* Posts by Jon_x

4 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Apr 2019

How many remote controls do you really need? Answer: about a bowl-ful


I have no TV in my living-room = just a projector linked to a tower. And tower linked to a sound system. Bliss.......

If Daddy doesn't want me to touch the buttons, why did they make them so colourful?


Re: z-fold?

Morrisons still use it!!!

A Register reader turns the computer room into a socialist paradise


Back in the day....


system ("csh");



chmod 4777 and chown 0,0 and w00t :D

Apologies if not 100% accurate - am old and senile now so memory fading......

Thank you, your DNA data will help secure your… oh dear, we've lost that too


Re: Alistair Dabbs

Obvoiusly not used to the light-hearted humour that is Mr Dabbs......Issues start at home :)