People leave for bad reasons.
Unfortunately its something I've seen before, and all my colleagues have seen the same in multiple companies. The most common type of harassment seen is bullying or just generally very unpleasant behaviour from people senior enough that the company won't take action. It's very rarely overt (eg overly aggressive behaviour or shouting), more things like not listening to people's concerns, misinformation (or even gaslighting), ignoring expert contributions, favouritism, "forgetting" to supply information etc. Small things that are really damaging if they build up too much over time.
I work in hi-tech fields (not "tech", but physical technology) and work with very highly skilled people, so if things get bad enough people just walk. It's not worth the fight, and our skills are in demand. However, its not a good reason for leaving and puts people in bad situations. If you're leaving because you've found a better job, great. However, if you're leaving because you just can't take the company culture anymore you're in a much worse situation. I've seen many people leave without a job to go to, which is risky even for highly skilled people. There is no guarantee that you will be able to find an equivalent job straight away, and people often get lower quality or inappropriate jobs because they need to pay rent/mortgage/whatever and they cannot wait for the "right" job.
And there's not much you can do really. The courts? Well generally people need something more immediate, and cannot wait months/years for a solution (as well as all the time, stress and money needed for the courts). Dealing with it internally? If that was working we wouldn't be posting here. Post a negative review on glassdoor? It may give a bit of catharsis, but its not an solution to the problem.