Incoming fail?
Is it be, can it be standards compliance tiem plz?
20 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Sep 2007
"The researchers justify continuation of these experiments with a lot of fancy talk about tracking the genetic markers and learning how to create stable, transgenic monkeys for future experiments. But, in the end we all know that, like us, they really only wanted to throw decadent and hilarious monkey raves. "
My theory is it's down to mental fortitude. Living in Glasgow where it is almost permanently cold and wet you have one of two options. Either
A) Step out the door with a mind-boggling array of coats, fleeces, scarves, snoods, boots, thermals, brollies, gloves, windbreakers etc in a pathetic and doomed attempt to stay warm and dry
B) Man up, accept your fate and live with it.
P.S. I have one thing to say to the guy who outrageously suggested that there are, in existence, 'bonny lassies' in Aberdeen - Pictures or it never happened.
Clearly what is required is a small triangular spaceship which fires lasers out it's nose, is capable of 360 degree rotation and has a thruster. While bigger asteroids may require hits to break them up i'm confident that at 270m one shot should be enough to vapourise it
In the last generation of consoles I was an admitted PS2 fanboy. When the time came to join the next-gen a quick scan of review scores on gamespot and gamespy made my decision to purchase a 360 easy. For example head over to gamespy just now and take a look of games that have been tagged 'editors picks'. The 360 has 23 while the PS3 has 6. I personally think the PS3 is a superior machine but it could be a powerful as a bag full of Cray's but if there are only 6 great games I'm going to tire of it quickly. I expect and hope the PS3 mounts a comeback towards the tailend of this generations lifetime because supporting MS in any way is making me feel dirty.
Oh and the Wii is gimmicky nonsense. Sure people will say it's outselling Xbox & PS3 but its a last gen machine you'd be as well saying that a nokia are winning the next gen battle because you can play games on them and more moby phones have been sold than all the consoles combined