* Posts by not a coward scumbags

1 publicly visible post • joined 19 Nov 2018

Scumbags cram Make-A-Wish website with coin-mining malware

not a coward scumbags

cryptocurrency is malware

Another reason that cryptocurrency is just another way to get everyone to infect everybody's computer with malware to generate fake useless currency with real resources like electricity.

Cryptocurrency is just a sad pathetic excuse for coders to code malware and attack people's computers for profit.

The electricity that is wasted on a currency that ironically needs electricity to operate is immense and the little bit of chump change you get out of it isn't going to buy you anything.

This is why cryptocurrency chumps are rolling out malware attack after malware attack and infecting all of their relatives computers so that they can go to the local Bitcoin cash in or whatever it's called and by drugs or other black-market material.

If it was up to me I would ban all forms of cryptocurrency and you bet that all viruses malware spyware and other forms of attacks would go down by 50%.

Cryptocurrency isn't the future. The future is actually where we use real resources like the real electricity that's generated with resources like coal natural gas wind hydroelectric and not waste them in some stupid attempt to prove that a software-based currency looks kind of cool.

All forms of currency are evil especially cryptocurrency because if you look at all the cryptocurrency millionaires they have their hands dipped into criminality and malware.

Using a block and chain software for anything is pathetic considering that it costs real electricity which is generated with real resources that are really being wasted by all these internet nerds trying to steal from every vulnerable computer they can get their hands on.

It's also sad because of these greedy idiots the prices of graphics cards CPUs and other computer materials go up because they're no longer used for playing games watching Netflix businesses or casual browsing they are used to fund cryptocurrency for the black market.