* Posts by Cliffwilliams44

969 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2019


Woman uses AirTags to nab alleged parcel-pinching scum

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: "police declined to pursue the matter"

Because so many on the left believe that property crimes (like theft) are just another means of poverty relief!

What you have is not yours, it all belongs to the state. If the state decides to transfer it to someone else, by any means, then so be it! If you object, then you are obviously a racist, white supremacist and most likely an enemy of the state!

Boom Supersonic takes baby steps toward breaking the sound barrier

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Well, they better find other customers!

Very few people are business traveling today. I work for a company that operates in 8 countries at present. International travel is down to basically 1 person, the CEO.

That travel is about 1 per year to each country. So if they are going to be profitable they certainly need to find new customers. The senior political class maybe.

The idea of supersonic private aircraft sounds more lucrative. They will need to get the fuel costs down though.

Cloudflare calls for regulatory harmonization amid rising internet challenges

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

OK groomer!

Google is a monopoly. The fix isn't obvious

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Obvious solution

Yes comrade, that will work out so well for everyone!

If you want something run as poorly are possible, let the government do it!

US Government departments are an absolute atrocity! Look at the Department of Education! 50 years of declining education results!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Google should do more bribing and informaion sharing

There is a rival for Azure, it's called AWS and it's 1000% better!

What we need is a rival for Microsoft 365 and Exchange Online! There isn't one! Just like there isn't a decent rival for Outlook! Is that MS's fault? No!*

* No, there isn't. All the offerings like those from Google are shit!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: iBiz to compete with Google? Ha!

Do you know what happens when bubbles burst? People's lives are ruined!

We know you don't care because you would sell your soul to your government overlords as long as they give you your daily crust of bread!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Two words : Consent Decree

Yes, lets regulate ourselves into the communist dystopia!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Perhaps the buying and selling of businesses should be outlawed

Do you people EVER think about the ramifications of your ideas and the destruction they can cause?

If your idea existed 20 years ago I would not have the job I have today. Working for great company! The only reason my employer has a presence in the United States is by acquiring faltering US companies and building them up here in the US. Were all the acquisitions successful? No. The ones that are, are doing very well here now, providing quality jobs for over 6000 employees!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Meta store

So, you want to pay for searching the internet? Because that is what it would come to!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

They have a strangle hold because very few people want to use a different browser!

Microsoft had a strangle hold on the browser market but their browser was shit and MS has never been able to successfully leverage that advantage to build an advertising platform. Hell, they had the default home page for years and couldn't turn a profit on that!

I am no Google fan at all, but this insanity that a company is a monopoly because the vast majority of the people want to use their product, is BS!

The problem is, back when Google started no one else believed that could make money at this with just advertising, the ones that tried all failed! Now they are all crying because they didn't have the foresight or skills to make it work!

As far as the Play Store the issue is the same with Apple. Do you want to turn Android and Apply into the wild west of Windows? Will we be forced to run Anti-Virus on all our phones? The problem with payment processing is if an app publisher wants to use a different payment processor then it has to be vetted as secure and legit. Who is the arbiter of that!

We've become a world full of childish beggars! From the pan handler on the street to corporate beggars! "I've become a failure at life and business, government please take care of me! WHAAAAHH!

Remember, the breakup of Standard Oil only make Rockefeller richer!

The breakup of AT&T was a total cluster fuck!

If you think government will make things better you are a fool!

Palo Alto Networks execs apologize for 'hostesses' dressed as lamps at Black Hat booth

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Yeah except no: Obvious bs.

As a man who's been married to a beautiful woman for 37 years I can speak from experience.

The majority of the women (and the men for that matter) that complain about these things would never be asked to do something like this because they are butt ugly!

It infuriates me that these skanks are so quick to push the narrative that "No, you cannot have that job and earn a living because it makes "me" feel uncomfortable (and inadequate)!

