* Posts by Ingenity

2 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Dec 2018

Audacity users stick the knife – and fork – in to strip audio editor of unwanted features


Re: Certainly, it can't be called "Audacity"

"The Audacity"

Nothing quite like having The Audacity

And lo! Tim Cook becometh tech Jesus. But with more awards


Cook may have said that but it's all bugrash in the practices

""I sometimes say that I worry less about computers that think like people and more about people that think like computers, without values or compassion, without concern for consequences,"

--- Spoken during a humanitarian award acceptance speech from the guy who presides over technology theft, pays way less than a fair share of state/federal taxes, renditions all the dirty, toxic work done in China by underpaid, suicidal labour and has the balls to charge hipsters 500x to look cool while they are creating and social justicing.