Low point
A very low point for the FSF, I've lost any last piecesof respect I had left for them since RMS decided to become insane and blow the rest.
A bit of a laughing stock now, which is a shame
10 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Sep 2007
It's not difficult to remove at all.
There was originally a 'bug' in firefox which disabled the uninstall button for extensions installed for all users. The Microsoft extension installed itself at this level which highlighed this bug.
Microsoft has since rewritten the extension to work around this and it's now able to uninstall like any other extension.
Another case of attacking Microsoft without finding out the facts first .....
If they Swiss government are already set up for a full MS infrastructure then surely it makes sense to continue with existing practise.
I can't imagine having to retrain all admins with 20+ years of experience on Windows boxen, programmers and network admins too. migrate all the proprietry Windows software to open source equivelents and somehow retrain all the end users how to use this software.
It just sounds like a nightmare, and a very expensive one at that.