Re: Expiry Date Never
Started using DYN back in the early 2000's and was grandfathered in as a supporter too. But really, haven't needed it for 10 years. Time to dust off the old account and see what's new.
13 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Dec 2018
I've tried contacting TP-Link and they seem to abandon hardware in favour of consumer purchasing the next model. That doesn't work for me and really disappointed with most residential router manufactures. This nonsense needs to change or bring in legislation requiring retailers to plant a big sticker on these things saying not secure and no longer updated by manufacture.
I'm not so sure tiles was the main factor to the demise of WM. I think, the power of the use anything else, just because crowd mislead everyone in to believing Android and Apple protected our privacy, were safer and weren't greedy as the main reason and then the app gap began. History has proven, no phone is invincible to failure.
If you beat the insurmountable odds to become a scientist, capable of writing papers (not doodling with crayons) and a Trump supporter, that in and of itself would be news worthy and I'd gladly eat crow. But lets be honest for a second. Trump supporters "ain't got's the time for all that science kinda stuffs".