* Posts by Jo Bloggs

3 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Mar 2019

ASUS recalls motherboards that flame out thanks to backwards capacitors

Jo Bloggs

Normal for Asus

I have seen so many manufacturing defects from Asus in the past that I already don't ever buy anything made by them. This new feather in their cap comes as no surprise to me. It's a shame as technically some of their stuff is very good, it just too often doesn't work at all or fails too soon.

There are pictures all over the internet of a big dark spot on Uranu... Oh no, wait, it's Neptune

Jo Bloggs

Re: In knots

Is a Nautical mile relevant on a planet that has no oceans?

Jo Bloggs

There is a saving

If they are both the same design then the cost of the design work will be shared between them. How much this affects the final cost is defined by the ratio between design and build cost, but it will be a saving.