Re: Question
My first thought exactly. Google Wave was really neat but nobody ever found a use for it. The SQL Server Edge stuff also revealed by MS looks strangely similar to what Sybase were trying to do with SQL Anywhere not so many years ago.
16 publicly visible posts • joined 25 Mar 2019
Mr Arnold Hagenbach and Mr Dale (Arndale) and their builder Mr Keith Joseph and their architect Mr. Poulson pretty much expected Local Authorities to give them the land in return for regeneration. If one Local Authority wouldn't play ball there was always another just down the road. Mr Stakis had pretty much the same approach builing hotels at the same time and it worked well.
El Reg's coverage of this has been fantastic.
Astounding will have been the UK taxes paid by the City lawyers for their well deserved fee income.
The role of UK financial institutions in contributing to our economy is well recognised. We also have a world class legal system in the City that day in, day out settles arguments across the world and pays for much of our public spending.
( Declaration - I am not a lawyer or involved in such matters except for having paid vast sums to such City practitioners in the past.)
Yes, of course. A witness would expect to have access to the daily transcript and the trial bundle*. Coaching would be a different thing, as would contact with lawyers or others associated with the case whilst sworn in as a witness and it may be the cross examining barrister was hinting at this latter to make the witness uncomfortable.
* Enough documents to sink an aircraft carrier in this case.
It is a long time since I lived in Kent but is the Maidstone Archbishops Palace in Medway Council's area? It may be on the Medway or Len rivers where they meet. but that would still have been Maidstone Borough Council in my time.
Nice picture of it though. I should have had a look round when I was there rather than driving by on the Hastings Road behind it.
With a case on this scale they will put a sharp judge on it. There are some very good ones - and some others.
At the Court of Appeal the costs are much lower because you are usually arguing a few very narrow points raised by the judgement in the lower court. Quite interesting to a logical IT mind.
Those three judges will be very sharp though things are much less formal -Lord Justices sitting casually without ties or wigs, lolling in chairs with tea towels drying on the bookshelves beside them.
AC because been there, done that, paid the lawyers but certainly a life experience.