* Posts by Inkey

144 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jun 2019


The future of AI is ... analog? Upstart bags $100M to push GPU-like brains on less juice


Guitar amps was as close as i got with those the hum and the smell, and they had to warm up for a short time ....


Antikythera mechanism

I seem to remenber a veratasium video on youtube (waited ages for it to get there after promoed)

The kicker was that the study of this and other ingeious devices like the tide predicter that definately had a hand in giving the royal navey the... er upper hand, but that led to modern studies of using logic in analog ways ... I wonder if this start up was one of the group of researchers that took part in that video... recomend watching it ... was epic

Oxford researchers pull off quantum first with distributed gate teleportation


Re- optical cable

The optical cable from what i can gather is part of the deterministic feed back loop .... how high a probabilty are the qubits entangled ...how lossy/stable is the signal. A way to make predictions on out comes before the gate is "teleported" .

Agent P waxes lyrical about 14 years of systemd


Good luck finding a working flopoy drive...


Re: Not a Hater

Let's face it though it'snot a great fit...as mentioned it is not as it is clamed to be,.. modular or an init app.

Yes it does work mostly and I'm happy for you that you can get on with...stuff.

However I'm still weary about it's over reach... the facr that other than bsd not much has been done to make it more unix like.... the attitude that it is /was adopted just so readly by so many os's , and get over it does not satisfy. Also he has not endeard himself and at times has been quite hostile which wrankles me.... But the fact tht he now works for m$ positivly freaks me out!

been using mx without systemd ... as daily for the past few months and it does work well... although not sold on kde plasma

Tesla sued over alleged Autopilot fail in yet another fatal accident


Re: You’re the driver, not the flaky AI

Ahh yes marketting lahlah land bullshit.... next it'll be mars is a great place live, raise a family lots of high paying jobs .... and if your organs turn in to water you wiill be helping to teraform the planet...

Ransomware hangover, Putin grudge blamed for vodka maker's bankruptcy


Re: Finest Latvian vodka

Yeah Bill Hicks was right....

That is all.... virtual beer beer for you sir... (less chance of chundering yer dinner or a hangover)

AWS says AI could disrupt everything – and hopes it will do just that to Windows


Err have you ever tried to use rufus, aws shopping chat bot ..... i swore at it,

And don't get me started on the voda one ...just repeats the same garbage over n over

Wubuntu: The lovechild of Windows and Linux nobody asked for

IT Angle


Was scabiling through the kde themes and icon's yesterday (trying the mx kde ahs distri).... and wondered why there were so many m$ themes and what not... i know there are app's for M$ but could not understand why there were desktop back rounds etc ....

Scrolled right passed that ... but now i know why it's there. As for why make a windoze distro... nah and nope..... probibly works a bit nicer than winfuckery though

Win a slice of XP cheese if you tell us where Microsoft should put Copilot next


Re: Copilot for Copilot

Hah we've all been duped...

Could this be a copilot response to a m$ marketing droid's promt to "what the fuck can you be used for"

Think about it elReg gets a promise of timley respnses to journalists enquiring about M$ roundfuckery

Some smart bright commentard gets a taty shirt, the driod gets replaced by copilot and m$ get a use excuse for more telemitary.


Re: I'm hoping they will put it in the design offices of clothing manufacturers

Wtf .... thats oddly specific


The empire has no clothes

Stick it in age of empires.... i am continually harrassed to to play with it ... god knows why i don't have single m$ product so yeah let it play with it's self...

Most of the ML stuff availeble to the masses is a bit wanky anyway.(stable diffusion +addons was quite novel ..and bloated and pulled a fuck tonn of dependicies, well ok.... LLM'S meh)

As for the jumper i would rather be found dead face down in the Thames with a sex toy in my butt and wearing a rangers football jumper...... but if you had a vista jumper now that i might wear!

Endless OS 6: How desktop Linux may look, one day


Re: Wayland?

And you try telling that to young people now...

.....wint blelive you

Microsoft reboots Windows Recall, but users wish they could forget

IT Angle


I find it kinda sad that there are propriety OS'$ still out in this day and age....

But what i find remarkable is how people take m$ bullshit year in year out.., like why.

Be under no illusions this weaponised marketing gone mad....

Who the fuck needs a reminder/snapshot of what they are/were working on? ... make a list ffs

Data broker leaves 600K+ sensitive files exposed online

Big Brother

Re: I propose a new law....

I fear one punch may not do it ...

besides they need to feel it in the bottom line$...as it seems that's the only thing they care about.

Thousands of AI agents later, who even remembers what they do?


Re: The only bot worth looking at...

Girls are designed to create flesh...

Oooo colour me inspired

Lab-grown human brain cells drive virtual butterfly in simulation


ahh Head cheese

Nothing really new here ..... yawn


what you have to remember is that bio engineering is not the future its the now ....