I knew a young woman back in the day who worked for one of my customers, know what her entire job description was? Sit at the front desk, answer the main phone (most calls went direct) and look pretty and be nice to my customers clients. She got paid quite well to do that!

Techie told 'Bill Gates' Excel is rubbish – and the Microsoft boss had it fixed in 48 hours

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Everyone knows shy the limit is there, and we all know Bill G. never said that! It's an old joke that is still funny!

In 50 years the world is going to be a very humorless place!

WordStar 7, the last ever DOS version, is re-released for free

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

The time I was nearly hung by angry women.

I remember back into day, circa 1990, when we were installing new computers in an advertising firm. The publishing and art directors pushed the owner hard to install Macs throughout the company.

s we started replacing the DOC PCs on all the PAs desks, the uproar began. You see all these women where highly skilled WordStar jockeys! They were screaming "what am I supposed to do with this "mouse thing! This is just s,owing me down"! Needless to say, the uproar forced us to take back many of the Macs and replace them with new IBM PCs.

CrowdStrike unhappy about Delta's 'litigation threat,' claims airline refused 'free on-site help'

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Blame where blame's due

Color me a conspiracy theorist, but, how does this happen from company that is supposed to be one of the leaders in enterprise security. That it happens on the Monday after the Sunday that Joe Biden <i̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶r̶c̶e̶d̶ ̶o̶u̶t̶ steps down from the US Presidential campaign. Effectively dominating the news cycle for the next few days. Remember, Crowd Strike has been in bed with the Democrat Party for years! They are the ones who failed to protect their email from being leaked in 2016!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Because vendors coming in to help out in an emergency like this are usually very little help and often a hindrance as they are unfamiliar with the companies operations and systems. I seriously doubt CrowdStrike's "help" was taken by very many.

Why did Delta take so long to get this resolved? Let's see, a very distributed network covering most of the world.

DARPA suggests turning old C code automatically into Rust – using AI, of course

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

So, AI is not the fairy godmother!

IBM pushing to use AI top convert COBAL to JAVA!

DARPA pushing to to us AI to convert C/C++ to Rust!

In the words of Timmy Turner. "What could possibly go wrong!"

Microsoft Dynamics 365 called out for 'worker surveillance'

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Expectations

"A common issue in Scotland is folks down south really don't understand just how long it typically takes to get to rural areas."

Oh I can relate! It amazes me how some, obviously intelligent people from the UK have absolutely no idea how large the United States actually is.

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

This is the problem with this kind of worker management. There is nothing wrong with a system that monitors remote workers, field workers, etc. It is when management uses those tools to micro-manage the work force to the point where they are spending more time giving management what "they" want and less time providing customers with what they need!

'Error' in Microsoft's DDoS defenses amplified 8-hour Azure outage

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

"Then I had to deal with a malfunctioning Tape loader,"

That's a joke right?! No? You're serious? Oh Lord!

Video game actors strike because they fear an attack of the AI clones

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: How to detect a clone

And what happens when we can create realistic holographic images? Then there will be no need for real actors even on stage. Unless it is for the nostalgia of the "theater"!

The music being created by AI is quite good. Better than a lot of the pablum being produces by humans lately. Granted, many of those song writers probably could produce better material but they are being paid well to produce that crap the public wants to consume.AI can produce the same crap!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: How to detect a clone

It already is, SUNO can produce perfect music, lyrics and vocals, including solos, etc. that is virtually indistinguishable from performed music. If they can do this then why not dialog.

Voice acting, unless you want a recognizable celebrity voice, is soon to be a thing of the past! I can see full interactive gaming with NPCs capable if fully interacting with the player. The Union is desperately trying to slow the train that is leaving the station. As much as I detest AI and everything to do with it, we humans are just too stupid to see we are creating our own demise!

Adobe exec likened hidden cloud subscription exit fees to 'heroin', says FTC

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Just a question, did you actually ready the T&S before you signed up?

That seems to be the crux of everyone's problems with this. Now I'll bet Adobe doesn't make that link to the T&S obvious, as does everyone.

