* Posts by Len Goddard

436 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Sep 2007


Google+ bans real name under ‘Real Names’ policy

Len Goddard


I wonder what they would have made of the artist who used to be known as the artist who used be known as Prince, before he changed his name for the second time?

iLuv iPad 2 case and Bluetooth keyboard

Len Goddard


Oooh. It turns your iPad into an EeePad Transformer.

Without the extra batteries, SD Card port, USB ports etc of course.

Linus Torvalds dubs GNOME 3 'unholy mess'

Len Goddard
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Too right

I was very happy with gnome2 - it did what I wanted it to unobtrusively.

Unity makes it impossible to work the way I want to, and gnome 3 is just a mess. I'll be moving xfce or lubuntu once support for 10.04 LTS expires - unless sanity prevails in the gnome/ubuntu camp.

It's official: IE users are dumb as a bag of hammers

Len Goddard

appropriate humour

I friend pointed this out to me


Microsoft boffins propose cloudy home furnaces

Len Goddard

Oh, yeah

I'll take half a dozen to keep my swimming pool warm ... if I can just persuade M$ to build me a swimming pool.

Toyota tech to steer cars round jaywalkers

Len Goddard

lesser of 2 evils

Is it clever enough to realise that hitting the idiot pedestrian is preferable to stopping suddenly and having the 18 wheel truck behind you climb into your back seat?

Apple ups Mac Mini spec, lowers price

Len Goddard

What optical drive

You say:

Both CPUs are dual-core jobs, but you can have a quad-core Core i7 running at 2GHz if you fancy the Mac Mini Server box. It has 4GB of memory and two 500GB 7200rpm hard drives, but lacks the optical drive found in the desktop models.

But the desktop model no longer has an optical drive. Cut'n'paste from an earlier review?

X-COM UFO: Enemy Unknown

Len Goddard


One of my all time favourites, although very difficult to finish at the higher difficulty settings. TftD was also fun but became a bit of a slog after a while because the bases were just so big. A friend of mine, Scott Jones, produced a series of patches mainly aimed at making it even more difficult but I do remember one of them allowed you to play the aliens.

Star Wars fans want Sony sued over game shutdown

Len Goddard

Put it out of our misery

The original game had some great features - especially the way you could mix'n'match the classes and drift from one to another. The "Star Wars" ambience really came through. Unfortunately it also had some horrible bugs and a crafting & housing system which made it more like a job than a game - don't play for a week and your house fell down (OK, I exaggerate, but only slightly).

Unfortunately the bug fixing and class balancing became too much for Sony and they scrapped the innovative class structure and replaced it with something traditional and boring. From then on all was downhill.

RIP what might have been a great game.

Asus Eee Pad Transformer Android tablet

Len Goddard
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I like it

At £50 bundled the keyboard/dock/expansion is a real bargain. The screen is superb and even if the tablet section is a bit bigger/heavier than the iPad the better form factor (720p movies without rescaling) more than makes up for it.

Lake of native mkv support is irritating, although I have heard rumours of firmware upgrades to fix this. So far moboplayer has coped with everything I've thrown at it without any stuttering.

The bbc iplayer android app doesn't appear to work, at least for me. Everything is fine until I select something to playback but I never get a picture. However, iplayer works fine from the browser and since the android version of the standalone doesn't support download-and-play-later (shame on you, bbc) it is no real loss.

I had some initial hookup problems connecting to my WinXP box but they were all at the XP end. Eventually manually installing the Asus USB drivers and reinstalling Asys pc suite while the pad was connected cured those.

The non-availability of replacement USB cables is worrying, but hopefully that will resolve itself soon. The length issue is easily cured by using a usb extension cable at the non-proprietory end.

For me, the only real niggle was that I couldn't buy the 32Gb version bundled with the keyboard.

And for those that ask, the thing has already been rooted so I suspect native linux will come soon although we may have to wait a while for tegra2 support on non-android OS.

Unique imagery of Shuttle docked to ISS released

Len Goddard


Dammit, we should be on Mars already!

