Re: Cyber Pass
There is the BBC, but the majority of the content on their website has been Skynet references. The first 1,000,000 or so were amusing.
143 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jan 2019
very slighty off topic apologies, but is this a place to say that "ai" could kill the net? false positives kicking people off their social media accounts (instagram), generating useless "for you" feeds
I reckon ai could even generate "pretend" comments, so if no one is seeing your (instagram?) content (now that the search feature has been removed), you'll get pretend comments from ai, so you'll think they are..
settings menu's seemed to be 2 or 3 columns (grey background, white box), which was fine. chrome and firefox now seem to have a single setting on each row. which to me wastes a lot of horizontal screen space, and the colour scheme is light grey on white. which sort of sux. maybe you're not meant to change the settings
I do know that in about 94 I attempted a backup of some files using MS backup to floppy. they spanned about 14 disks. one of the disk reads failed and I lost the entire lot.
I did learn things from that
a friend also did a hard drive backup in about 2010. he had two identical model and capacity disks, and he picked the wrong one to write to, and lost everything on that disk. X-s. I learnt things from that too - having different manufracturer hard disks can help you choose the right one
yeah to all of that.....
I mean also, someone who was 'tech admin staff' in an army barracks once told me officers were proud of not being able to use technology - cos they drive ships and captain planes. that's what they're proud of
I recently had some (totally inneffective) dealings with the police (someone committed something against me). the police were a.b.s.o.l.u.t.e.l.y u.s.e.l.e.s.s. and the officer who was "dealing" (h-a-h) with my case, declared loudly "this isn't my area of expertise" (in response to question about recommended CCTV).
any companies that deal with things that aren't tech-related (which is most of them, because tech is the specialised subject), appear to be loud and proud that technology isn't their subject
does this have to change? (does this have to change?) (does. this. have. to. change?) more, more, more, more subjects, technology is becoming *core and integral* to the job description
the only thing people can really do, is vote. and by vote, I mean spoil their vote, and if the entire country spoils there vote, see what happens.
and if the entire country spoiling their vote means the same political circus party remains in power, that confirms that the voting system is corrupt
and that's great
ah...what's going on here. mho on something which has lots of angles...
soc/media is un policeable....
why was the most powerful man in the world making announcements on twitter anyway (because it's unfiltered thoughts)
is this proof that the big names combined, "are definitely" more powerful than governments. which we sort of knew......
twitter (and fb) was loving it. priceless publicity, priceless attention
if your average user gets banned, they get annoyed
if the guy with his hand on the nuclear button (or a crazed republican following) gets banned, it's 3...2...1...
during the past 18 months, twitters alexa rank has gone from about 12, to about 40
daily users from about 4 million to 2 million
whatever twitter is doing, it isn't really working.
(whether the user number landslide is because people have lost the phone number they use to get access to their account and "appeals" doesn't reply, I don't know)
personally...I think all social media has become one big algorithm database experiment. the big names know they have enough users they can lose a few with a few wrong algorithms
"It's better to be safe than sorry" - this phrase is being used to say "false positives" are ok. no they aren't. false positives can be just as negative as missing the real thing.
it's like email security*. keeping the right people out is just as harmful as letting the wrong people in. no.....false positives aren't good enough. great for capitalism, but not for that diagnosis.
*I can't let this one slide without mentioning instagram. who are currently/last few weeks locking loads of peoples accounts under the guise of "security", when it's actually under the guise of "your aren't uploading enough profit for us, so we're locking your account out". you know. pandemic. more people online. facebook wants more profit. (this is why your insta stats have gone down - cos other ppl have got locked out)
m.o. on chrome is it's horrible. it's got nasty config screens (what happened to white checkboxes on grey backgrounds (aka xp style) - works for anything else), one of it's main functions appears to make it harder for you to delete specific parts of your history. (tbh, even if a browser/application did allow you to delete individual history (firefox - also very rubbish cookie control in chrome compared to firefox), there's no guarantee that the only person who was losing access to the data you were deleting is you) - your "deleted info" might still go back to the large mirrored buildings, or buildings shaped a bit like circular radiation signs.