This sounds so much like the TurboTax suit, which IMO was BS. The terms of "free" on turbo tax were right in your face. It was their fault that people had no idea what forms they needed to file BEFORE they started filing.

Believe me, I hate Adobe as much as the next guy, but we've come to a place where caveat emptor has been replaced by "I want the nanny state to protect me from my stupidity!"

And yet, the Government has allowed companies like Fabletics to continue their deceitful "failed to chop this month $60.00 penalty" to continue. Where the terms are very easily missed because of the tiny font hidden in a busy checkout screen.

Meta's mass layoff severance agreements illegal, says judge

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Well, here is how this will work now.

"You're out of here! And considering you're going to go out there and bad mouth us to the press, the board, the NLRB, etc. and that is going to cost us a fortune, you get nothing. See Ya!

EU gave CrowdStrike the keys to the Windows kernel, claims Microsoft

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Dave Plummer has a different take on this

Hmmm, could it be to keep the suspicious departure of Joe Biden out of the news cycle?! One wonders!

CrowdStrike file update bricks Windows machines around the world

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

It wasn't Microsoft!

If a repo distributed a broken file to Linux, it could possibly be in the same fate!

Only the diligence of the Linux community has prevented something like this from happening.

CrowdStrike needs to pay a huge price for this!

Here we go again. And again. Musk threatens to pull Twitter, SpaceX out of California

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Business suicide

Because rewarding these people when they do these utterly insane, idiotic things only encourages them to do more. Until California feels the serious pain from the nutty things they do, it will never change.

Business Suicide? Hardly, He will effectively cut his tax burden by 40% and give everyone who relocates to Texas a raise without spending a cent. Texas has no income tax and a significantly lower cost of living.

Although Austin isn't much better than San Fransisco when it's all said and done.

(Though none of you morons will see this, because your heads are shoved so far up your little demoralized Marxist asses you can't even see the world around you!)

GNOME head honcho Holly Million steps down

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

But, she was the most qualified candidate!?

So, the DEI hire failed, I'm shocked!

New Outlook set for GA despite missing some key features

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Well, that's the problem, isn't it! Finance is the giant glacier that moves at a snail's pace with a steadfast resistance to any kind of change. COM add-in as not secure! Management needs to push the Finance departments to make the change and customer need to push venders to develop solutions to get rid of this old and insecure method.

Users rage as Microsoft announces retirement of Office 365 connectors within Teams

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: "Office 365 connectors within Teams will be cut"

So, you think that will stop it from becoming a "critical business system"? One operating company in my employer has a Finance system for almost 20 years that was just this!

It took merging them into another operating company to finally get them to something vaguely modern. They did it kicking and screaming!

Europol says mobile roaming tech is making its job too hard

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

I once took a 4-inch folding knife in my laptop bag onto a plane. I went right through TSA without them seeing it. When I got to my destination I was like, "WTF, how did these idiots not see this?" I would have gladly surrendered it; it was replicable!

So don't think you are safe. The people working airport security are morons. The fact they have not been hit is more luck than skill!

'Skeleton Key' attack unlocks the worst of AI, says Microsoft

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

In all seriousness, why?!

When, in the history of humanity, has restricting information stopped anything?

So ChatGPT will not give you instructions on the making of a Molotov Cocktail. So, we really believe that giving this information will increase the actual use of these devices?

Those who would do harm, will find a way. This just feeds into the mindset that "the public cannot be trusted with the truth!" That it is "for their own good that we (the state) are restricting access to that which we deem dangerous (to the state).

Apple crippled watchOS to corner heart-tracking market, doctors say

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Hmmm...

But so what?!

So they sold a product that connected to the iWatch and enhanced heart monitoring. Apple changes they watch making this accessory no longer functional. There is nothing in the anti-trust laws that states this is against the law! All this anti-trust nonsense is getting out of hand. It's apples product, they can do with it as they please. They are under no obligation to make sure that it continues to function with any accessory no matter what it is. If they change the band connector so that all previous bands cannot be used, is that an anti-trust violation?