Win8: A beginner's guide to FondleWindows

Len Goddard


From Wikipedea:

In human–computer interaction, WIMP stands for "window, icon, menu, pointing device", denoting a style of interaction using these elements. It was coined by Merzouga Wilberts in 1980.

The odd version quoted here actually aconymizes to WIPM, which sounds more like something you would use on a baby's bum. Perhaps that is appropriate?

Natty Narwahl: Ubuntu marine mammal not fully evolved

Len Goddard

time to change flavour

I've been using windows since it was an overlay for MS-DOS and linux since you installed it from a stack of floppies, so my expectation of where the menu bar, scroll bar and min/max/close buttons are to be found is more or less burned into my nervous system. The last thing I want is a major change of interface, especially since I need to use both linux and windows. If I stay with 'buntu I'll be moving to Xumuntu or possibly even Lubuntu.

Channel Five reborn as Channel Five

Len Goddard

Who cares?

So the logo is changing? Big deal - I doubt I would have noticed if you hadn't told me.

Actually, I'm positive I wouldn 't have noticed as I never watch the channel.

New NASA model: Doubled CO2 means just 1.64°C warming

Len Goddard
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What about the oceans

One of the problems with the "climate change" debate is that people become completely hung up on global warming and forget all the other consequences of the crap we are throwing into the environment. Increasing CO2 levels lead to acidification of the oceans to the point where calcium carbonate can no longer be deposited to form shells or coral. Since the coral reefs are major nurseries for many fish and invertebrates this will have a devastating effect on the ocean ecology

BBC One HD to launch this autumn

Len Goddard

Nothing worth watching

I am amused that there is not a single program in the list quoted which actually benefits from the HD treatment. The Apprentice in HD - why? So that we can get a closer view of Alan Sugar's bad skin and stubble?

Resolutely SD !!

Apple accuses HTC of iPhone tech theft

Len Goddard

Too many patents

I think at least part of the problem is the generally poor level of many of the patents. I don't know which patents are involved in this case, but in general there seem to be a lot of cases over patents for the blindingly obvious or for things which have been in use for many years (particularly in the UI field).

Ofcom opens debate on Freeview HD DRM to punters

Len Goddard
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No thank you

I'll happily do without whatever the content owners won't let the BBC broadcast in order to ensure that what they do send out is unencumbered.

Bascially all DRM does after about day3 is inconvenience the average user. Anyone who wants to rip/copy/torrent will quickly find a way around any protection scheme.

Super-soldier exoskeleton to get 3-day fuel cell powerpack

Len Goddard
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Parkinson's Law

The load required by Generals to be carried by a footsoldier will always exceed the comfortable load carrying capacity of the soldier.

So if these things will carry 200lbs the equipment load will increase to 250-300lbs. Eventually the exoskeleton will need to be nuclear powered.

Discrimination warning over airport body scanners

Len Goddard


I'm all for these things if I can just walk through without having to unpack my carryon or remove my shoes.

Have another queue for people who object. Anyone who takes it, however, must do so in the knowledge that they are likely to encounter bodysearches, luggage unpacking and the intimate attention of sniffer dogs

Paramount prepares to scale Dune

Len Goddard

Please, no God-Emperor

I thought the Lynch film was a mess, but I was not unimpressed by the two miniseries. It is possible but unlikely that a new film will be worthwhile.

But why do so many people here want a movie of God-Emperor? It was by far the worst book in the entire Dune canon - it was probably the worst book Herbert wrote. The only use I ever found for it was as a cure for insomnia.

Britons warned of plague of the 'supercats'

Len Goddard

Another press-generated scate

The same sort of thing was said about Bengals.

Sure, the initial crossbreeds can be very large and sometimes of dubious temperament, but there aren't many of these and they are generally not regarded as suitable for domestic pets. Later generations are generally smaller and have much more reliable temperaments.

Sharp intros 5in ARM-based netbook

Len Goddard

remote control

if the price is right this might be a new remote for my squeezebox system.

The squeezebox duet remote is about as good as a traditional remote can get, but if you have a lot of music the web interface is much easier to use.

