Re: Libre Office
"I know many kids here in West Wales who hate being forced to sit through Welsh lessons and would rather have the time spent on learning a widely spoken European or Asian language, or even to hone the (often poor) English language skills."
The alternative scenario you imply is that no-one will learn any Welsh and this ancient language will die out. The Welsh culture, which is a key part of our national identity, will then disappear. There will be no need for place names and signs in Welsh. Kids in Wales will then be no different to kids in England. They can disband the football and rugby teams and stop using one of the world's most beautifully poetic and musical National anthems since no-one will know the words or care what they mean. Wales will be another English holiday destination.
This is what the English have always wanted, they have tried so hard to kill off the language and the Welsh identity down the centuries, even in the 1970s when I was in school. English incomers (possibly unconsciously) bring that mentality with them. It seeps into the locals so that the natives have more in common with the English than with their forebears.
Perhaps you want everyone - everywhere - to speak English. It makes life easier for English speakers, all transactions are in English, those foreigners can't pull a fast one or talk about you behind your back.
Poor English skills are not related to the teaching of Welsh (or another language) in schools. They would probably rather play on their smartphones or hang out with friends, not learn another language.
Their parents may well have voted Leave, the usual reason being because they don't like foreigners / immigrants - at least non-white, non-English ones - so they're not going to be up for learning foreign languages.