Re: A bridge too many
That is where I think we disagree. It did not remove a feature, it fixed a security hole that was being exploited. If it removed a feature that was advertised, supported, or even sudo supported than I would agree but that does not seem to be the case. Since the inception of software upgrades, this has always been the case. If part of their model is auto-updating their software, they do have a right to make changes to project their products. What if they did not do this and the security issue was exploited and as a result, more people were affected? I know as a customer using the product, I would not be too happy about that especially if I found out they did not patch it because people were using an undocumented API.
We have phones that are constantly being updated to fix security issues. If doing so breaks a hack or exploits an API whose purpose is internal and is being exploited by some Application that is found a way to get to it and that App breaks it is not the phone companies issue.. the developer of that App was going around the supported SDK to accomplish something that he felt was cool. he took a risk and it bit him. This has happened a number of times in the past and it sucks to be the consumer in the middle, but the device is not being used as intended or advertised.
Here is another good example.
A few years back DirectTV starting updating their boxes with software which included pirate boxes. Then one day (Super Bowl Sunday) they flipped the switch and Put up a "Game Over" on all the pirate boxes. Here is a case where someone found how to exploit DirecTV and DirectTV close the door on them.
I can even go back to OS/2 and single message queue fix that broke a huge number of applications because of a low-level change in an upgrade they did to fix a bug that people were exploiting or miscoding to.
I know I am not going to convenience the people whose equipment stopped working, but from my experience of 30 years developing and managing software projects I have been in situations where we have done just this, later to regret it but I knew at the beginning the risks and thought it was the right thing to do at the time it sucked when the party was over.