Virgin hijacks empty pages

Len Goddard

Pain in the posterior

The most irritating thing about this sort of nonsense is that the URL bar changes so I can't simply edit my typo and hit enter.

As someone else pointed out, it has been done here before and it was dropped. Hopefully Virgin will get the message and stop mucking about.

Microsoft railroads little man with Office Live U-turn

Len Goddard
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It's english Jim, but not as we know it

perpetuity in microspeak clearly means "until we decide otherwise".

Fujifilm confirms 'world's first' 3D stills and films compact

Len Goddard
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share and enjoy

And I send prints to my aged relatives how?

Barnes & Noble chases Amazon with ebook second coming

Len Goddard

Anywhere, on any device

Providing you live in the USA and do not use linux.

Memory-hogging bug offers universal browser crash exploit

Len Goddard

Javascript, not java

Nothing to do with java or sun. So we can happily go back to blaming M$ since firefox/opera have already managed to fix the problem.

People just not that into Blu-ray

Len Goddard

No advantage

DVD through a half-way decent upscaler is more or less indistinguishable from blu-ray for most material except possibly for the very latest stuff (comparisons done on my mates 60" screen using an expensive blu-ray player). Personally I have a 32" SD tv and no space or desire for anything bigger. Upgrading to HD would probably be almost indistinguishable at my normal viewing distance.

Plus I have 600+ DVDs in a variety of regional encodings. If/when blu-ray players without region locking are as cheap as today's dvd players I might buy one. I assume by then I'll have an HDtv as my current box will have worn out. On the other hand, considering the quality of most of what is broadcast nowadays, I might simply dump the TV and stick to watching DVDs via a computer.

Microsoft to bomb Europe with IE-free Windows 7

Len Goddard

Windows update

the only thing I use IE for is windows update. Are they going to make that work on non-IE browsers, provide a standalone updater or just say tough luck to anyone who doesn't want IE on their machine?

Net closes on NZ bank error fugitives

Len Goddard
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Not theirs

In the UK it is theft if you make use of money you could reasonably be expected to know is not yours.

So if the bank gave you 12k instead of 10k you might get away without criminal charges, although you would have to pay it back eventually. However if they give you 10m instead of 10k you have to know this is an error and removing/using the money would be theft.

Expenses row MPs warned to change cash card PINs

Len Goddard

Re: 60k a year is peanuts

I don't have a problem with paying for legitimate expenses and I can accept that MPs need to be able to stay over near Westminster when the house is in session. What I object to is blatantly unjustifiable claims, like mortgate payements for a non-existent mortgage or for a flat as far away from Westminster as the constituency (a Luton MP apparently was claiming for a flat in Southampton). I also see no reason why MPs should be allowed to play the property market with taxpayers money.

Salary is salary and expenses are expenses. If MPs think they are worth 150k let them vote themselves a salary so that everyone can see how much they get paid. Personally I don't think most of them are worth £150, let alone £150k.

I must admit I find comments about "damaging people's respect for parliament" hilarious - do they really believe that the bulk of the population have any respect at all left for that institution?

Profs: Human race must become Hobbits to save planet

Len Goddard

A very old idea

This idea formed the theme of Colin Kapp's novel Manalone, published in 1977.

Boeing: Raygun dreadnoughts will rule the oceans by 2019

Len Goddard

Horizon problems

To hit a sea skimmer at 20 miles the laser would need to be mounted about 250 feet above sea level.

For a more practically mounted device (say 30 feet above sea level) you have a horizon of less than 7 miles. At Mach 5 that would give you about 1 second to fry the thing.

Radiohead and chums demand copyright 'fair play'

Len Goddard

Mickey Mouse

My understanding is that the current (obscene) 95 year limit was basically introduced as an extension to the previous (marginally less obscene) 75 year limit in the US so that Disney could retain copyright on Mickey Mouse. Presumably when the Mouse looks like coming out of copyright it will be extended again.

I see absolutely no reason why the EU should follow them down this slippery slope. They are just taking the Mickey out of all of us.

