* Posts by fiskrond

15 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Mar 2019

One-size-fits-all chargers? What a great idea! Of course Apple would hate it


Re: Apple don't like it?

get a different brand of wife.. it will work out more cost-effective in the longer term

Leaked Guntrader firearms data file shared. Worst case scenario? Criminals plot UK gun owners' home addresses in Google Earth


Re: On the other hand...

the one's with the horns seem to like it though...

What you need to know about Microsoft Windows 11: It will run Android apps


Cheap grog for those who don't know the difference..

Even as a utter noob non-techie Win>Linux home user... Windows is increasingly striking me as the equiv to Smirnoff vodka/Jack Daniels whisky...

A shite product with a huge marketing budget...

Images of women coerced by adult companies poison dataset popularised by deepfake smut creators


Re: Doppelgängers

A mate of mine once sent me a pic of someone taken in an international airport... even 'I' thought it was me, especially as intently looking at what appeared to be my then current phone (Nokia 7650), same haircut, glasses, and wearing similar attire...

Did I or did I not ask you to double-check that the socket was on? Now I've driven 15 miles, what have we found?


Winding twisting roads of nowhere/knownothing but buy tech anyway..

I casually offered assistance to my next-door neighbour of some 18yrs... although known her a lot longer as ran around same streets as junior-school kids [always was a bit..erm.. o_O]

"Any problem with your computer.. let me know.."

I was abruptly informed...

"I don't use computer anymore.. I got a laptop"

I wish I was making this up for comedic effect.

The winding twisting roads of the south Wales valleys...

New old Windows bug emerges, your 'strong' password is anything but, plus plenty more


MX-Linux worth a look.... and I really am a Linux noob.

Install is not as simple as others which simply ask 'Install alongside Windows'... so use something like Partition Wizard (free) to create partition first, presuming yer going for dual-boot.

After that, it's all good.... whack Vivaldi and LibreOffice on it and yer good to go!

If you have a spare HDD to install to, all the better while you suss it out.... use Windows to download and burn to a dvd (I've yet to make a bootable USB that doesn't end up fekd... DVD's work just fine for me!).. unplug all other HDD's and install... have a fiddle with it... then start questioning loyalty to Windows...

I haven't yet left Windows7.. (8 & 10.. pfft!).. but the day is coming

Are you sure you've got a floppy disk stuck in the drive? Or is it 100 lodged in the chassis?


Re: Ex apple genius.....

does this apply if you are naturally cack-handed?

Thumb Up

Re: Ex apple genius.....

Doesn't matter how long it takes.. or how much the guitar cost (eg a Gretsch or Gibson semi-acoustic).. yer gonna shake it till ye get yer plectrum back as if yer life depends on it. Done it.. :-D


Re: Fiscal responsibility.

bet you've dined out on that anecdote a few times....

Children of Wales to be prepped for the vibrant world of work with free Office 365 ProPlus


Re: Libre Office

Speaking it is not stubborn... FORCING it upon those who have no use nor care for a minority language that sounds like the wrong-end-of-a-blow job is left-wing minority fascism.

It makes road-signage a serious problem for a start... no fucker wants to play scrabble at 70mph.

They speak Gaelic in parts of Scotland.. but the authorities don't insist on it... there's a fucking huge difference. They moved on with the rest of the UK rather than stuck in the mindset of being 'special'.. there's nothing unique about Wales or anywhere else.. the only thing that is 'special' about Wales is the low mean IQ..

I am born, bred, and unfortunately residing in this dysfunctional country.


Oriface 365

Just a pity that LibreOffice has yet to get [CTRL]+[R] for 'Fill Right' working in their spreadsheet...

Soon as they do that (why haven't they?).. I can gladly jump the M$ ship

The whole 'ribbon' thing does not work for me... at all..

'It's full of beer!' Miracle fridge reveals itself to pals tuckered out from cleaning flooded cabin


G'n'T x5 is better

Prodigy dancer and vocalist Keith Flint found dead aged 49


Re: At his cremation,

cheap joke at someone else's misery...