Re: Fascinating stuff
MrReal, I did not say the Saturn V uses reheat.
It doesn't.
I know that.
Nowhere have I said it does, so please stop putting word into my mouth and try to engage some common-sense and actually try to understand what I'm saying.
My point about reheat is a straight forward rebuttle of your argument that burning fuel "outside of the engine" is pointless; my mention of reheat is to show the ignorance of your argument. Reheat does indeed burn fuel "outside of the engine". The reheat system quite literally sprays raw fuel into the exhaust of the jet engine.
In other words . . "outside of the engine". (You'll notice the variable-camber 'petal leaf' arrangement on the exhaust nozzles of jet-fighter engines, for example, which is mounted on the extreme aft end of the engine and thus outside the combustion chamber).
Again, please bear in mind the exhaust nozzle is 'outside of the engine', to use your words.
Please understand that the term "reheat" is a straight-forward description of what such a system does; it reheats the exhaust.
Finally, you have said:
"You do realise that nowhere on the ENTIRE internet does NASA mention 'reheat' on any rocket motor at all? Oh God, my sides."
. . . well!
A few posts ago you implied the NASA website was full of lies, yet you now use that same 'website of lies' in an attempt to justify your deliberate misinterpretation of my post.
. . . has Nursey been forgetting your tablets again?