Detroit does mass-market e-car deal with Proton

Len Goddard
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The kicker will be, as always, how long it takes to charge the thing on the drive and the availability of away-from-home quick charge facilities.

Plus if the government really wants to cut down on petrol-driven cars and petrol-generated pollution they really need to consider removing (or at least drastically reducing) the car tax on electric road cars and maybe even offer a trade-in bonus.

Unfortunately, its all too late for me as I'm not convinced my current banger will last till 2010

Which desktop Linux distribution?

Len Goddard

Linux for years

I moved my desktop system to Ubuntu (Dapper/6.06) almost 3 years ago as a response to the frustration of trying to run a windows desktop when developing code for linux servers. It has been a delight to work with an OS that doesn't fight you when you want to do something. The bonus is that none of the corporate snoopware and asset control stuff run on it either!

At home I still have windows mainly for games. Most everything else I do from a linux VM (to avoid dual-booting). It is amusing that the linux software runs as well within the VM as the windows equivalent do natively under windows, which says something about the overhead windows applies to the system.

If the latest efforts to get DX10 running under Wine mature I'll be able to dump windows forever.

Google backs EU's Microsoft antitrust battle

Len Goddard


Are there still people who don't actively block all doubleclick material??

Wanted: £160k-a-year Twittercrat

Len Goddard


An online idea bashing session (I think the name is supposed to be reminiscent of jamming in jazz) in which you open yourself to huge numbers of ill-considered ideas from the uninformed masses and hope to extract the occasional silk purse from the pile of sow's ears.

Beloved of IBM senior management

Western Digital My Book World Edition 1TB NAS box

Len Goddard

What about the penguin

No linux support, or are linux users supposed to be sufficiently computer-literate to sort out the SMB shares themselves without any handholding?

Spotify: We kick the tyres

Len Goddard

No free acces

It is probably worth mentioning that the "free" option is currently an invitation-only beta.

But you can sign up for paid access right now.

Paying for a beta? Sounds like a Microsoft business model

Satellites crash over Siberia: Iridium bird destroyed

Len Goddard
Gates Horns

Reverse conspiracy theory

The Russian bird was actually an active orbital weapons platform pretending to be a dead Cosmos sat. The Iridium constellation are actually US hunter-killers masquerading as comms sats until they are needed, as in this case, to take out orbital threats.

Jacqui Smith ecstatically ignores more scientific advice

Len Goddard

Why indeed?

"Maybe we could save some money by just sacking these scientists rather than paying them to offer advice which the government will then ignore."

This was exactly my thought when I heard this news on the radio this morning.

The other good question is, given that the government will ignore any advice that does not correspond with its own prejudices, how long will competent and self-respecting scientists continue to take posts where their work will be ignored or worse, they will be held up to public ridicule for offering unfashionable views.

Isle of Man gov gets social

Len Goddard

The island is famous for its kippers, bike race, accountants, alcoholics and webbed toes.

And tail-less cats.

California to get 'space age' three-wheel EV

Len Goddard


TBH, I think the styling is fun. But the price is silly. It needs to be brought down to less than $10000 because with that range/performance it can never be more than a backup runabout.

Jacqui Smith cracks down on gangs via computers, closets

Len Goddard

clothing ban

Just ban them from wearing any clothes. That would keep them all off the streets for the next few months.

Microsoft SKUs Windows 7 clarity

Len Goddard



Undeveloped has nothing to do with the technological or industrial state of the country, just the quality of its copyright control. Undeveloped means a country where people will pirate expensive stuff and the state won't stop them, so it is better to sell them something cheap and get some cash than lose control completely.

Sony's 11in OLED finally lands in Europe

Len Goddard
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Cheaper to collect

It would be a lot cheaper to fly to Tokyo and buy it there.

Pure Digital Avanti Flow internet radio and iPod speaker

Len Goddard
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Wot, no FLAC?

And no support for linux servers, either, according to the web page.

Register Hardware revamped

Len Goddard
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More of the ghastly fixed width stuff. And the eyestraining little font. There was a key combo which increased the font size in the main reg pages but it doesn't seem to carry over and I don't remember what it was.