So if you worried about invitro grown basel cells enslaving man ... don't ... the gene barrier is only held together by a "monatoriam " and has been crossed at least twice that i know of... so spend your worry on billionares enslaving poor mortals with a super race of engineered super zombies .... pc's and algorythems did not turn us into wage slaves ...we did...

That doomsday critical Linux bug: It's CUPS. May lead to remote hijacking of devices


mint updates

There seems to be an update on Mint and presumably other ubuntu distros.... available now

oh wow doomsday averted?

Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate


Re: Hard truths

Yeah not so sure c c++ and developers for the languages are going to just disipear in 5 to10 years

From my (very limited) experiance and from what i have seen there are a fair amount of younsters eager to learn c and to some degree assebley too, espcialy in the imbedded side of things ... some of the rust stuff i've seen is just using a c library anyway...

C and c ++ are mostly the languages that most robotics platforms are written in and ain't going away any time soon

AI has colonized our world – so it's time to learn the language of our new overlords


Re: "Best to just suck it up and master Delvish"

Or you coulk flick a switch and pull a plug...

Whay less labour intensive

Key aspects of Palantir's Federated Data Platform lack legal basis, lawyers tell NHS England



It's mad to think that P.Thiel ponyed up $10 million towards a law suit against Gawker magizine, that put said rag out of business ... for get this invasion of privacy.

" On 15 August 2016, Thiel published an opinion piece in The New York Times in which he argued that his defense of online privacy went beyond Gawker. He highlighted his support for the Intimate Privacy Protection Act and said that athletes and business executives have the right to stay in the closet as long as they want to."

And then called it a win for privacy....

What the actual fuck!

CrowdStrike shares sink as global IT outage savages systems worldwide


Re: I don't mind people blaming Windows..

Wonder if Croudstrikes heuristics found somthing shonky in m$ telemetery code and it chucked a spanner in loop....

Could be a big lawsuit on the horizion .....

Share prices tanking, fingers being pointed andl what not...

Feel for the folks that have to clean this up though...

Yeah yeah im going.... beer cos it's a nice day and did no need for a coat.


Re: The fault's with Microsoft

Thats runbish.....

modern gliphs are size agnolstic there may be a limit but 96 ain't one of them ....

Just done it and again at 500 points ....

Check your system, install or raise an issue it's on your side not liber....

Also page size amount of pages that you can have in a document


Re: The fault's with Microsoft

Because kernel maintainers are constantly adding new hardware... they are new kernels and they are only installed once you choose the kernel you want

Also you have the option of what level of updates

you want....

But if you are happy patching once a week you have at it.....christ would hate todo a roll back on m$ ...

Nintendo sues alleged Switch pirate pair for serious coin


Re: As a member of the Church Of The FSM ....

it's not ment to to be taken literally

It is cheese makers in general..

Sorry ...

Windows: Insecure by design


Re: I hear you loud and clear

"run more than Vim and a browser"

Youre deluded... games is not the be end and all of an os

Want to know what most M$ user's use cases are?

... office and browsing (un)social media oh and games

My gues is pottering and the wsl are an attempt to keep windows relevent with regard to azure..

.net, mono shims etc stuff that..

Try flying thousands of wee drones in a formation af a dragon or a kiss in windows ...please i think the comedy value alone would be worth it,

Try flyining and landing an aircraft on another planet .

Most win apps can be emulated in linux ....and thoose that can't there are replacments that exist or under active development, that are using modern nodestructive node based workflows (Gemel) without a whole tonne of legecy dept.

So don't come here all AC saying things you have no idea about ....

Microsoft cancels universal Recall release in favor of Windows Insider preview



A large blob with a tentickle in all parts of the OS,with a huge vulnerabilty surface ?......

this has Pottering all over it .....

An attorney says she saw her library reading habits reflected in mobile ads. That's not supposed to happen


Re: *Audio*books

Seem to recal a patent a few years ago from then facebolloks .. where an inaudable tone was generated from your viewing device during an add of a fb custumer.... if said viewer was also connected to fb the tone would enable a feature that would record audio to gauge the viewers intetest it advertsed product.... reported here on elReg

In other news, all this "ablah" about privacy is a joke ... you can block all the 3rd party tracking,pixels, js, etc you want and still be profiled by the people you associate with who don't care about it. (Got nothing to hide)

I thought it was a known fact that law enforcement around the world had acess to peoples library info since the 80's

antiX 23: Anarchic for sure, but 'design by committee' isn't always the best for Linux


Re: The sytemd-free ecology

Stuff the major retailers.... they will follow what custumers want.... when enough folks start asking for nix boxe's they will comply....

As mentioned else where in this thread dell will sell pre installed linux pc's.....

