* Posts by 1752

77 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2018


A Notepad nightmare leaves sysadmin with something totally unprintable



That makes me a whipper snapper then. When I was a lad OS/2 was Warp 4 and three floppies and a CD.

Remembering Y2K call-outs and the joy of the hourly contractor rate


Re: Year 19100

I took it 128 was meant, so 1 more than 127 a signed byte?

Tracking President Trump with cellphone location data, Greta-Thunberg-themed malware, SharePoint patch, and more


Advanced Persistent Threat

Perhaps it is a foot in the door. Will we get follow up of 'school encrypted ransom demanded' ?

Oh noes! Half the NHS runs on Windows 7! Thankfully, here's Citrix with a virty vaccine



They finished painting the Forth Bridge in 2011

Bandwidth weirdness at TalkTalk has customers fuming at being denied on-demand I'm A Celeb


Re: Talk Talk?

Hello, my name is anon, and I'm (sob sob), a Talk Talk customer...

High-resolution display output or Wi-Fi: It seems you can only choose one on Raspberry Pi 4


Re: Interference

Is that what the artist formally known as Prince was singing about?

Email! HUH! Yeah. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing...


Version 1.1

I know what was need, Support Pack 1 for the mailing list!

Complete with keyboard and actual, literal, 'physical' escape key: Apple emits new 16" $2.4k+ MacBook Pro


Re: Selective deafness

Thinking the same about laptops. Twas 5 years ago could buy a laptop that I could upgrade the memory and disk on and keep it going (Windows laptop cheaper end). Now nothing and fixed.

Next year's Windows 10 comes bounding into the Slow Ring, which means 19H2 waits in the wings

IT Angle



Download tool updated to 1909. Get it whilst its hot...

Masters of Puppet say: There's no magical one-size-fits-all answer to doing DevOpsery


Re: Cannot stop the Battery...

Came straight to the comments to see if anybody commented on the image, the only comments are about the image!

Rust in peace best thrash album for me (but again that was the first one I listened too)

Linky revisited: How the evil French smart meter escaped Hell to taunt me


Re: the ability to remotely disconnect


"If you are a domestic (non-business customer), water companies can't, by law, disconnect or restrict your water supply if you owe them money. "

But they will take out a County Court Judgment for the debt and pass it to a debt collector.

Hey, it's Google's birthday! Remember when they were the good guys?



Basically ads, it says 'anonymously generated solely based on the search term you entered'

Turn your ad blocker off it will show 3 ads the top of each search.

Behold the perils of trying to turn the family and friends support line into a sideline


Re: Scraping the barrel this week?

I can reverse this, so back in day a fax did not work. IT told to help some odd phone system tapping about in in shell looked fine comparing config etc. Fax still not working, another fax not working. Third party called and arrive on site we demonstrate the issue. They change the cable (yes we had always used the same cable to the fax machine when testing) and it worked. Opps. Third party cheerfully said 'I always check the cable'.

Switch about to get real: Openreach bod on the challenge of shuttering UK's copper phone lines


Biddy biddy

Did look it up on the wiki by cos in the 25 century, so it appears it was 2491*

*No down vote by me, but maybe it was for this reason?

In Hemel Hempstead, cycling is as bad as taking a leak in the middle of the street



See title.

Silly money: Before you chuck your chequebook away, triple-check that super-handy digital coin


Re: Bullion's where it's at

Silver bullion in the UK has 25% tax on purchase (Gold does not). Adding this for any UK peeps, quick look US looks different.

FCC boosts broadband competition by, er, banning broadband competition in buildings

Big Brother


linking doublespeak with George Orwell and 1984 makes no sense to me. Newspeak and Doublethink and two different concepts and neither link to doublespeak as far as I can see.

Quit worrying about killer robots, they are coming whether you like it or not – and they absolutely will not stop



Any legistation will do nothing. Example, carpet bombing banned. But cluster bombing? Same thing to me.

Oh dear. Secret Huawei enterprise router snoop 'backdoor' was Telnet service, sighs Vodafone


Re: Telnet

MS stopped shipping Telnet Server in Windows 10 \ Server 2016. Also as someone else noted even now the client is not installed by default.

Former HP CEO Léo Apotheker tells court he didn't read Autonomy's latest accounts before fated $11bn buyout


I will get my coat

Just testing the icon :)

Bah! Still the troll icon!!!

What do sexy selfies, search warrants, tax files have in common? They've all been found on resold USB sticks


Re: I think we can blame the operating systems

Not that I know IOS that well, but that has a 'erase disk' option from memory on the format part of the disk thingy.

Prodigy dancer and vocalist Keith Flint found dead aged 49


Out Of Space (Audio Bullys mix)

The song for me RIP.

DXC Technology utters words 'hiring' and 'digital' 105 times in Q3 earnings car-crash


Re: Que?

"DXC Technology is the world's leading independent, end-to-end IT services and solutions company,"

Nope, me neither. My attempt at understanding leads me to "management listens to cloud enabler moves everything to cloud via third party via promises of money, sunshine lollipops and rainbow"

Stop, collaborate, and listen: Microsoft Teams gets an Atlassian glisten


To Cold


People say tabloid hacks are always looking for an angle. This time, they'd be right: Tilting disk of proto-planets spotted


Re: And matter is just +ve -ve and electric force

“Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather.”

― Bill Hicks

Ding dong merrily on high. In Berkeley, the bots are singeing: Self-driving college cooler droid goes up in flames


Here I am, brain the size of a planet, and they ask me to take you a sandwitch. Call that job satisfaction, ’cause I don’t.

Question: How fast is the Windows 10 October 2018 Update rolling out? Answer: Not very


Re: If you start with the premise...


Not used this for awhile, but looking it should work still.
