Yahoo shareholders can do better???
"Good riddence, MS has no winning Internet element Yahoo needs and if they won't pay big cash, Yahoo shareholders can do better."
Really? $23 today. On the table was $33 and now it appears back in 2007 $40 was on the table. Look pretty much like the Yahoo! board missed the boat and are guilty of serious misjudgement to me in maximising the value for their shareholders.
Now I might wonder what on earth Microsoft's board is doing letting them make such outrageously high bids for Yahoo! but that is a completely different matter. Yahoo! shareholders would have been much better off taking the $40 offer and getting the hell out while a misguided merger crashed and burned. As it is it looks to me like Yahoo! will suffer a long slow painful decline before eventually being aquired for way less than these figures. As for Microsoft - a slow mamouth that is probably better of without the distraction of trying to integrate Yahoo!