This is just laziness on the part of business. Don't create a better product, just sue then the company you've been parasiting off of changes something.

American interest in electric vehicles short circuits for first time in four years

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Structural problem

That is the dealership not the Mfr!

Toyota seems to make quite a profit selling cars and as someone who has owned Toyota products most of my life. I can tell you that I've probably had major repairs twice in almost 40 years!

I have not taken a car in for warranty service EVER!

A car mfr. that has to support their dealer network through service is not a car mfr. you want to buy a car from!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

The SPIN in this article is impressive!

"Nonetheless, the data does not suggest that EVs are inherently worse for the environment."

As long as you do not take into account that the materials for these cars is obtained from environment destroying mining in places inhabited by the black and brown people the acolytes of the Church of Climatology claim to care so much about. In some instances, mined by child slave labor!

"Take Tesla out of the mix, according to data [PDF] from Cox Automotive, and EV sales in the country actually increased 33 percent from Q1 2023 to Q1 2024."

Did the author go to the Joe Biden school of statistics? Take the most popular manufacturer of EVs out of the picture to show sales are up? This is a false twist to change the narrative. If people are going to buy EVs they are going to buy the EV they view as "the best".

The fact is Americans don't want these cars, the certainly don't want then crammed down their throats by the self-righteous priests of the Church of Climatology!

Humanity's satellite habit could end up choking Earth's ozone layer

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: The nice thing about low-orbit constellations

They are not even sure this is even a problem!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: The nice thing about low-orbit constellations

Yes, let's make this all far more expensive and less accessible to everyone (especially the lower income people) to prevent a problem no one is really sure is indeed a problem. All so those who identified the problem, that they aren't really sure is a problem, can say "look, changing this and costing everyone all this money, prevented the thing we were not sure would happen from happening!"

It's the "snake oil salesman" tactic!

US mayors urge Congress to ditch red-tape-slaying broadband expansion bill

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Billions pushed into campaign contributors

And those rural hicks won't see broadband any time soon! And when it finally arrives if you think it is going to be cheap, you would be wrong!

For a 10th of the money being spend here they could buy a StarLink station for every person in these rural areas.

This is typical government, spend billions of dollars and last centuries technology. It analogous to the Generals always fighting the "last war"!

Andrew Tanenbaum honored for pioneering MINIX, the OS hiding in a lot of computers

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Recognition

Knowing what scumbag, money grubbing, scrooges the publishing houses are (and were back in those days) I would assume licensing the OS was part of the deal to get his book published.

These are the same type of people who sued a community web site for sharing guitar tabs (a music notation for guitarists and bass players) for published music. One they eventually lost, thankfully.

And recently they sued online libraries for sharing digital copies of books even though the libraries adhered to the 1 paid for copy downloaded per user rule (same as physical libraries)

Mozilla is trying to push me out because I have cancer, CPO says in bombshell lawsuit

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

The moral of this story`

Too many women on positions of power.

Assuming this "Dani" person is a woman, does she not know anything about the law?

Putting a woman as "interim" anything is going to result is a nasty power struggle when the time comes for that "interim" is about to end without her becoming permanent.

Sorry if this offends some but 30 years dealing with the Corporate environment had learned me these lessons.

Are there good female senior managers? Yes, I work for one right now. Are they the norm? No, they are the exception!

Remember, for most women, their primary motivation is "self-validation!"

NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

More like the Thanos Cult (otherwise known as the over-population cult) will throw up roadblocks in the hope that nothing will get done so they can hide in their bunkers while 2/3 of the world's population is wiped out! They will pop the champaign at that moment!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

This has nothing to do with climate!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Blind optimism at it's worst.

Considering the lies that have been spread by the Church of Climatology, expecting the people to believe them when they say the sky is falling is a great leap.

Biden bans Kaspersky: No more sales, updates in US

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Reds under the bed etc.

