* Posts by NuffSed?

17 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2019

GIMP 2.99.8 is here but what's happened to 3.0? If only stuff would not break all the time


Re: The plague of the grey icons

In general, I'm with you on having easily identifiable (standardised might help or derivatives thereof) icons. As someone with eyesight issues (especially subtle colour differences) I seem be spending more time hovering over an icon to make sure I get the right one. For example, my eldest grandson likes to set his Cinnamon Desktop icons to where Thunderbird icon is light blue border around a white box and Libre Office is a grey border.

But isn't that why they have icon sets and themes to choose from? That said having not used Windows on a regular basis for many years I can't remember if that sort of flexibility is still there.

As an aside, My 9 year old granddaughter was doing some scanning for her homework. Used to Windows at school she sat down at my Linux box. Her 16 year old brother told her to use Document Scanner (aka Simple Scan). She got on and just used it. Concerned that I might have her work saved in the wrong location, I questioned her. She gave me the answers I wanted , but I asked her how did she know how to save. She pointed to an icon of a FDD.She said that is the same as schools. She didn't know what it actually was until I showed her a real one.

Perhaps we do need a set of standardised set of icons for regular activities like open, save, save as etc. Works for road signs and labelling.

US nuclear submarine bumps into unidentified underwater object in South China Sea


Just asking...

What OS was running the subs' systems?


Just asking...

Roger Waters tells Facebook CEO to Zuck off after 'huge' song rights request

Thumb Up

And the score is...

I was asked to teach my 9 year old granddaughter some basics functions in spreadsheets. In need of data I suggested she pick a topic and count the votes.

Nothing scientific but...

Total posts 130

Total up 1070

Total down 142

First 45 posts, 579 up, 0 down

21 posts with 0 up

111 posts with 0 down

19 posts with 142 down votes

When I asked what doe this mean, she pondered a moment before saying...

"Mark Zuckerburg is an arsehole and Facebook is bad"

And no, she is not an active Facebook user, our family use Signal groups.

OpenPGP library RNP updates after Thunderbird decrypt-no-recrypt bug squashed


Note to author

Whilst I appreciate the piece, could I make a little suggestion to you and your colleagues.

These types articles are very informative especially for people like me, who are not directly involved in the IT industry.

However, this would be even more informative is you just add when the patch was applied and the software version that contains it. This would be very useful especially for those who rely on distro package managers that may be a few iterations behind that may still contain the bug.


Apple sued in nightmare case involving teen wrongly accused of shoplifting, driver's permit used by impostor, and unreliable facial-rec tech


Have I got this about right? (Improvements welcome)

Slighty serious (but meant in fun)


How many times do people rely on what they see on screen? (Computers don't lie, people do!)

GIGO at is worst. (It's in the database so that's the truth)

Don't bother with due diligence, don't waste the budget, someone else will do that! (Just collect the brownie points and job satisfaction)

Don't worry if we do an half-arsed job (It's not your fault you weren't trained)

The operative is fully trained and knows their job (so what if you don't have time to do it properly just do want you can)

The company is ultimately responsible if you do your job. (Our staff are well trained and do their job to the best of their ability)

The company got it wrong? (Impossible. Our staff are well trained and do their job to the best of their ability)

The company is being sued for getting it wrong... (No problem we have immunity lobbying money well spent)

Oh the company is being sued actively ignoring immunity conditions... (Lobbying budget needs reviewing upwards, oh and don't forget, clip a few bucks to the NDA on your way out)

No problem here. (Sssh!)


How many times do people rely on what they see on screen? (Computers don't lie, people do!)

GIGO at is worst. (It's in the database so that's the truth)

Don't bother with due diligence, don't waste the budget, someone else will do that! (Just collect the brownie points and job satisfaction)

Don't worry if we do an half-arsed job (It's not your fault you weren't trained)

The operative is fully trained and knows their job (so what if you don't have time to do it properly just do want you can)

The company is ultimately responsible if you do your job. (Our staff are well trained and do their job to the best of their ability)

The company got it wrong? (Impossible. Our staff are well trained by highly trained and knowledgeable consultants)

The company is being sued for getting it wrong... (We have consultants who have made sure this can't happen)

Oh the company is being sued, no problem (And... oh? Where's the template BS response letter?)

Court papers have arrived (Get the lawyers to tell the to F*** Off, oh don't forget to tell them how big we are)

Court date set (counter sue, spread the BS, threaten to take their children, tell GCHQ they spies, I don't care just F*** em off)

Court judgement (offer to pay slightly less now, with a NDA)

No problem here (just ask a Tory or BoJo)

(Shareholders) but we got caught for being a dick.. (And that's what insurance is for, and if it raises the premiums, we'll pass it on to our customers)

But, the customers may leave (have you read our T&C's?)

Now, send someone to US on a jolly to find out how we buy politicians and law enforcement.

(Press) what about that problem you just got sued for? (Sorry my Maserati was revving too loud)

Don't worry about it my salary is safe and I'm due a peerage just ask BoJo

Won't somebody please think of the children!!! UK to mount fresh assault on end-to-end encryption in Facebook


"Why would you want to give more power to those who are in government when you aren't, while...

