* Posts by Johnspain

1 publicly visible post • joined 1 Jun 2019

Wanted: Big iron geeks to help restore IBM 360 mainframe rescued from defunct German factory by other big iron geeks


Long before we get to worrying about the JCL or the operating system and programs got to get those disks working. The ones that use hydraulics and oil to move the heads , and not even think of a head crash and a bright operator moving the disk pack around because he had a data check and thought it may work on another drive but did not hear that tinkling sound of a head crash and now we have two drives down, Sometimes moving the pack once was not enough lets try it on the complete string . ( I had an ops manager move a pack 4 times on a string of 3330`s before an op stopped him).Certainly brought the night shift to a halt. Now lets send for the hardware CE its OK because hes not in bed just running round the city fixing half a dozen other problems. I think these guys deserve a very large beer for just thinking of getting this project off the ground. The 1403 is not from the mod 20 but probably attached via an adaptor to the 370 125 no 2821 needed (but again plenty of hydraulic oil) Happy Days