You should actually read some real history (hint: Wikipedia ain't it) like the Venona papers.

The majority of those people Senator McCarthy questioned for being Soviet spies or sympathizers, were, in fact, Soviet spies or sympathizers. The end result of McCarthyism wasn't improved liberty and freedom, it was the near unrestricted operation of Soviet spies and influencers in the US.

We are paying the price for this today.

Self-driving cars safer in sunlight, twilight another story

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: It's the kangaroos mate...

And so, we have the situation that is no different than with humans.

The self-driving car kills a man's wife and child. The owner of the self-driving car carries the legal minimal liability insurance, $20K in the US. The insurance company dutifully pays the minimum and nothing more. The father has uninsured/underinsured coverage for say $50K (This is rather expensive in the US) Are the man's loved ones only worth $70K?

While you can't get blood out of a stone, with a human driver you can sue the human. Even if they don't have a lot of money, you can saddle them with a judgement that is likely to hang over them for much of their life. Forcing them to make payments. This fact (or fear) makes a majority of drivers realize they need to be careful on the road. The machine has no such knowledge or fear, it cares not what might happen in the future, because once it is destroyed, it ceases to exist, not that it cares about that either.

We have already seen what self-driving passenger aircraft has achieved with the recent problems at Boeing! The absolute idiocy that someone decided that the machine was better at operating the aircraft than the human to the point where the human was prevented from overriding the machine. Is that the next evolution of the self-driving car? Will it take many deaths before these "geniuses" realize the errors of their thinking?

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Staying in your lane and maintaining speed of traffic

If you properly adjust your mirrors, in 90% of cars you will not have a blind spot.

While stationary, find an object that is at the outer edge of your rear-view mirror, then adjust the side mirror so that object is at the inner edge of that mirror. Repeat for the other side.

If you learned to drive with your side mirrors pointed down the side of the vehicle it will take time to get used to this new configuration, you also need to trust your rear-view mirror. You will see other cars right up to the point where they become visible in your side mirror.

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: This depends entirely on the hardware

The biggest problem with twilight is direct sunlight. If you live in an area with flat topography, like here in Florida, where I live, these times are hazardous even for people. The sun can be directly in your eyes, literally blinding you. I assume the same is true for sensors. Then you have to take into account that other, human, drivers are experiencing the same thing and may do something unexpected. Can machine make that judgement?

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Lower self driving accidents in some scenarios

"Many drivers behavior alters based on (often seemingly stereotypical interpretations of) the vehicles & drivers they see *

You are making the flawed assumption that they actually see you. As someone who drives a small, low to the ground, black car, I can assure you they do not! In the time I have owned and driven this car I have gained a new appreciation for the plight of motorcycle riders, any thought of owning and riding one is completely gone from my mind.

So now we need to believe that a machine's sensors can detect a low small car whose color is nearly identical to the road surface while travelling at speeds that require split second decisions.

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: Cars can't safely drive themselves

People in wheelchairs can drive just fine! I've knows several in my life. One of them routinely took his 4-wheel drive truck out mudding and off roading! As a passenger it was a most terrifying experience watching a man do this with only his hands but once you get over the initial shock you gelt quite safe with him.

An able-bodied person who "can't drive" is someone who will not learn. Someone who is so debilitated that absolutely cannot drive doesn't need to be in a self-driving car either. Not until the car is fully sentient and aware and can make sound reasonable judgement on any arising situation.

US Surgeon General wants cigarette-style health warning labels on social networks

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Re: ...because adults are an entirely different species, of course

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor, neighbor you, you, you, you, you live, live, live, live, live, in, in, in, in, in, an, an, an, an, an, echo, echo, echo, echo, echo, chamber, chamber, chamber, chamber, chamber!

The story of the pot and the kettle comes to mind!

Cliffwilliams44 Silver badge

Incompetence at it's highest

Can this regime even try to solve serious problems? All we hear out of them are these sound bite solutions.
