* Posts by Vic Not 20

12 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jan 2020

Microsoft offers China-based engineers an option to relocate

Vic Not 20

It's relatively straightforward to get highly-paid skilled workers into the countries they are targeting. It's not Microsoft that guarantee that, but the governments of those countries.

Europe gives TikTok 24 hours to explain 'addictive and toxic' new app

Vic Not 20

Re: Is social media 'lite' as addictive and toxic as cigarettes 'light'?

I think this is a very valid comparison and not one I have heard before (or perhaps was ready to listen to): I can really see the damage to my children's quality of life being caused by this addictive technology, and I think in a generation or 2's time almost everyone will look back with incredulity at how we as a society allowed a few tech unicorns to damage the mental health of almost the entire population.

Apple might have to pay that €13B EU tax bill after all

Vic Not 20

Re: It is not straightforward at all

Exactly. Accounting for profit itself is not even straightforward or unambiguous - there are different competing standards (UK, US, "International") that all "recognise" profits at different stages and in different ways, layered on top of which we then have tax codes that governments are using to compete for inward investment. Pretending that this is an easy problem to fix is, I am afraid, oversimplifying. That is not to say that is is not an important problem for governments to address, it just means that solutions to war, hunger and - dare I say - the climate crisis are all likely to be achieved long before we have unanimous agreement globally on how to tax multination companies.

Where do people feel most at risk of being pwned? The pub

Vic Not 20

Re: For those times when there's no mobile signal...

On a related note, I can't stand when companies reject "plus addressed" emails - presumably because they don't want their nefarious data-sharing practices revealed. This is where a proactive consumer data protection regulator would be helpful...

Take Windows 11... please. Leaks confirm low numbers for Microsoft's latest OS

Vic Not 20

There's nothing more boomer than welcoming being labelled a boomer...

Nobody denies that boomers moved science and technology forward greatly, it's just unfortunate that they neglected the health of the planet and hence damaged the chances of survival of our species so badly in the process.

Brit competition regulator will make or break Vodafone and Three union

Vic Not 20

Much as I despise Openreach, I do wonder why it is an appropriate and necessary economic model to have gas, electric and water to be operated as closely-regulated monopoly networks, then it should not also be for mobile telecoms? Would very much like for there to be a grown-up national debate on this led by experts who understand these things. I guess our current political overlords are too busy making scapegoats out of brown people in boats to worry about such an important driver of productivity.

Nobody cares about DAB radio – so let's force it onto smart speakers, suggests UK govt review

Vic Not 20

Re: Early adopter

I adopted about 10 years ago and my first and only DAB receiver, Tranciva brand, was much loved at first but lately the reception had become very ropey (inner city London) with the gargling in mud sound never far away and now it has conked out completely! Not great longevity compared to an FM receiver that will basically never die... DAB+ may fix some of the audio quality/reception issues but UK seemed reluctant to adopt because of the existing DAB users I suppose.

We got a screen/speaker for the kitchen 2 years ago and will never look back at DAB or even FM for in-house radio. The functionality of say the Global Player app (Capital etc) that shows you show info and previous and next 2 songs playing is a much functionally richer experience, plus the bonus of voice control when you've got your hands in the sink.

For outside of the home coverage, I'd rather we invested (and regulated!) for a decent mobile data signal coverage nationwide than throw more good money after bad down the DAB(+) well. FM can get a stay of execution as long as there is a measurable user base.

UK promises big data law shake-up... while also keeping the EU happy, of course. What could go wrong?

Vic Not 20

Re: Seems to be a recurring theme here ...

It's ok to have been taken in by the emotionally-anchored but delusional (as has subsequently been proven) Leave campaign. It's less understandable to be showing such evident signs of Stockholm syndrome more than 5 years later.

The old New: Windows veteran explains that menu item

Vic Not 20

Re: Yeah

Your Highlander reference made me laugh, but it's not really based on truth. The Zen of Python in fact says: "There should be one -- and preferably only one -- **obvious** way to do it." The key word being obvious. Although it has its merits, perl is really the antithesis of readable and obvious, and I think developers have voted with their feet on which approach they prefer!

Malaysian Police crush crypto-mining kit to punish electricity thieves

Vic Not 20

Why not...

...sell them to recoup costs or donate them to schools? Destroying them just seems wantonly petty and an offence of a different kind.

It's 2021 and a printf format string in a wireless network's name can break iPhone Wi-Fi

Vic Not 20

Re: When?

And on the 1st day after the hackathon ${deity} invented comments...

Apple: EU can't make us use your stinking common charging standard

Vic Not 20
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Hate Apple, love Lightning connector though

I have to say I wish the EU would show some real muscle and just force Apple to allow royalty-free use of the Lightning connector. It's a much better connector than USB-C when it comes to insertion - try doing them both in the dark and tell me which is the nicer experience (alright, be quiet at the back there Finbarr!). The sharp edges of the USB-C just end up scratching my phone's nice aluminium bottom as I fumble around, whereas the chamfered edges of the Lightning jack just help to automatically locate the hole. The USB-C port also seems far more prone to gathering dust in its more complex crevices than its rival, plus the jack is larger. So much as I hate Apple's over-priced brand, the hardware design is clearly more refined than which rivals were able to produce.