* Posts by Postdoc

3 publicly visible posts • joined 21 May 2019

Thanks, Sir Clive Sinclair, from Reg readers whose careers you created and lives you shaped


I was extremely chuffed when Clive Sinclair responded to my letter and agreed to give a talk to sixth formers at The Leys School in Cambridge in 1969. He turned up laden with freebies, including his latest “hi-fi” amplifier, which he generously offered to me. After his talk, I returned to my study in the boarding house and plugged it in. It blew up dramatically. He was a great innovator but his technology was always flawed.

UK's National Museum of Computing asks tunesmiths to recreate bleeps, bloops, and parps of retro game music


I co-wrote the book 'Creative Sound for the BBC Microcomputer Model B', which means I'm far too old to enter some bloody competition.

Ahem, ahem... AI engine said to be good as human docs at spotting lung cancer developing


It might help if the, ahem, “human docs” looked at the chest x-ray the right way round.