They cannot get rid of control panel!!!
13 publicly visible posts • joined 6 May 2019
When I initially heard about Autonomy over ten years ago I thought there is something fishy going on here. I guessed that Mr Lynch was the guilty party (How wrong I was.)
However, over time, it began to appear that Mr Lynch was a man on integrity. A proud man who would not stoop so low over such a tainted thing as money.
It was an absolute disgrace that the British Government allowed him to be extradited. It should never have happened.
Here we are today with a Shakespearian tragedy on our hands. We have lost a giant from the tech world.
My condolences to all involved, especially his wife and daughter, especially the families of everyone else who perished. May they find peace over time.
Come on the register!! You are the number 1 IT news website. Where are the hourly updates? Do you have the change number? The resulting incident number! Why don't you have a reporter on the MIM bridge. Very poor from the register.
My money is on an expired certificate or BGP or DNS.
The Register should start a campaign for IT to become Greener.
The amount of electricity wasted in IT is criminal! IT is helping to kill the planet!
For example, in thirty years working in the industry I've never once seen site failover implemented (in a DR event) - not once. (And if you do insist on having it - how many times a year do you test it - not the six month UPS test - a full site failover?!) . All that gear in the redundant site whizzing away and never ever will it be used! (And if it is there is a 99% chance it will not work due to lack of testing and poor design)
Yeah - but think about your pension - need to keep the share price and (especially) the dividend nice and juicy. Have you ever sat in a room with a Hedge Fund Manager asking you about dividend? They are scary MFs (they can call you the c-word you know, they might even call you incompetent or a liar or both) . You might even make weird decisions after coming out of that meeting.
So you just move along nothing to see here.
I remember doing a firmware upgrade on a UCS - it went seriously wrong and brough down 1,000 VMs.
I rememebr the Architect telling me that the system behaved exactly as was designed - he was brilliant - he even had me convinced (that it all went to plan)...LOL!
A brilliant shit spinner - Boeing will have similiar for this. A high functioning psychopath. It will spin out for a good 10-15 years People will forget and Boeing will produce $billions for pension funds etc etc etc.......same old....500 souls - Meh!
I've worked in IT for 25+ years and the most common personality I've come across is the insecure IT guy.
Good lord how many times have I had to work with idiots who think they HAVE to know it all. And heaven forbit if you know something better than them - then they really turn on you and start the bullying!
For example I was working (contractor) for a goverment department in London and this guy was so insecure he would not share any knowledge with me. He went away on holidays and would not even tell me about the tape backup system (asked him loads of times)
He then proceeded to join up with is equally insecure buddy to bully me. They would refuse to make eye contact - would never engage in banter - would have whispered conversations when I was around. It was hillarious!
I recently joined another company and with in two days the bullying started - the guys who had been there 12+ years could not cope with someone understanding virtualisation better than them. FFS, no eye contact, no banter - its so bad we cannot even go for a drink down the pub (I asked).
So, to all you insecure IT guys out there - whatever happened to you as a kid - leave it out when you come into the office. Either that or get what you really require, therapy!