* Posts by iainw

8 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jul 2019

What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you



Contractors welcome Lords inquiry into IR35 before tax reforms hit private sector but fear it's 'too little, too late'


everybody owes tax on earned income

If you are not on a PAYE scheme then you owe tax from the instant that you earn a quantity of money. The pennies in each pound which are payable to HMRC never belong to you. It is the responsibilty of the earner to pay HMRC the tax due - and it is NEVER anybody elses fault if the tax is not paid. The problem is that is has become common practice to engage in systems of behaviour which seek to avoid confronting this reality both as a payer and a payee.

This is also a system for GPs, right? UK doctors seek clarity over Health dept's £40m single sign-on funding


Re: what is a GP?

The funding model for the NHS has been broken for decades and it needs to be replaced with something which fits the reality of today. There is NOTHING party political about this - and if you think electing a different flavour of politicians will make a difference you are deluded.

What is required is for the Great British Public to wake up to this fact and give the political parties the leeway to form a cross party consensus on NHS funding reform. But the Great British Voter is more concerned with casting a vote which favours their wallet.

BOFH: The case of the Boss's hidden USB inkjet printer


Re: Wonderful!

an expanding subdural / extradural / cardiac tamponade / haemothorax / retroperitoneal etc etc would all tank your vitals.

Labour: Free British broadband for country if we win general election


"people will happily accept poor service in exchange for lower bills"

and that it EXACTLY why the NHS and Social Care are spiralling downwards in to oblivion.

people vote with their wallets rather than their 'principles'...

Father of Unix Ken Thompson checkmated: Old eight-char password is finally cracked


didn't respond to an RFC...


SpaceX didn't move sat out of impending smash doom because it 'didn't see ESA's messages'


didn't anyone think to pick up the phone and actually speak to someone at SpaceX?

Too hot to handle? Raspberry Pi 4 fans left wondering if kit should come with a heatsink


The ‘official’ case is a closed plastic box with no vents. The board will inevitably overheat and throttle in such a case and therefore the case is not fit for purpose. It needs to be withdrawn from sale.