Re: Monoculture
Is it really smugness or a basic expectation of some working practices that aren't about the bottom line for such a wealthy company?
50 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Feb 2019
Genuine victim!
You are kidding here, aren't you?
It's like Boeing accepting parts for the new launcher of the back of a truck and fitting them without question or inspec ... oh.
Of course they are culpable as it's their OS and laissez faire attitude to inserting any old crap in there on an almost daily basis.
This fault was easily discoverable, I would have thought, had there been any systems that nurture the most basic curiosity in play.
Yes, this. It would be nice to see congress losing it's shit about MS the way they do about DJI or others not on their shores.
And then doing something to ensure they meet required standards before dumping their not well planned products onto the market.
Europe banning it on security grounds would be a good start.
No, they're not at all.
Plenty of pics available of tables full of self assembled 7" and upward drones should be a clue as well as the video feeds of them ending Russian soldiers which are little more than a Betaflight screen.
Remember most are for one time use!
A lot will run on Arduino or ARM ST32 level CPU's that are little more than serial multiplexers with a video channel that can run a few Mb code and are the common architecture in use so best of luck running anything AI/ML on them!
Was sure I saw a teardown of a DJI with an Intel 960 powering them or do they have their own homegrown equivalent now?
Seems strange most atl complaining about turning away from TV because of some basic identity and security requirements!
Doesn't then excuse the parent company being compromised on it's own network but you can imagine them being a prime target seeing how many organisations they have some reach into via their software.
Still one of the best remote solutions out there though.
Yep, this does seem a plausible explanation that would warrant some inspection.
I also wonder if the sustained attacks on MS infrastructure are behind the piss poor performance of their online products of late(Azure AD, I'm looking at you!) or if they are doing that themselves with an opportunity to screw things up every patch Tuesday.
Waste of space human talks gibberish he doesn't understand!
The thought that these Ministers would be let anywhere near LLM is laughable as they generally don't know their arse from their elbow having been mostly spoon fed through life.
I have no doubt there is a use for LLM in most walks of life where repetition can be identified and automated but do me a favour.
Imagine the carnage at government offices that face the public when computer says no and there's no recourse, cue broken Johnny cabs all over the shop!
So, new battery technology, a long range drone solution, smell sensors and, no doubt, a raft of other useful and novel products beyond the main hall, instead writing a snarky gripe piece about <enter name of big corp here> and all things I'd rather be reading about but won't get to do so here. Nice job!
Personally I think the desktop format is a huge drag on innovation.
I'd hoped we'd all be chatting freely with our digital assistants by now with some version of G Glass hooked up to our personal devices aka phones.
With some serious back end support as per G Goggles and some of that there AI to help.
Now THAT would be an innovation despite it all being pretty current and implementable.
Have waited years for a tool that can take a sung melody and orchestrate it aka rubbish sound to midi converters so the MusicAI tool will be hugely welcomed by me for one. I can play guitar to a decent level and keyboard not so much so will be useful for converting from my most proficient and creative instrument to others as well. I'll still be slightly pissed at bods without ANY learnt musical skills being able to knock out an opus by just humming it in but, hey, them's the breaks!
'Word for Windows would go from obscurity to accounting for 90 percent of the word processor market by revenue in under 10 years.'
Yeah, right, all by being the best, eh?!
WordPad was more than adequate for most user scenarios and don't get me started on the proprietary doc formats, still the only thing keeping it relevant and top dog today!
I hate it when El Reg does these awful, lazy puff pieces.
Did the author work in Marketing(department of words n pictures) at some point!
So it's now a mini mobo for running linux and, in the near future, windows!?
When the scope is reduced to, as seems BTL and in the article, running a hand crafted media centre or just some limited desktop variant then I think it's somewhat lost it's way.
I get to use ARM ST32 variants running Betaflight and INAV on 20x20mm flight controller boards for quads and for something micro-controlling or low power data logging in some fashion would likely see me looking for a PIC, maybe the ones with a BASIC compiler added(sweet!) or something Arduino like.
