another airline finds loose bolts in Boeing 737-9 during post-blowout fleet inspections


Quality issues since the new factory

Anyone remember the panorama investigation into the quality of new 787's being built at the South Carolina factory? Engineers were secretly recorded saying they wouldn't fly in the planes they were building. Now the produtst iare failing.

King Charles III signs off on UK Online Safety Act, with unenforceable spying clause


Re: math doesn't bend

Is math just mathematics without the additon, subtraction and division or any other operands?...because it's a singular item...so it's just the numbers.

Indian authorities raid fake tech support rings after tipoff from Amazon and Microsoft


Hmm there was that recent massive anti scammer call centre hosted by multiple YouTube personalities (@scammerpayback etc) . ....I wonder if it's the same companies they publicised.....India just wants to appear to be doing some thing, but in the end the company owners will get a light slap on the wrist and reform under a new name and office and everything will be back to normal. Elreg: please keep an eye on this case and see how it developes.

Judge denies HP's plea to throw out all-in-one printer lockdown lawsuit


Re: To add to this...

Epson liquid ink has lasted me a long time. You just buy the liquid and squeeze it into the reservoir for each colour.

Google suspends top Chinese shopping app Pinduoduo


Doesn't make sense ...

So because there is other malware versions of the app out there, Google bans the only safe source of the app....it's app store version.

WANdisco suspends shares pending fraud investigation



The reg missed a trick with this one. Please replace your subtitle with this. :D

Google: You know we said that Chrome tracker contained no personally identifiable info? Yeah, about that...


Does this issue affect the Chromium version (aka the new Edge) or is it just Chrome?

It's not clear in the article.


Hey China, while you're in all our servers, can you fix these support tickets? IBM, HPE, Tata CS, Fujitsu, NTT and their customers pwned


"The Chinese government has never in any form participated in or supported any person to carry out the theft of commercial secrets."

Not a false statement: APT 10 is part of the Army, not the Government. Classic civil servant speak.