I'm supprised no one has mentioned starlight (i may be wrong), but they seem to me like a no brainer and highly configurable... the also have a fanless small factor machine which looks super capable for those lamenting intel retiring their nuc's

They use open-source firmware and disable the intel mangement engine, uses secure boot, suppply lvfs updates and comes with support, and there's more than enough top distros to choose from including mx


Ive been wanting one for over a year now.... :(

With version 117, Firefox finally speaks Chrome's translation language


Re: I use it everyday.

Yeah me too (on mint) ... ff with the usual extensions often times with several open browsers open at the same time with several tabs open, and open for days on end.... and with updates inbetween .... have not had a single issue in over 4 years and even then can't rule my kak handedness out....

Brave on andriod .... might update ff on the driod

Bodhi Linux 7 brings Enlightenment to Ubuntu


Re: Tell me that Linux is never going to be a mainsteam option without telling me....etc.

That is not my experiance at all .... i found it easier....there was a steepish curve to climb in the early days but that was actully more fun than ms round fuckery .... jesus i thought i was losing it when win 7 just became more bloated than a corpse in a gimp suit .... 8 was a hard no and 10 was was ... was ..just pain and horror....have been using nix at home exclusivly since 2018

Microsoft wants Activision so badly, it's handing streaming rights over to ... Ubisoft?


What ever they conciede or pay as apeasment to CMA will be a pitance to what the data they plan on shnuffling up is worth ...

And ubi are a black hole at best won't touch their online stuff again.....

Google says public data is fair game for training its AIs


Re: Is robots.txt still a thing?

yeah nicely said Maskedman.... i think an even fairer outcome would be that if it's scraped from public data then the source should be public too

Threads versus Twitter: Shouldn't we be happy the wheels are falling off antisocial social media?

Big Brother

Re: Freedom is an illusion

Why is it undesirable ?.... and If it's an illusion why are western "democrcies" always banging on about it ....

Think you're free try to do anything without money

We are the only species that pay to live on earth...

what i read from your statement is "dominion" is desirable" in large sociaties by a minority of people who enjoy the benifits of creating scarcity

Meta's data-hungry Threads skips over EU but lands in Britain

Big Brother

Also anyone know what "sensitive data'" is....

they should just come out and say we monitor and store every single thing a user does and sell that to anyone who pays .....ffs when will people understand that what they take from users is worth orders of magnatude more than what the "free" platform is worth....


Microsoft's Activision fight with FTC turned up a Blizzard of docs: Here's your summary


Re: Here's a novel idea

Thanks i thought i was in danger of becoming jaded and cynical ... (allthough some would say that happend a long time ago ).... or worse a HERITIC

"removing the exclusivity side of the equation, you'd force the industry into adopting compatible standards"

↑ this

And the other stuff in the previous post

I dont understand how people just accepted the egregious corporate greed

beer icon to you sir ....


Re: Sony

Sony are japanese and if you knew how they got fucked to stop the nasdek form imploding as in gone forever you would understand them better...

If you have a sony phone they give you the nfo to help you root it and the crypto to still use drm....

Try truly owning any thing the big five have released in the past 5 years....

Metaverses are flopping – hard – says Gartner


Re: Noooo! Reeeally? Who would've seen that coming.

The "additional value a virtual environment adds to this.".....

The value is not to the user it's to the venders and slurp brokers

Privacy Sandbox, Google's answer to third-party cookies, promised within months


Hicks telling marketer's (marketeers.. sounds like racateer?..to kill themselves

i hate these people ...you notice how everythig can be construed as some thing else to these cock wombles ..... "red is the new black" etc"

"If grocery outlets closed tje home bake isle forcing you to buy there bread " .... firstly why would they ?

And secondly bread i buy anywhere is not going to follow me as far as it can on the inter butts... aslo it's not going to profile me throigh whom i know and ascociate with and match all my devives and them sell that data to an underclass of bottom feeders

Open source AI makes modern PCs relevant, and subscriptions seem shabby


Re: costs

Snake ....

Stable diffusion works just fine ... way way better than mid journey and the dream scape onlinr subscription clones way beter

Localy i have a really old intel 3.4 GHZ chip... and while it took a while to work it did it well with a 2nd hand rtx3070 it runs batches of 10 to 15 images in about 3 mins @ 640x720....

Also i can make some primirive geometry in blender,

and run it

US plans to open up government-funded science research papers to all

Big Brother

Re: Rembering Aaron

Who the fuck voted this down .....you sad dispicable loathsome little turd

The first real robot war is coming: Machine versus lawyer


Re: LLMs work like a general-purpose fandom

Howard .... it would be great if it was all black n white for your assumtion to be held and found out in a court .....buuuttt

" They are commercial programs into which copyrighted works have been knowingly fed, in the full knowledge that they will form some part of the output"...

The output is as grey as a rain cloud, part of learning is reading ....is learning the output?... is reading/ training the output?

