Hang on just a minute...
"Hang on just a minute" is something I frequently think when I'm researching an article. There's an awful lot of blaggers out there in startup land, as we all know. Add to this the fact that many acronyms are misused in order to confound clients, or simply used without care and attention to the fact that the same acronym is already in common parlance for something else. I've already got a list of almost 50 things that can be 'as a service', including 4 that are SaaS, after about 30 mins of light Googling.
Where we would all be beyond surprised to see someone offering 'true' strong AI, I think it's fair to say that most would hope for at least some element of machine learning to be involved in a product purporting to be 'AI'. Presumably some of these companies are fudging things in the hopes that they will get enough expertise/funding/miracles in the near future to be able to implement something like what they're promising.
Others will simply be taking advantage of the fact that people assume AI to mean 'artificial intelligence', as in the case with AIOps - originally coined to mean 'algorithmic IT Operations' rather than 'artificial intelligence operations' as customers would be prone to assume. Of course, some of those companies have gone on to add a lot more in the way of artificial intelligence, or at least machine learning to their products.