It doesn't matter who you vote for the government will still get in.

Graffiti seen in 80's somewhere on my travels. Nod to "Yes, Minister" in order methinks.

Raven geniuses: Four-month-old corvids have similar cognitive abilities to great apes at same age, study finds


Please don't let QAnon see this.

Who else misread the headline to see Covid not Corvid. Deliberate methinks!

There was I thinking COVID19 had now become sort of cognisant superbug for a couple of seconds (yes seconds - long enough to put my reading glasses on and take another look).

It's Monday FFS! Save the wind-up until after I sort the mess left by the weekend morons (try about 1700h Friday, should be clear by then).

PMSL... a few people here don't actually know what "Corvid" means. They are actually believe we have a "superbug",

Windows on Wheels is back, though the truck has come to a standstill, much like the OS


Never had this myself

I have Win10 on 2 desktops and 4 notebooks, Funny enough I've not had the death screen once! Seen it plenty of times elsewhere though!

To be honest, my wife thinks Win10 is brilliant - she can boot to any device, do her thing then shut down. She's chuffed to bits that her work is always available on all the devices and especially her own desktop and notebook.

She says this version of Windows is the best ever - better than Win8.1 her machines came with.

So, should I (re-)tell her that all the machines (she has been using for the last 5-ish years) dual boot to Linux Mint by default and that is what she is using not Win10? Please bare in mind the adage "happy wife happy life" - and yes, she was told about it years ago - I just gave up correcting her,

NSO Group fires back at Facebook: You lied to the court, claims spyware slinger, and we've got the proof


Does US Jurisdiction = planet Earth?

According to Rachel Maddow this was clarified years ago by the now US AG/Trump Attorney, W Barr.


Recalling the matter of FIFA corruption, I understood it to be that if at some point goods or services is provided by or via a US based business then it can be taken up by US judicial "system."

That said, any US individual or business that effs up abroad is (seemingly) immune. Crikey, apparently it is even ok to drive on the wrong side of the road and kill someone.

You would think that this would have been sorted by now.

Anyone shed light on this?

Unlocking news: We decrypt those cryptic headlines about Scottish cops bypassing smartphone encryption


Re: DPA limits on police investigations of smartphones???

Ignorance of the law is no excuse, unless you are PC Plod for whom the law is changed retrospectively!


Re: Let me get this right


They imply it is foolproof. When someone says that, for something like this, I think they are basically saying they can trick us proles (with impunity) that all us well until this Turnkey product can be fully activated when no-one is watching.

Checks and balances exist (sorry give me a moment..... need to reign back nervous laughter) for all Police activity.

How many Police were disciplined last year for abusing PNC? Moreover, how many got away with it? A recent article (IIRC) put it at over 50 in 2018! One plod (a relative) once told me that it isn't hard and only the naive get caught (still not sure how to take that comment).

Planting "irrefutable" evidence is becoming easier by the day! How can we defend against it?

I suppose it all comes down to trust in the Police. I think I still have a vague recollection of that term - it fades daily though.

I don't want to go on the cart! Windows 10 Mobile hauls itself from the grave one last time


Oh crap!

Oh crap! My Microsoft Advent Calendar just crashed when I opened another Window!


Valuable personal info leaks from Facebook – not Zuck selling it, unencrypted hard drives of staff data stolen


Oh me, me.

Not quite the perfect moment or scenario, but I have waited so long to sling it back.

"Nothing to fear nothing to hide. Whats the problem?"

Never break the (supply) chain: Intel pitches 'full lifecycle' chip-tracking programme to partners


Just guessing, but..

Does this mean they want to track each chip by introducing a means to report its location and other data?

I can't see this being done any other way than using some form of embedded report back software.

I do wonder if this is already being done and if so where, when and how do I block it.

Low Barr: Don't give me that crap about security, just put the backdoors in the encryption, roars US Attorney General



"... destroy the HDD/SDD and rebuild."

IIRC, wasn't there a big stink a few years back where SATA HHD's had malware rooted deep in firmware?

I've got a stash of IDE HDD's for my IBM PS/1 should I start looking to fire that up?

It does make me wonder how far back we would have to go to say, we were confident the hardware hadn't been tampered with.

Infosec bloke claims: Pornhub owner shafted me after I exposed gaping holes in its cartoon smut platform



There's porn on the interweb? Sounds like they're trying to bury themselves in a deeper hole!

Do Not Track is back in the US Senate. And this time it means business. As in, fining businesses that stalk you online


The business model is what exactly?

If I had a product to sell, the last person I want to advertise it to is the person who is least likely to buy it. Old Brit saying.. "Like selling coal to Newcastle" springs to mind.

TBH, I think I would be very annoyed if someone pitched that advertisement model at me. Marketeers marketing marketeers' markets... (credit Grand-daughter for that one) or something like that.

Still, I suppose, it's a tax deductible expense at the end of the day to get brand recognition for the fashion conscious unimaginative and perhaps brain-dead fanbois amongst us.

Strange world we live in in. Can someone let me off now?