'This is not the hobbyist board you are looking for!'
Maate, please grow up a bit and stop, just stop buying into the idea anyone needs this shiny crap refreshed on an annual basis!
Also, referring to a 2019 phone as 'vintage' is just plain dumb.
Moto G4 still going strong for me on all the things you'd want a smartphone to do tho I'd avoid selfies at our age.
Do it! Go on, do it!
Just do it then and watch it become the zero rated platform it really is!
I only end up there via links from respected publishers who will also, hopefully, abandon it with a paywall in place 'cos they won't reach enough of an audience.
I don't have/use a login and now I can't see the nasty replies to twits or view the feed for videos of cute cats on a browser which are the only reasons I dip my toes in on occasion.
I'm not bitter at all!
Not buying the new shiny white thing every one or two years would be a good start, sheeple!
I run a circa 10 yr old fat iMac n Moto G4 without missing out on much I need tho a better camera will eventually cause me to go get summit and, yes, I sniff my own farts!
On a serious note, this truly shows Apple up in the light it deserves.
They could, of course, choose to make their shiz somewhere slightly less profitable but, cos of, won't.
Corruption of the highest order is why they used it, obvs! The UK Govt already had secure comms in place but they were monitored so not fit for their purpose! So they decided to use a meeting platform that routed via middle earth along with this wotsapp farce where it was always obvious it was 'cos they are corrupt, to the highest order.
Why aren't the American financial securities not all over this guy again for shitting around with share prices on twatter again, only this time re a big mouth, not so cunning stunt purchase of the actual twatter itself?
Can't someone please just ban his account!
I for one hope the alternative platform(s) get some serious traction and exposure and shove his new baby the way of the NFT.
I mean, it's just a public version of texts on t'web!
UI's wont significantly change until we move away from monitors controlled by hands on kb n mouse.
Touch screens on different format devices have significantly changed how we use UI's, mostly one handed/fingered.
Would be nice if the next iteration could be some glass type eyeOS (literally) with heavily utilised voice commands to get us away from our desks, the modern day secret killer.
With MS taking their main desktop products to 365 land and the general under usage that most workers put their devices too, I'm surprised they're not seen as a decent alternative for corporations to fit out their workforces with and save huge amounts of money in the process.
Decent starter units come in around £150 against our current corporate Windows laptops at around the £700 mark!
Saying that, I am increasingly biased here as I really, really fluffing hate supporting muggles with Windows laptops nowadays, especially in the corporate arena with anything other than domain admin rights, which I don't got in a tiered environment at 2nd line level.
This isn't helped by said muggles seemingly getting generally dumber as time goes on, for any number of reasons.
My experience and that of others I know who use them is that they're sleek and slick and provide pretty good coverage for personal productivity and home use for almost all tasks bar bloaty Adobe/Photoplop and serious music tools tho, saying that, my only paid for platform for the former is available on Linux and works well on my workstation as the APPROPRIATE tool for the job.
Also, I'm just not that picky about imaging and video tools, cos it ain't exactly rocket science, is it!
And breathe!
This was a bag o' shitty nails from day one of being overrepresented by our own disaster here in the UK, Blowjob Johnson, and, in it's first iteration seen as OK for Government Ministers to meet over, routed via switches in China, had no e2 anything and had a freindface scraping tool embedded.
All the while, working platforms already existed and there will have been at least one other recommended by our own security services.
How did this piece of c**p ever gain any market traction and why wasn't it binned in the first instance by security services around the globe is a question that will never be answered.
Wonder why?
Still striving to get the os running well and reliably on ANY hardware and still trying to get their own office products to work with their os and their other products! They couldn't integrate a cock with an arse! End users generally don't need more than a Chromebook and it offers a great user experience and is easily maintained. Be brave!
Yes, accepted to a point (it's effect are widespread in advanced states) but it doesn't scan quite as well with any other lazy acronym, hence my lazy use of this one to suit my point.
I know it's not clever but thought it made the point with the tiniest degree of humour.
Just saying!
Mine the one with the Bernard Manning joke book in the pocket.