Is language the output?... also if an automated program can scrape these "works" from the web, which were there for all to read, how does that imply infringment..... how does asking a LLM what moby dick is about differ from asking a teacher, coworker or loved one differ even if they wanted some form of currencey for telling you. You could read this about all major "works" be it film tv or litriture on wikipedia.

Copyright is just that ... a right to stop a copy being made and sold outside of the originators license.

If gpt is going to output the whole book sure unless there have been royalties paid, its clear case, but the rest of it ....nah dought it.... try copyright a language or conversation


Re: LLM. All your works belong to us.

It's to late for that.... when was the last time you saw an original idea for a work of fiction that wasn't a pile of wank ....

Our only hope now is that LLM's can scoop all the best bits and stich them into a newer paradime...

Think the best bit's of pulp fiction re imagined in the jungle book or frozen...

.....or raging bull but re told and mixed with the sound of music....

Sure they would suck, but it might be fun for shits n giggles..... can't be any more lame than the utter shit that most of what makes it to screen these days

UK watchdog blocks Microsoft's Activision Blizzard acquisition


Re: "the decision appears to reflect a flawed understanding of this market"

yeh my sentiments exactly m$ can do one...and activision as well ...

Baudwalk steam os is free the sdk is free... and there is a healthy comunity of indiependent game makers also it runs on prrety much anyrhing..

More ads in Windows 11 Start Menu could be last straw for some


Re: lots of possibilities


You've obviously never read m$ full Eula terms and conditionsi (have only read Vista and xp2000's)

... it's basicaly a "get out of jail free card"

They bear no resposibility or liability for an insatillation that has not been vetted by an aproved reaseller.... no liability for "mission critical" applications, there was a whole paragraph about not been fit to be used in nuclear fasilities, missile silos or power plants etc...

There Is a famous quote by gates saying "if Detriot motors had innovated as fast as the pc industry then we'd all be driving cars that would do 1000m/g" to which the then Co of GM replied " yeah but would you want your car to crash twice a day"

You can read how the lore has expanded since

Here https://onewedge.com/2020/06/25/general-motors-replies-to-bill-gates/

Mines the one with the cRash helmet in the pocket

Elon Musk actually sits down and talks to 'government-funded media' the BBC


Aye prandeamus....

I've noticed this weired thing with radio station news how they seem to lack conviction about what narrative they are following ... it takes the teeth out of a story about A and followes it about story B which implicates another race, gender identity,political or religious group.

For example a muslim refugee gets robed or beaten or wronged and wins a law suit and following story is about how a asian man is court for raping a white woman.

Several police are brought up on all sorts of corruption and ot battery following story is about a suspected terriorist caught with bomb making stuff...

Like the over simplification of "not biased" skews and creates a non verbal "leane" in a right thinking

narrative.... newspeak?

Euro privacy regulators sniff Italy's ChatGPT ban, consider a pizza the action


Re: Italy, you are badly wrong

Plest you're wrong....

LLM gets opened to the world, with the proviso that it's early days and not the full whack, and to be treated as such.... que indignant knee jerk histeria,..

over what exactly?...

When asked about data collection, tools such as chatgpt and stable diffusion, the bot was actually fairly saliant on it's responses.... that it was a language model, that humans should decide how and what worked for them ... and that it had no opinion, and regurgited pros and cons from both sides of the coin.

The fact that there seems to be a large agenda to lock it up reminds me very much of the whole gene sequinceing debates.... which by and large is orders of magnitude a bigger deal, and what is said about it now? But the dozzie is that pushing it behind closed doors will be the same outcome as what the bio-engineering issue's are.... that only the wealthy will have acces, that authoritarian regemes will use it for greater overeach and dominion..... same as it ever was....

And for the most part the great unwashed don't give a monkeys about considering the type of world they want to live in ... locking it up ain't going change that

Terran 1, world's first (mostly) 3D printed rocket, lifts off ... and fails to reach orbit


Re: While I applaud their achievement...

"Just tell us it fucked up and they will study what went wrong and fix it. Be honest."

Yeah like Boeing do....


Re: Space is Hard

l dont have exact figures but the difference is the time it takes and the design options..

On one of the prototype engines they stopped the printer to change a design mid print and then continued were they stopped. The print was completed in a week.

Also there are shapes that can be printed that are impossible to machine or would take an inordinate amount of time, think pleniums and manafolds, traditional turning and milling would need many operations of the part beeing moved and rotated with each opp needing a sucsession if fixtures and vices to hold the forming shape.

GE held a design compition some years ago for a new jet engine the 10 winning entries were mixed and iterated over several times, they cut there development times from 3 years to 6 months

Video game players sue to frag Microsoft-Activision merger

Big Brother

"higher prices, less innovation, less creativity, less consumer choice..."

Sounds like m$ on the whole for the last 20 years

There ftfy
