* Posts by Radioman

3 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Sep 2007

Femtocells know you're home again - but so what?


Re: Been thinking of this for a long time....

It's called UMA. When at home it routes calls over VoIP over WiFi, and when out of range of your WiFi it uses cell phone newtork. Orange market it as Unik phone, not sure how many of the other operators offer it.

The one downside is you need an UMA capable phone, and there aren't that many around.

Google Maps Mobile knows where you are


Doesn't work

Tried downloading it, but does not work for my location in UK. This is probably because I am covered by an Orange in-building pico cell, and Google's data gathering may have missed it. I wonder if there is a way for users to volunteer location info for such situations?

Cells 'react' to GSM signals claims research


Why just cell phones?

Why is it only cell phones which are accused in these scare stories? The 875Mhz frequency used in this study is a broadcast TV frequency in the UK, not used for cell phones. And TV transmitters typically transmit a LOT more power than cell phone ones. So shouldn't the headline read "X-Factor causes cancer" or suchlike? When we ban cell phones, we also need to ban all forms of radio and TV broadcasts, police, ambulance & fire communications, taxi companies, all air travel (or fly without radar), microwave ovens etc and go back into our caves!