Re: OTOH...
Yea, fair. Quick google (oops, conflict of interest noted) says Google make about 50% more revenue than Apple from their app store, but that's from 3 times as many devices, so it feels like Apple are taking the piss a little bit more.
I don't like Amazon's margins either but they do ply their trade in more of a marketplace of sorts, just one which has a very powerful network effect. You are free to go to other publishers, or free to set up your own online store and avoid giving them their 15% tax(*). You just have to put more effort into marketing. It's a bit the same but a bit different, and a real challenge for competition regulators. Facebook, X, etc benefit from network effect too but it's easier to see that working against them in a myspace-type scenario than with Amazon and Google which have such a colossal capital investment in physical assets and fingers in so many pies. They need breaking up, but it's hard to see either US or international commitment to that any time soon.
(*) Hey Mr Trump, shouldn't that count as a tariff, like VAT?