* Posts by KevinFanch

11 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Apr 2019

Android OS vendor variants transmit data with no opt-out


/e/ is the best option if you want privacy

It is apparent that all major brand mobile phones suck out a lot of private data. Even Lineage collects a lot of data, even without Google Apps installed.

With /e/ you get privacy by default. I use it daily, and there is no reason even non-tech-savvy would not use it. I wish more people would use it.

1Password has none, KeePass has none... So why are there seven embedded trackers in the LastPass Android app?


We need more private OS for phones

I use /e/ and its app store already shows how many trackers each app has. It gives you an idea which app is OK to use and which one not. It also doesn't send private data to Google unlike stock Android, which is a huge feature, if you care about privacy.

Android without Google – and yes it has apps: The Reg talks to founder about the /e/ smartphone


Re: Can I just have an App that removes Google

Then you want exactly /e/

Totally free OS. Nothing that ties you to a company. And the best part it is easy to install and use. There is an easy installer which can be used by non-tech people.


Re: OK, but

Well, actually you don't have to have an /e/ account. It works fine without an account.


Re: Thanks for the article

This should be solved soon, and you will be able to uninstall default apps


Its mostly hit or miss. Some bank apps work, others don't. You can check the forum


Re: It's OK... But...

In the next version you should be able to remove default apps.

When you tell Chrome to wipe private data about you, it spares two websites from the purge: Google.com, YouTube


Let's stop using Google products

Just a bug? I wonder if it would have ever been fixed if it wasn't reported.

Isn't it time to escape Googles grip o our private data. I found the easyest way to delete my Google account and switch to /e/ from e foundation on my mobile, which is ungoogled android made for privacy. Because it doesn't share data with Google, I can still use android apps while being private.

Stop tracking me, Google: Austrian citizen files GDPR legal complaint over Android Advertising ID


This is great but we cannot wait this lawsuit to save us. It is time to switch to privacy respecting operating systems such as /e/ from e foundation, which is ungoogled android and doesn't share data with Google.

UK snubs Apple-Google coronavirus app API, insists on British control of data, promises to protect privacy


You can easily stop tracking

I don't know about the government app but you can easily stop Google and Apple from tracking you especially important after they forcefully install contact tracing on your phone. The best way is to switch to /e/ from e foundation. It is ungoogled android which does not send any data to Google but still lets you use android apps. It is great for privacy.

One step forward and one step back for Apple's privacy campaign with latest Safari build


I learned that Apple is sending more than 5MB data to Google everyday as Google is default search engine in iOS, it’s creepy! See https://e.foundation/privacy-facts/ . This is not what privacy conscious people want, and not what i want! We need a more ethical mobile OS like what the eFoundation offers. I’ve been testing the beta version of /e/ (e.foundation) on my Samsung Galaxy S9 and it works great. Go and check it out on their website: https://e.foundation